• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
    World Harmony Run

  • 1,000,000 Participants

    Across 6 Continents
    1,000,000 Participants

  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

    100 countries
    Dreaming of Harmony

  • Schools And Kids

    Make a Wish for Peace
    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

  • New York, USA

    New York

  • London, Great Britain

    Great Britain

  • Shakhovskaya, Russia


  • Around Australia

    15,000 kms, 100 days
    Around Australia

  • Around Ireland

    14 Days, 1500km
    Around Ireland

  • Wanaka, New Zealand

    New Zealand

  • Arjang, Norway


  • Rekjavik, Iceland


  • Beijing, China


  • Prague, Czech Republic

    Czech Republic

  • Belgrade, Serbia


  • Lake Biwa, Japan

    Lake Biwa

  • Kapsait, Ethiopia


  • Pangkor Island, Malaysia

    Pangkor Island

  • Bali, Indonesia


  • The All Blacks, New Zealand

    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Iceland 21 July: Borgarnes - Reykjavik

Our next location was Borganes.

Næsti viðkomustaður friðarhlauparanna var Borganes.

The Mayor of Borganes, Páll S. Brynjarsson, received the torch and congratulated the runners on their endevors.

Sveitarstjórinn á Borgarnesi, Páll S. Brynjarsson, tók við Friðarkyndlinum og óskaði hlaupurunum til hamingju með framtak þeirra.


We ran with the local sports team, Skallagrímur.

Við hlupum með krökkum úr Skallagrími.

We sang the offical World harmony Run Song composed by our founder.

Við sungum Friðarhlaups lagið sem samið var af stofnanda hlaupsins.

Feeling the peace.

Friðurinn fundinn.

Taking a few symbolic steps for peace.

Nokkur skref tekin á átt til friðar.

High fives all around.

Gefðu mér fimm.

Thank you Borganes for your support.

Takk fyrir stuðninginn Borganes.

The sisters from the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa view a picture of Mother Teresa holding the Torch with the founder Sri Chinmoy.

Nunnur frá Móður Teresu söfnuðinum skoða myndir af Móður Teresu halda á friðarkyndlinum með stofnanda hlaupsins Sri Chinmoy.

Praying for peace.

Beðið fyrir friði.

Running to the next town Akranes.

Lagt af stað til Akraness.

Waiting for the runners with the flaming torch.

Beðið í ofvæni eftir logandi kyndlinum.

Running to the stadium in Akranes for a ceremony.

Hlaupið með knattspyrnuliði ÍA.

The Mayor of Akranes, Árni múli Jónsson, received the torch on behalf of the people of Akranes.

Bæjarstjóri Akraness Árni múli Jónsson tekur við kyndlinum fyrir hönd bæjarins.

... playing some games.

... við fórum í nokkra leiki.

Finding inner joy.

Fundið fyrir innri gleði.

Wishing for peace in the world.

Óskað sér friðar í heiminum.

Racing around the "world."

Hlaupið umhverfis heiminn.

I have Australia on my mind.

Ég hef Ástralíu í huga.

Many countries, many friends.

Mörg lönd, margir vinir.

Thank you for supporting the run by running with us with big smiles.

Stutt við hlaupið með bros á vör.

Thank you very much Akranes.

Takk kærlega fyrir okkur Akranes.


Almost ready for the 3km swim across the fjord.

Næstum tilbúnir.

"Yes! Thank you for calling mother I´ll be careful. It´s only 3km in the freezing water." (actually 10 C)

Já! Ég fer varlega móðir mín kær. Þetta eru aðeins 3km í ísköldum sjónum.

Like our outdoor swimming pool?

Eins og sundlaugin í bakgarðinum heima?

Crossing the fjord.

Farið yfir fjörðinn.

Gangane looking to cool off.

Gangane kælir sig niður.

Sumahat swims without any hesitation.

Sumahat syndir ótrauður áfram.

Dennis swims like a seal.

Dennis syndir eins og selur.

Can i come aboard?

Má ég fá far.

Heating up after the cooling down.

Hitað sig upp eftir langt sund.

... waiting for the Iceman.

... beðið eftir ísmanninum.

The Iceman cometh...

Komið upp úr sjónim.

Hann kemur askvaðandi upp úr sjónum.

... saying a few freezing words to warm our hearts.

... nokkur köld orð til að verma hjartað.

We thank the rescue team from Akranes very much for escorting us over the fjord.

Þökkum björgunarsveit Akraness kærlega fyrir hjálpina yfir fjörðinn.


We were met by the very young population of the town.

Í Mosfellsbæ mætti okkur yngsta kynslóðin.

Sumahat is our official kleenex man.
Sumahat sér um snýtipappírinn.

You could use this smile for a stamp!

Our gratitude goes to Hlynur Guðmundsson who organized this sweet meeting.

Kærar þakkir Hlynur Guðmundsson hjá Aftureldingu fyrir að skipulegggja skemmtilegan fund.

After saying goodbye to the kids in Mosfellsbær, we set out on a 19km run to Reykjavík, joined by 3 running clubs. The first running club to join us was the Mosfellsbær running club under the able leadership of Halla Karen (in the blue T-shirt).

Eftir að við höfðum hitt krakkana í Mosfellsbæ tók við 19km hlaup til Reykjavíkur og hlupu 3 hlaupahópar með okkur. Fyrsti hlaupahópurinn kom úr Mosfellsbænum og er undir stjórn Höllu Karenar (sem sést á myndinni í bláum bol).

We were soon joined by Running Club of Fjölnir, under the leadership of Erla Gunnarsdóttir (second row, second from the left).

Í Grafarvogi bættist Skokkklúbbur Fjölnis við, en þar heldur Erla Gunnarsdóttir um stjórnartaumana (sést á myndinni í annarri röð, önnur frá vinstri).

Kanala and Halla ran the whole 19km
Kanala og Halla hlupu alla 19 kílómetrana.

We are the oneness and...fullness! It's always fun for us when adults do the actions to our World Harmony Run Song.

(við erum sameining og)...fylling! Það er alltaf skemmtilegt þegar fullorðnir gera hreyfingarnar við Friðarhlaupslagið.

Thank you, Halla, for running with us!

Takk fyrir að hlaupa með okkur Halla!

Thank you, team, for running with us!

Takk allir fyrir að hlaupa með okkur!


The World Harmony Run proudly supports the International Year of Youth (IYY) and the International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.

See the recent Youtube video on African experience which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice"  International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony. They surprisingly mention Presidents and UN Secretary-General in a unique way! 

See also the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Centre support for IY of Forests.  ... Convention for conservation of forest biodiversity. (more)


– Pranava

Distance: 102 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Helena Mazakova (Czech Republic), Honza Mazak (Czech Republic), Atulya Berube (USA), Atul Arora (India), Zach Saltzman (USA), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Florian Mesaritsch (Austria), Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Kanala Bolvanska (Slovakia), Boijayanti Gomez Badillo (Puerto Rico), Teekhnata Metzler (USA), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Lukas Ineichen (Switzerland), Vimalamati van der Vaart (Netherlands), Pranava Rúnar Gigja (Iceland), Chahida Hammerl (Iceland)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Iceland 20 July
Iceland 22 July >