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25th Anniversary of World Harmony Run
Dr. Davidson Hepburn presenting his NEW message for 25th Anniversary of the World Harmony Run and a vision for the decade 2012 to 2022 and beyond.
To view with English subtitles use: http://youtu.be/maPwzfHtASQ
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Some Highlights of Davidson Hepburn's encouraging video message.
"World Harmony Run 25th Anniversary: Toward 2022 and a Oneness-World".
Illustrated video with example clips and images from around the world identifies a number of activities the World Harmony Run has undertaken or inspired. This globaltorch relay founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987, and related initiatives for a culture of peace continue to grow and support important ideals of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and of the entire UN community. The President of UNESCO GeneralConference (2009 - 2011) highlights some he hopes can be further expanded and enriched in the coming decade (2012 to 2022) and bring us closer to a Oneness-World". Dr. Hepburn suggests:
1. Visit World Heritage Sites:
2. Perform Music
3. Create or Display Art and Poetry
4. Value Diversity
5. Support Interfaith Acceptance
6. Honour Role Models
7. Discover New Possibilities
8. Finally, Never Give Up!
Full Text of Video Message from Davidson Hepburn,
President (2009 - 2011) of the General Conference of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
World Harmony Run 25th Anniversary:Toward 2022 and a Oneness-World
Dear Friends,
I offer my warm greetings as we approach the 25th Anniversary of the World Harmony Run and related activities for a culture of peace.
I believe that all global citizens are eagerly looking toward the next decade - 2022 and beyond - as a time of great progress and striking change.
It is imperative that we work together to build a true Oneness-World.
Among recent initiatives to strive toward this goal, the World Harmony Run is one of the most remarkable and far-reaching.
It was launched by Sri Chinmoy in 1987 and even after his passing in 2007, continues to grow, advancing important ideals of UNESCO and of the entire United Nations community.
For my part, I would like to highlight a few specific activities that the World Harmony Run has already undertaken or inspired.
It is my hope that these activities can be further expanded and enriched in the coming decade.
1. Visit World Heritage Sites:
The Run has visited a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in recent years. Runners and other participants, you perform a great service by encouraging people to experience and value the heritage of others.
2. Perform Music:
The simple but striking World Harmony Run theme song has been performed enthusiastically in many locations. Multilingual musical performances provide joyful ways to express harmony and to share unique talents.
3. Create or Display Art and Poetry:
Harmony-themed art exhibits and poetry events associated with the Run are wonderful occasions to bring people together to express universal aspirations.
4. Value Diversity:
Appreciating diversity strengthens us.
As we exchange and share the wealth of our multifarious cultures in the spirit of peace, we realise that there is far more that unites than divides us.
5. Support Interfaith Acceptance:
Interfaith harmony is important to all civil society.
The World Harmony Run has been welcomed by people of many different religions, beliefs and faith-based communities.
Passing the Harmony Torch is a simple, tangible and powerful way to express love of one's neighbour.
Conveying this message of interfaith harmony and understanding in churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship will surely help foster a culture of peace and a growing feeling of universal oneness.
6. Honour Role Models
The Torch-Bearer Award programme, which acknowledges individual efforts at both the international and grassroots levels, is a wonderful idea.
Please continue to recognize and honour pioneers in peace-building from all age groups so that others may be inspired to emulate and build upon their important contributions.
7. Discover New Possibilities
This last example is most important.
By providing opportunities for individuals and communities to express their hopes for peace, you strengthen the social, cultural and spiritual fabric that connects the entire world family.
Young people as well as older individuals will discover creative new ways to bring forward the best in each of us - ways we have yet to imagine!
Encouraged to make their unique contributions, all members of the world family will help move our dreams closer to reality
8. Finally, Never Give Up!
All these efforts can renew our shared commitment, so necessary in our sometimes troubled world.
The next decade will inevitably require continuous renewal of our patience, determination and enthusiasm.
No matter how challenging the circumstances ahead, I invite you to take to heart two resounding messages of the founder of this Run.
First, "Never give up!" And always strive to do more.
In Sri Chinmoy's words, "There is only one perfect road, and that road is ahead of you, always ahead of you."
(See links to informal language translations below)
• Video sample of recent local event: http://youtu.be/w6qehMiIWuY"International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony Run" - where students dynamically an surprisingly invoke President Barack Obama and UN Secretary General. You hear the voice of Africa, of Zambia, of Youth.They are NOT looking to countries' presidents or other leaders to change the world. Their "hour has come" and they voice where peace begins. This video includes a short introduction from Davidson Hepburn: "By encouraging young people to express their aspirations for harmony today, the World Harmony Run is surely building the foundation for a culture of peace tomorrow". It is followed by four schools visited in Zambia late in 2010.
• 1979 Year of Child IYC : A precursor to the harmony and peace runs, see link to Historical report of the activities inspired by Sri Chinmoy around the world in support of UN Day, UN Childrens' Fund ( UNICEF ) and the International Year of the Child ( IYC) for 1979 .
• Links to photos further illustrating Dr. Hepburns main points to be added -- Check back.
Note: The World Harmony Run (formerly the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run):
- founded in 1987, to show that world peace is a dynamic achievable goal;
- seeks to strengthen international friendship and understanding.
- As a symbol of harmony, runners carry a flaming torch, passing it from hand to hand traveling through over 100 nations around the globe; and
- It is the world's largest and longest relay run.
(see more at: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/about
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Link to Davidson Hepburn previous message "2011 and Beyond. "
See start of the International 25th Anniversary Celebration across from the United Nations at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in New York.

On 27th April 2012. in many cities around the world, special events marked the WHR 25th Anniversary
View some early highlights. The United Nations had proclaimed 1986 the International Year of Peace, and Sri Chinmoy wanted to offer a heartfelt and sincere expression of peace on a global scale. The opening ceremony, broadcast live on NBC-TV's The Today Show.. On April 27, 1987, five minutes of global television time was dedicated for the inaugural Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run with strong support from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the UN Secretary-General, celebrities Carl Lewis, Clarence Clemons and Narada Michael Walden, and thousands...Also includes Clips from Philippines; Sahara Desert, Morocco; Botswana; Scotland, Nepal, Russia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Ukraine, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Ethiopia, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Great Britain, Colombia, Bahamas, Hungary, Spain, Mongolia, Czech Republic, Portugal, USA
French - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Français - Texte du message video de Mr. Davidson Hepburn, Président de la Conférence Générale de l'UNESCO - 25ème anniversaire de la World Harmony Run: Vers 2022 et vers un Monde d'Unité: A l'approche de son 25ème anniversaire, je souhaite présenter mes v
Spanish / Español - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Spanish Language Texto del Mensaje de Video de Davidson Hepburn, Presidente de la Conferencia General de la UNESCO: 25° Aniversario de la Carrera de Armonía Mundial: Hacia el 2022 y hacia un Mundo de Unidad. Queridos Amigos: Les ofrezco mis cálidos saludos
Norwegian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Davidson Hepburns video-budskap, President (2009 -2011) av UNESCOs generalforsamling. World Harmony Runs 25-års jubileum: Mot 2022 og en Verden av Enhet. Budskap: Kjære venner, jeg gir mine varme hilsener nå som vi nærmer oss 25-års jubileet for World Harm
Russian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Russian Language - Текст видео-послания Дэвидсона Хэпберна, Президента Генеральной конференции ЮНЕСКО. 25-я годовщина Всемирного Бега Гармонии: на пути к 2022 году и Миру Единства. Дорогие друзья, Я хотел бы поздравить вас с приближением 25-й годовщины Все
Chinese - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Chinese / 中文 视频文稿 Davidson Hepburn 主讲人 大会主席(2009-2011 ) 联合国教科文组织 世界和谐巡回跑25周年纪念: 迈向2022和合一世界 讲稿 亲爱的朋友们, 请允许我向 世界和谐巡回跑25周年 以及致力于和平的相关活动 致以亲切的问候. 我相信全球人民都在翘首企盼未来的 十年 - 2022年及其后的年代 - 那是一个高度发展和巨大变革的时代 .
Finnish - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

FINNISH - UNESCO:n yleiskokouksen puheenjohtaja; Davidson Hepburnin videotervehdyksen teksti World Harmony Run -juoksun 25-vuotisjuhla: Kohti vuotta 2022 ja ykseyden-maailmaa. Hyvät ystävät, Esitän teille lämpimän tervehdykseni World Harmony Run -juoksu
German - D.Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary of WH Run

German: translation: Eine Video-Botschaft von Davidson Hepburn, Präsident der Generalversammlung der UNESCO (2009 - 2011) zum 25. Jahrestag des World Harmony Run: Aufbruch nach 2022 und zu einer Welt des Einsseins. Liebe Freunde, Zum bevorstehenden 25.
Italian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Testo del Messaggio Video di Davidson Hepburn, Presidente della Conferenza Generale dell'UNESCO.(2009-2011) 25° Anniversario World Harmony Run: Verso il 2022 e verso un Mondo unito. Cari Amici, Porgo il mio caloroso saluto mentre ci approssimiamo al 25° an
Japanese - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Japanese: ユネスコ総会議長Davidson Hepburn氏からのメッセージ ワールドハーモニー・ラン25周年記念:2022年へむけて、一体感の世界へ みなさん、こんにちは。 ワールドハーモニー・ランおよび平和の文化のための関連行事開催25周年を心からお祝い申し上げます。 グローバルな心をもった世界中の方々が、これから2022年までの10年間、そしてそれ以降も、大きな躍進、めざましい変化を望んでいることと思います。 皆が一緒になり、真に一体感のある世界をめざしていくことが何よりも
Korean - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Korean / 한국어 Language 비공식적인 자막이 사용되었습니다. 자막이나 더빙 i, 데이비드 헵번님의 비디오 메세지 유네스코 일반 회의 회장 (2009 - 2011). 25주년 세계 하모니 달리기: 하나됨의 세상을 향하여. 메세지. 여러분 안녕하십니까, 저는 25주년을 맞이 하면서 세계 하모니 달리기와 평화 문화를 위한 활동들에 저의 따뜻한 마음을 전하고 싶습니다. 저는 전 세계의 모든 국민들이 다음 십 년인 2022년 뿐만이
Portuguese - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

(Portuguese/Português) 25º Aniversário da Corrida Mundial da Harmonia: Em direcção a 2022 e a um Mundo-Unicidade Text of Video Message from Davidson Hepburn, President of the General Conference of UNESCO (2009 - 2011) Queridos amigos, Envio-vos os meus cal
Croatian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Croatian - Tekst video poruke Davidsona Hepburna, predsjednika Opće skupštine UNESCO-a. 25-ta godišnjica Utrke harmonije svijeta: Prema 2022. i Svijetu jedinstva. Dragi prijatelji, Najsrdačnije vas pozdravljam povodom 25-te godišnjice Utrke harmonije svije
Romanian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Romanian - Textul mesajului video oferit de Davidson Hepburn, Preşedintele Conferinţei Generale a UNESCO (2009 - 2011), Aniversarea a 25-a a Alergării pentru Armonie Mondială: Către 2022 şi o Lume a Unităţii. Dragi Prieteni, Vă transmit caldele mele salu
Mongolian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

ЮНЕСКО-ийн Ерөнхий Ассемблейн Ерөнхийлөгч (2009 - 2011) Дэвидсон Хепбурний хэлсэн үг . Даян Дэлхийн Эв Найрамдлын Гүйлтийн 25 жилийн ой: 2022 оны зүг, Даян Дэлхийн Эв эгдэл,Хэлсэн үг: Хүндэт анд нөхдөө, Даян дэлхийн эв найрамдлын гүйлт болон н
Bulgarian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Текст на видеопослание от Дейвидсън Хепбърн - Президент (2009 - 2011) на Генералната конференция на ЮНЕСКО 25 години Световен пробег на хармонията: към 2022 г. и за единен свят Послание: Скъпи приятели, Поздравявам ви сърдечно с предстоящата 25-годишнин
Czech - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

poselství Davidsona Hepburna, presidenta Generální konference UNESCO (2009 - 2011) -- 25. výročí Světového běhu harmonie: vstříc roku 2022 a jednotnému světupřeklad na titulky nebo dabing. Poselství: Vážení přátelé, srdečně vás zdravím u příležitosti blíží
Hungarian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Hungarian language text: Az UNESCO közgyűlésének elnöke (2009 - 2011), Davidson Hepburn videoüzenetének szövege, A Világharmónia futás 25. évfordulója: Irány 2022 és az egység-világ.Üzenet: Kedves barátaim! Szívélyes üdvözletemet küldöm a Világharmónia fut
Icelandic - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Icelandic / íslenska Language -Skjátexti fyrir myndband af Davidson Hepburn, Forseta Allsherjarþings UNESCO (2009-2011) Friðarhlaupið 25 ára afmæli: Á leið til 2022 og heimseiningar. Kæru vinir, ég sendi hugheilar kveðjur er við nálgumst 25 ára afmæli. Fr
Nepali - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Nepali / नेपाली अनौपचारिक भाषा प्रयोग गरिएको उपशिर्षक तथा ध्वन्यारोपणको लागि चलचित्र सन्देशको लेख डेविड्सन हेपबर्न बाट युनेस्को (UNESCO) साधारण सभा (२००९ - २०११ का अध्यक्ष विश्व समन्वय दौडको २५औं वार्षिकोत्सव: २०२२ तथा सिंगो एकात्म-संसार तर्फ स
Polish - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Polish / Polski przesłania wideo podpisach, nieoficjalne tłumaczenie do wykorzystania w podpisach i dubbingu Tekst przesłania wideo Davidsona Hepburna, Przewodniczącego (2009-2011) Konferencji Generalnej UNESCO - 25 rocznica Biegu Harmonii Świata: w stron
Ukrainian / Українською - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Ukrainian / Українською - відеозвернення Девідсона Хепберна, Президент (2009 -2011) Генеральної Конференції ЮНЕСКО - 25-та річниця Всесвітнього бігу заради гармонії: Назустріч 2022 року і Світа - Єдності.Вкрай важливо, щоб ми працювали разом, щоб побудуват
Latvian / Latviešu - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

Latvian / Latviešu - Deividsona Hepberna, UNESCO Ģenerālkonferences prezidenta (2009 - 2011) video ziņas teksts Pasaules Sadraudzības skrējiens 25. gadu jubileja : Tuvojoties 2022 un Vienotības Pasaulei .Ziņa: Dārgie Draugi, Es silti jūs sveicu ar Pas
Serbian - D. Hepburn message: 25th Anniversary WH Run

video poruke Dejvidsona Hepberna, Predsednika (2009 - 2011) Generalne Skupstine UNESCO-a. 25. godišnjica Trke harmonije sveta: U susret 2022. godini i Svetu Jedinstva. srpski Tekst Poruka: Dragi prijatelji, Srdačno vas pozdravljam povodom predstojeće 25.