• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

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    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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Japan 24 April: 広島~周南市 Hiroshima - Shunan

Video of the World Harmony Run launch in Japan

開会セレモニーの様子がNHKニュース(全国ネット)、RCC中国放送で取り上げられました。RCCニュース Media Coverage


The Opening Ceremony was broadcasted on NHK News (nationwide) and RCC News. Articiles appeared in Asahi and Chugoku Newspapers.


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park: an abode of deep, respectful silence. It was created to honour the victims of World War II, and also to remind us of the importance of living in peace between all nations and peoples.

Unesco World Heritage site list: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/775 


This building is called the A-bomb dome. It is designed by a Czech architect.


Before the war it was a very popular landmark, with its striking green dome, its activities contributing greatly to the culture of the region, for example by housing art exhibits.

Now, it is carefully kept in the exact same condition as it was right after the nuclear bomb exploded. The bomb detonated a few hundred metres away, and quite a few metres above ground level from the A-bomb dome. This razed most buildings to the ground within quite a few miles, but this one, including the framework outlining the famous dome still remained.

The whole city of Hiroshima stands as a strong advocate for the noble cause of the abolishment of all nuclear weapons. The A-Bomb dome certainly makes a strong statement.


The coordinators from all the other countries in the Asian WHR wanted Hiroshima to be the starting point for this epic year, the first time ever a continuous route is run through Asia, spanning over 20,000 km, and ending in Moscow, Russia on 27th September, after 5 months.


Good auspices. The winds of the East rustle gently through the trees. The ceremony commences. Organistional Dynamo and Local coordinator Harashita takes the stage.


A parade of nations flanks the stage.


As is traditional for the WHR we start with a minute of silence. 


The starting point being Hiroshima, the inaugural ceremony felt all the more meaningful. The importance of Peace is pregnant and suffuses the atmosphere. The respect and soulful admiration and encouragement for Peace and Peace activities is something interwoven in the very fabric of the Heart-Mind-Life of Hiroshima, and it pulsated from every person we encountered. During Salil's powerful speech, one could observe many a tear carefully being wiped away.


Our inaugural ceremony was blessed with the august presence of :


Dirctor Mr. Yoshio Shibata, from the International Peace Promotion Department, City of Hiroshima. He read out a beautiful speech by the Mayor of Hiroshima Mr. Tadatoshi Akiba on his behalf, lauding the admirable efforts of the WHR, which are of paramount importance in our world, and affirming Hiroshima's strong resolution of being a firm adovcate and messenger of Peace.


Deputy Director of Project Coordination, Mr. Takeshi Yahata, from the International Affairs Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Government. He, on behalf of citizens of Hiroshima Prefecture, held the torch with 'Peace Flame of Hiroshima' high and later handed it to our first runner, Sasha from Moscow.


The Torch is now being handed to Mrs. Yukie Takebayashi, Board Member of the Hiroshima Athletic Association.


We were also very happy to have the Hiroshima senior running club (orange) and members from Hirsohima City Superstars (dark blue, right) with us.


The Hiroshima senior runing club ran with our runners for over 8 km, and the Superstars ran with us for 45 km to Iwakuni.


Words of support were read out from Carl Lewis, Yokozuna Sumo Champion Hakuho Sho, Paralympic Champion Katrina Webb and the Embassy of Mongolia in Tokyo.


Our runners were completely blown away by the musical effulgence of the Marching Band of Minami-Kannon Elementary School, directed by Band Director, Mr. Tetsuji Hisano. Being a regular in national competitions, the band is well known in the local community. Waves of musical delight gushed over the audience from the practically perfect performance from the children, as they tackled increasingly more difficult compostions as they went along, ending with a classical pot-pourri of Russian composer Musogorsky. Their Hearts were definitely one with the music. Some of their pieces they introduced as a prayer for Peace, while others were a celebration of Peace, the joy of Peace.

楽器と子どもさんとどっちの方が大きいか...? 感心、感動がますます高まります。

As you can see some of the instruments were nearly bigger than the children themselves.


It is amazing how they can coordinate all those movements while playing such difficult pieces.


Plabita (New Zealand) and Pranlobha (USA) perform a traditional flower offering at the Eternal Peace Flame, followed by 1 minute of respectful silence.


Afterwards as the inaugural lighting of the Harmony Torch The Eternal Peace Flame offered its fire.





We were very happy to visit the Inokuchi Community Centre, were we had a program with the Inokuchi Joudaiko, a Japanese Taiko Drumming Group.

Our visit was broadcasted on Fureai Channel, a local cable TV station.


...of tomorrow's SUN!!! (end of WHR theme song).


We were amazed by their ryhtmical aptitude. Not only did they produce a variety of rythyms, they also combined it with impressive choreography.


We were allowed to try some Taiko drumming for ourselves. As Josef demonstrates it is not quite as easy as it looks. And it doesn't even look easy!


On the way to our next ceremony,


which this nice early saturday afternoon will be...


Nakajima Elemntary School. Extra classes are organised here on Saturdays for kids whose parents work also that day. However, today quite a few parents took a free day off from work to be able to attend the ceremony with their kids.


Here the former principal and the current principal run together with the torch.





Sasha, leader of the WHR in Russia, is the only runner who will run the entire distance from Hiroshima to Moscow.

田圃や竹林ののどかな風景も。On the way he passes bamboo forests...

... and rice fields


Rakuraku club. All elementary school students from Rakuraku school. It offers sports activities for children on saturdays.

We arrived around 2 o'clock. The children had been practising since 9.00. However, not a single sign of tiredness was noticeable in them. They were bubbling with enthusiasm, and in our running and racing games they ran like the win. Although our WHR team really put the pedal to the metal in the relay grace, we happily beat by the children, taking an honourable 2nd place. All 4 teams finsihed within 7 seconds.

The late afternoon sets in as we run the final kilometres of the day.

さて、盛りだくさんの初日を終え、今日の宿泊先は格安の施設である「大田原少年自然の家」です。古い学校を利用した施設で外国からのランナーは山あいの田舎の風景と畳敷きの部屋に、traditional! と喜んでいました。

Our accomodation place is far off in the mountains. As the day comes to a close we offer our gratitude for such a perfect beginning to our WHR Asia.

– Jan Klaile, 生野智子、砂押ホロシタ

Distance: 89 km

Team Members:
Plabita Florence (New Zealand), Pranlobha Kalagian (USA), Agragati Siegel (USA), Salil Wilson (Australia), Stas Keniyz (Russia), Josef Sverma ((Czech Republic)), Akanda Norov (Mongolia), Karel Svadlenka (Czech Republic), Jan Klaile (FInland), Apaguha Veseliy (Czech Republic), Zinaida Tchopova (Russia), Alexandr Sasha Nikiforov (Russia), Baltabek Nuzakhmetor (Kazakhstan), Yura Taranik (Russia), Otgonbayar (Ombo) Dash Yaichil (Mongolia), Irina Beda (Russia), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Krutananda Toubaru, Gunarashi Ito (Japan), Pramiti Niwa (Japan), Tomoko (Iku) Ikuno (Japan), Yuu Yamada (Japan), Adrian Hoffmann (Japan), Sujata Muto (Japan), Jyotirmala Morohoshi (Japan), Sudasa Yoshida (Japan)

< Japan 22 April
Japan 25 April >