- Live From The Road
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- Canada 24 July: St John's - Cape Spear
- Canada 23 July: St. John's
- Canada 22 July: St. John's
- Canada 20 July: Halifax
- Canada 31 May: Ottawa Embassies
- Canada 31 May: Ottawa schools
- Canada 30 May: St.Laurent Academy, Ottawa
- Canada 29 May: Riviere-du-Loup
- Canada 28 May: Baie-St Paul - Riviere-du-Loup
- Canada 27 May: Petite-Riviere-Saint-Francois - Baie-Saint-Paul
- Canada 26 May: Québec City
- Canada 25 May: Trois Rivières - Québec
- Canada 24 May: Repentigny to Trois-Rivières
- Canada 23 May: Montreal
- Canada 23 May: Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean receives the Torch-Bearer Award
- Canada 20 May: Smiths Falls - Ottawa
- Canada 19 May: Kingston - Smiths Falls
- Canada 18 May: Kingston
- Canada 17 May: Napanee, Ontario
- Canada 16 May: Toronto - Great Lakes College
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Canada 26 May: Québec City
L’ Hôtel Marriott Courtyard à Québec reçoit les remerciements des coureurs.
The courteous and helpful staff along with the beautiful room at the Hotel Marriott Courtyard in Quebec City receives thanks from the runners.
François est un marathonien d’expérience qui fait de la compétition depuis 30 ans. Nous l’avons découvert en visitant son weblog, "Courir pour exister".
François is an experienced marathoner who has been competing for the last 30 years. We came to know of his running activities through his blog, "Run to Exist" ("Courir pour exister")
François guidera notre peloton dans les rues de Québec jusqu’à la terrasse Dufferin.
François will guide us for a run through Quebec, up to the Chateau Frontenac's observation point.
François avec les coureurs avant d’entreprendre le parcours.
François and the runners before the run.
Des amis touristes de la France partagent l’esprit de la Course.
Visiting friends from France share the spirit of the Run.
François et Sarvagata devant le célèbre Château Frontenac.
François and Sarvagata in front of world famous Chateau Frontenac.
Dimitri veut donner un coup d’envoi à la Course.
Dimitri wants to launch the Run with a blast.
Un journaliste local s’intéresse à la Course ; Vidura lui dresse un portrait de ce qui s’en vient.
Local journalist takes interest in the Run; Vidura explains what is coming up.
En route pour Baie Saint-Paul.
En route to Baie Saint-Paul.
Le panneau au-dessus de la camionnette affiche « «Nous embauchons ».
Sign above van reads "We hire" (Nous embauchons).
Vues de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré.
Scenes from Saint-Anne de Beaupré
Video Mesage from Davidson Hepburn, President (2009 - 2011) of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for 25th Anniversary of the World Harmony Run and a vision for the decade: "Toward a Oneness-World". With FRENCH subtitles.
Full Text of the 25th annversary message and link to 25 language informal Translations: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/25
- Youtube video on African experience which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice" International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony. They surprisingly mention Presidents and UN Secretary-General in a unique way!
- Listen to the World-Harmony-Run song: 2 min version // 6 min
Team Members:
Vidura (Canada), Vrishaketu (Canada), Jyotish (Canada), Sarvagata Ukrainskyi (Ukraine), Dimitriy Dudko (Ukraine)
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
< Canada 25 May |
Canada 27 May > |