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Details Part 02 - IYRC at events
![]() | 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures | at World Harmony Run events. | ||
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To print parts in PDF format: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_examples/pdf_downloads
For example:
In addition to the prominent placement throughout the 2010 International Launch of the World Harmony Run during April in New York;
Part 02 (Details follow content list)
Canada - 4 days: Parliament, Interfaith and Unesco Heritage
- Ottawa Parliament Hill: Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament, Diplomatic Community and other organizations.
Torch-Bearer recipients. Rideau Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bytown Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec - Toronto - Interfaith events: Catholic High School; Award to Honorable Jean Augustin. Youth and adults of the Sikh faith and other faiths. Then on to Buddhist Meditation Centre and Temple
- Kingston - Murney Tower, now converted to peaceful purposes is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
- Göstling,: alpine ski champion;
- Reichraming, A child leads - Peace-bridge, built by young people from Austria,
Israel and Palestine, symbolising hope for living together harmoniously.
- Vienna - Emperor's Castle, Schönbrunn, spectacular Emperors' Balcony! and murals.
- Frankenfels, Rain and Runners from Lauftreff Pielachtal
- Sunrise - Valley of the Gods. Nature overwhelms, wild flowers.
- Forrest Gump turn around. Monument Valley - Children;
- Navaho reservation- Rural Utah Head Start; runner teach Russian. "thank you" in languages, harmony song.
- Interesting flags, night views, Mexican Hat.
Nova Scotia, Canada
- Dartmouth - High School's Diversity Club carried the torch and a message to the run participants that they took turns reading out at two local junior high schools.
- Halifax - Year logo color strands, song drums, Virtues related to year, drawings with banner, languages, certificate, schools pass torch, hand drawn harmony signs, link arms, language representatives, first nations people; Mi’kmaq gathering song, harmony moments, serenity nature, Peggy's cove and lighthouse.
Part 02 (details)
Parliment Hill, Interfaith and Unesco Heritage sites
- Ottawa Parliament Hill
Report of 25 May see: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/canada/news/2010/0525
There was a beautiful World Harmony Run ceremony in West Block, Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada. Among the guests were Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament.
We were honoured by the presence of many from the Diplomatic Community. They are pictured below after participating in the traditional World Harmony Run "Parade of Nations". (Countries in alphabetical order: Albania, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Cameroon, Croatia, Eastern Carribbean, Estonia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Romania, Senegal, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, and the Ukraine.)
Dignitaries are joined, in the photograph above, by individuasl from: S.O.S. Children’s Villages Canada; CHF (Canadian Hunger Foundation); The Running Room; Canadian Assoc. for the Advancement of Women and Sport (CAAWS); Sports 4; World Wildlife Fund-Canada; Athletes Canada, and Ryan's Well Foundation.
Torch-Bearer recipients and good friends (from left) Geoff Green and
Ray Zahab.
The ceremony program included presentations of the Torch-Bearer Award to two outstanding individuals, Geoff Green and Ray Zahab, who are not only remarkable role models for self-transcendence but who also use their life passions to serve, educate and inspire humanity, especially today’s youth. Geoff is the founder of Students on Ice polar expeditions and Ray is the founder of impossible2Possible.
The logo for year 2010 was spoken about as was The
from Davidson Hepburn, President of the General Conference
of UNESCO, to all run participants. Other
messages were also mentioned that further described the
significance of 2010 and the Run.

Full of inspiration from the ceremony on Parliament Hill, it was now our turn to run with the Torch. We set out for the Rideau Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, nestled below the embankment of Parliament Hill.
The blue sky and the blazing sun made for a 34 degree near record setting temperature run, the kids did not seem to notice the heat.
Our first break at the Rideau Canal, UNESCO World Heritage Site.
World Harmony Run team members greeted by Francesco Corsaro of the historic Bytown Museum which is situated along the Rideau Canal. Off to our next destination along the beautiful Confederation Boulevard loop which circles between Quebec and Ontario.
The Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec, was our next stop; it is a beautiful building overlooking the Ottawa River and Parliament Buildings.
Toronto - Interfaith events
During past years Interfaith events have been a regular feature
the World Harmony Run in Toronto. This year was no exception and has
special relevance since the UN and UNESCO are celebrating 2010
as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
Link for full events of 23 may or 21 May in Toronto
The Father John Redmund Catholic High School and Lakeshore Collegiate students with the World Harmony Run team on 21 May.
At the Ceremony
The Honorable Jean Augustine, was invited to receive the Torch Bearer Award.

and the torch.
Two days later.....
The World Harmony Run team was greeted and joined by a group of 20 youth and adults of the Sikh faith - Guru Sabha Gurudwara on 23 May.
Father Terry Gallagher who had spoken at the Father John Redmond
Catholic High School on 21 May (and is very active in the interfaith
enthusiastically joins in the days events with Shivaram, coordinator
for the Harmony Run Toronto activities."
The team then visited the Kadampa Buddhist Meditation Centre. Later we had a brief World Harmony Run ceremony in a yoga studio where the members also learn the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
The events in Kingston on 16 May concluded at an important site
One of the reasons for choosing the Murney Tower as the final location for this fun-filled day, was to celebrate and recognize the importance of this UNESCO World Heritage site.
Ski Champion, Child leads to Peace Bridge, View + Banner from
3 June: Puchenstuben - Ternberg
The team was warmly welcomed in Göstling by the friendly Mayor and people from the community -
In Göstling hieß uns der Bürgermeister sowie Bürger der Gemeinde herzlich willkommen
among them, famous alpine ski champion, Kathrin Zettel.
, unter ihnen die bekannte Skifahrerin Kathrin Zettel.
This is the main purpose of the World Harmony Run: to connect people from all walks of life, big and small, old and young, world-famous and grassroots level, in a family-like way. Everyone can contribute something to make the world a better place.
Das ist eines der Hauptanliegen des WHR: Menschen aus allen Bereichen des Lebens freundschaftlich zu verbinden.
A Child Leads us...
Shortly before we reached Reichraming, a little girl from the community, very eager to hold the torch, accompanied us to town.
A Peace Bridge
She showed us the way to an especially significant location - a Peace-bridge, built by young people from Austria, Israel and Palestine, symbolising hope of Israel and Palestine living together harmoniously in the future.
Kurz bevor wir Reichraming erreichten, begleitete uns ein Mädchen aus dem Ort und führte uns zu einem Platz mit besonderer Bedeutung: Einer Friedensbrücke, die von Jugendlichen aus Österreich, Israel und Palästina errichtet wurde und die Hoffnung auf ein friedliches Zusammenleben der beiden arabischen Staaten zum Ausdruck bringt.
An exceptionally warm and heartfelt reception followed.
Nun folgte ein außergewöhnlich warmer und herzlicher Empfang.
People from the community, both runners and non-runners, had gathered...
Viele Menschen aus der Gemeinde, Läufer und Nicht-Läufer, hatten sich versammelt...
The Mayor welcomed us warmly, and spoke about the history of the community and its projects and efforts for fostering peace and Harmony in the Community.
Der Bürgermeister hieß uns herzlich willkommen und erzählten uns auch von den Initiativen der Gemeinde zur Förderung des harmonischen Zusammenlebens in der Gemeinde.
There was a real feeling of unity...
Es war wie ein Familientreffen...
previously 1 June: Vienna
The World Harmony Run arrived in Vienna, the capital of Austria! What would a visit to Vienna be without seeing the Emperor's Castle, Schönbrunn?
Der WHR erreicht Wien, die Hauptstadt Österreichs! Was wäre ein Wienbesuch ohne die Residenz des ehemaligen Kaisers, Schloss Schönbrunn?
Als wir gegen Mittag eintrafen, empfing uns eine Delegation der Schlossverwaltung und der Bundesgärten...
..a group picture on the spectacular Emperors' Balcony!
...ein spektakuläres Gruppenfoto auf dem Balkon des Kaisers!
After the meeting we were invited on a guided tour through some of the palace rooms which are not open to the public. Very impressive murals!...
Nach dem Empfang wurden wir zu einer speziellen Führung durch Räumlichkeiten des Schlosses eingeladen, welche normalerweise der Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich sind. Sehr eindrucksvolle Wandmalereien!...
Austria 2 June: Vienna - Puchenstuben
Running in Rain with friends and smiles
Sports friends...
Our next stop is in Frankenfels for a reception by the Mayor. Runners from Lauftreff Pielachtal were also there prepared to join us for the next 8 km of uphill running in unremittingly inclement weather!
Unsere nächste Station war Frankenfels. Der Bürgermeister emfing die Läufer herzlich, und Läufer des Lauftreffs Pielachtal standen bereits in den Startlöchern, bereit, das Team 8km bergauf im heftigen Regen zu begleiten!
..but in the heart, the sun is continuously shining!
Aber im Herzen schien immer die SonneUSA - Bluff, UT - Tsegi, AZ
for a full report of 01 June see: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/usa/news/2010/week07/0601
This morning a few of the team began the day with a morning watching the sunrise in Valley of the Gods. As always, it was truly beautiful.
There has been lots of rain out here so there are wild flowers in abundance.
This is the famous place where Forrest Gump said he was going to turn around. This team kept going especially to see the children and young at heart waiting for the run up ahead.
Monument Valley
Our first appointment was with the children of the Monument Valley Head Start Program who ran with us.
Navaho reservation.
Our next stop was at a school on a Navaho reservation. We were greeted by adorable children from the Rural Utah Head Start Program.
While we waited for the runners to arrive with the torch Surya and Kshetragna entertained the children by teacking them Russian.
The kids got really excited when the runners finally arrived, so the runners did a lap of honor round the playground. These children were a bit too young to play our usual "guess our country" game, so we taught them to say "thank you" in all our different languages
Performing the World Harmony Run song.
and watching others
After the the ceremony the women's team started a long afternoon run. They were scheduled to run the next 40 miles of the route.
We camped the night at Gouldings and this was our view.
A natural arch right by our campsite - stunning. Some of us slept on the rocks under the stars.

One of our camping friends.

This is one of the most scenic days on our entire trip so here's some more photos to share the experience.

Mexican Hat.
Nova Scotia, CA
Dartmouth 04 June 2010
There was a wonderful experience with the Auburn Drive High School's Diversity Club which carried the torch and a message to the run participants that the HS students read out at two local junior high schools. The message was from the President of the Governing Council of UNESCO about 2010, the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures as a "wonderful opportunity to creatively celebrate cultural diversity and its role in forging ties between cultures and people."
Halifax 10 June 2010
for full report of 10 june go to: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/canada/news/2010/0610
The run banner carried on 10 June shows support for the Year 2010 goals.
The logo for year contains many different color strands. Although the strands join together at one end to make a distinct shape they still keep their unique color. This was especially appreciated at the different schools today.
Enfield Elementary School

- Then the choir with 12 African drums performed the World Harmony Run song with many subtle variations.
- Under the loving direction of their music teacher Gillian Connolly, whose song score was surrounded with hand-drawn colourful hearts.
Virtues - Gifts of Character
We each were given cards with Virtues:
52 virtues. Since in 2010 the UN and UNESCO are celebrating and appreciating cultural diversity, many of the values expressed have special relevance this year.. (For example: friendliness, respect, understanding. This theme was further explored at the following schools below.)
- The children shared the torch after a lovely ceremony.

With the passing of the torch, did you notice the different Virtue Gift illustration signs on the wall?
- The choir had a chance to see the torch up close.
- As sweet Enthusiasm looks on from behind!
- And some came for a photo with the banner and art work that had been prepared for display just behind.
Elmsdale Elementary School
We relayed the torch to Elmsdale District Elementary School.
- Where the children enthusiastically received it with much joy.
Then we all went to meet the other children in the gym and played a few harmony games. The children yelled harmony so loud the children in Africa and China could hear them.
They pointed out the 6 languages on the symbol for the year 2010. While noting it would take quite a bit more space to list all the other languages used in the world.
Maple Ridge Elementary School
At Maple Ridge Elementary School, Principal Heather MacKeil greeted the runners.
Noteworthy are the virtue banners lining the walls. Mr. Adhiratha Keefe, former United Nations and UNICEF staff member for over 30 years, led the games and talked about how 2010 is the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures as designated by the United Nations and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
This effort, as the banner shows, is supported by the World Harmony Run as the theme of cultural diversity and exchanges between cultures fits very well with the ongoing multi-year efforts of the World Harmony Run. The logo for year 2010 very much added to the presentations today.
Teachers receive the World Harmony Run torch and Certificate with the principal.
Riverside Education Centre
Runners from the mext school, Riverside Education Center (REC) with their physical education teacher and coach, Drew Moore arrived during the ceremony of the third school. They were able to join in expressions of oneness and receive the torch from the students and teachers.
and then to run with the torch 8.5 km to REC.
All their training paid off as they turned off the main road toward REC .
Well done!!
Appreciative Reception awaits
The support vehicle with water and encouragement was driven by Susan Zurawski, special education teacher from REC.
- Susan’s class came down to the main road
- with banners they had made to cheer along with others their runners as they turned up the last hill to the school.
The students formed a circle in the field, and linked arms in a sign of harmony.
- Some people came to hold torch together after we spoke of the 6 languages on the banner.
- This followed a part in programme where some from the group had volunteered to come up
- To represent one of the less familiar languages on the 2010 logo such as when Spanish, Russian, Chinese or Arabic were mentioned.
We also discussed others languages that might be added,
- So we were delighted to have some students at REC who knew the regional Mi’kmaq language and came forward to hold the torch together. Especially since the next school was to be in Indian Brook. (see next school below)

With much appreciation for Drew and Susan the two main organizers of today's great events with REC.
LSK (L’nu Sipuk Kina’muoKuom)
Grade 10 student Colin Peter-Paul took the torch and ran it strongly up the hill to Leon Knockwood, with their flag and the banner
- They ran together to meet phys education teacher and organizer Robyn Greene.
That is quite the hill and they were fast and strong!!!
Andrew Marr and Joanna Paul received the torch at the entrance to the school.
- And carried it quickly to the school for the planned ceremony.
Thank you to the team! Many other students, parents and teachers were waiting to join and show their support
Musical Welcome
The World Harmony Run was greeted with the Mi’kmaq gathering song beautifully and enthusiastically. The Musical Welcome was sung by the elementary students and the music director and drummer, Mr. Curtis Michael.
What wonderful community energy and spontaneous spirit. Awesome!
- Many were able to hold the torch.
We played some harmony games which introduced the runners and where they were from. There was also a chance to explain the meaning of the run and UN and UNESCO’s celebration of 2010 as year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
The message from Davidson Hepburn, President of the General Conference of UNESCO, to all the participants of the World Harmony Run in 2010 was mentioned at many schools today..
President Hepburn was a friend of the Founder of the World Harmony Run, Sri Chinmoy, for over 30 years and they participated in many inspiring initiatives together, like today's programme..
There was a moment to feel peace.
and harmony together.
Other messages were also mentioned that further described the significance of 2010 and the Run and the importance of local events that provide a platform for people to come together. It was also pointed out that in February of each year a day is celebrated as Mother Language Day.
The printed words for some of the beautiful Mi’kmaq language expressed today were also shared with the runners.
- This site tells more: http://www.mikmaqonline.org/
- This further link is to a song in language sang today for us
The runners sang the World Harmony Run Theme song and were richly rewareded.
- When the school children also offered to perform again. The last song was O Kanata sang very powerfully by the choir.
LSK (L’nu Sipuk Kina’muoKuom)
- It was a beautiful and sweet finish to a great day.
An inspiring day for all who were able to visit the area
The World Harmony Run wishes to offer a very special thank you to Susan for inviting and inspiring the World Harmony Run to come to the schools in the Enfield – Shubenacadie area. What an enriching experience!
The culture and artistic variety was well appreciated by all participants of the run events. The lively big murals on the values themes and handmade banners on the theme of peace and harmony that the students made to welcome the runners into the school were impressive. The musical welcome with drums in the morning to the afternoon of inspiring music and haunting rhythm will echo in our hearts and memories of this day .
Even the landscape today in Nova Scotia offered us a special Serenity message.
Peggy's Cove and Lighthouse
A team member remembered that the Harmony run in 2008 had gone by the scenic Peggy's Cove. So the next day some local and international runners visited with the new banner.
- There were stunning views from the rocks with the sound of crashing surf.
- The beautiful lighthouse with the sun beginning to set.
- Invited us for a closer look with the banner.
- From there we took in the beautiful oneness and uniqueness of the sky, sun and sea.
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- Part 03 Details
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