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Details Part 01 - IYRC at events
![]() | 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures | at World Harmony Run events. | ||
![]() | This page shows Example Details Part_01 |
To print parts in PDF format: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_examples/pdf_downloads
In advance of the April International Launch the 2010 run took place in:
- Columbia : Bogata, Paipa, Cartagena
- Puerto Rico: San Juan
- Bahamas: Nasssau + Gov. Gen; Freeport, Gand Bahama; Gergetown, Exuma; New Providence Torch Relay; Video Compilation: "Run in Bahamas"
International Launch of the World Harmony Run
Example of IYRC introduced at WHR :
In addition to the prominent placement throughout the 2010 International Launch of the World Harmony Run during April in New York;
Part 01 (Details for after International Launch follow content list)
- At a Historic Church with friendly and knowledgeable guides
- Near a City Hall and by the fountain in a Park with local Media
- At a Suburban School where some Languages were read out by a few Children who then held the torch together.
- A Principal spoke of Peace, Harmony, Love and diversity and students line up to hold torch in front of the banner for the Year
- Mayor leads run to 400 children, song, 2010 Banner
- Country Flags, National Dress, proclamation,
- Classes study various different countries
Washington, DC:
- The first school to read out all the 6 official languages of the UN which are on the logo. It is noted how additional Languages could also be used
- Group Music and multi colored instruments are compared to the Colors on the Years Banner which keep their uniqueness
- The Latin Phrase "E PLURIBUS UNUM" is noted on many coins and other significant USA places = "Out of many, one" which has relevance for 2010 celebrations..
- Heart felt Music repeatedly brings us together
- An Embassy welcomes the Run into a colorful function room and appreciates the year 2010 Cultural Diversity theme
- Hundreds of Children form a huge Thank You Heart with the Banner and IYRC Logo in the center
- "Be a Buddy, not a Bully" this years song "Idon't want to be Bully so a friend I 'll be"
- Children enjoy running with the 2010 Logo on banner,
- Three schools join together, soccer team participates in front of banner and reaches out to hold torch together before the torch lights up a cave
- Planting a tree,
- National and International runners together,
- Runner_Musicians perform with the 2010 Logo on banner
- Boarder chiefs and staff form lines to warmly welome internationl team of runners entering country;
- Together plant 4 trees for peace and Harmony; and share torch with 2010 banner.
- Later days events have incredible ceremonies, buildings and pictures
- Culture, artistic, sporting, entertaining, + educational activities in a huge public space.
- Many thousands of children made drawings on the theme of harmony and "reverence for Mother Nature."
- Paper in shape of a huge tree was alive with activity and color.
- Ashrita Furman and Bipin Larkin set a new Guinness record which inceased media coverage
- Stage for bands, singers, dancers, gymnastics, arcrobatics and more
- Enthusiastic runners with energy going at various speeds
- Banner and logo for 2010, all day at different events was discussed; Messages shared described 2010 and the run
- Austrian Clown Magician and children with the 2010 logo
- World Heritage sites, include Banks of Danube and Buda Castle
- Painter, vészabó_noémi, honorary adjudicator beautiful letter,: "children know the secret, they dare to believe
Part 01 - Details
Philadelphia -
click for a full report of 2010 apr 19
Historic Christ Church
We had a wonderful tour of the historic Christ Church where many of the founding fathers and their families attended over 220 years ago. The founder of the Run, Sri Chinmoy had said many years ago that the name of Philadelphia "is a ringing bell, which is very, very haunting and, at the same time, illumining and fulfilling. As soon as I hear the word 'Philadelphia', no matter who utters it, I hear a bell ringing-like the Indian heart-temple-gong or the American church bell. Philadelphia, for me, always carries Divinity's Reality."
Some very friendly and knowledgeable people who provide such wonderful background on this important church held the torch with us. They warmly welcome all the visitors who come from around the country and the world and expressed their appreciation for the run.
The UN and UNESCO International Year 2010 logo dedicated to "Cultural Diversity" was discussed as it appears on the banner carried by the runners this year. It felt especially appropriate to have it in Philadelphia which historically had many different cultures, religions and beliefs coming together.
*See also a message from UNESCO received that Monday 19 April concerning the year 2010 and the Harmony Run,
Philadelphia City Center
The runners crossed in front of City Hall with the statue of William Penn above.
Love Park across from City Hall
There was then a run around the Love park and fountain across from City Hall
and a short ceremony where the runners announced their different countries
and answered questions for the print, radio and television media present.
They also shared the torch with others on hand...
The team sang the World Harmony Run theme song (first reminding the audience that they were mostly "runners not singers" and then exceeded expectations with their enthusiasm and joyful rendition.)
The spirit that gave birth to the USA in Philadelphia had inspired the world. The League of Nations and then the United Nations were built on a continuation of those initial courageous actions in Philadelphia.
..So it was very fitting to have a banner in support of the "International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures" highlighted today with the World Harmony Runners and special guests in front of the famous "LOVE" emblem.
Norbert School, Paoli
In suburban Philadelphia ,Paoli, Pennsylvania, our team for the day was greeted by Principal Myra DiNicola and many excited students of the Saint Norbert School.
For local press coverage of the event, go to the Main line Media News web site - video, pictures
Google news also picked up the item
After a very enthusiastic welcome and an energetic run around the parking lot, we went indoors for another great ceremony.
As part of the introduction, the International Year 2010 was again spoken about.
This time a number of children in the school joined in reading out part of the UN and UNESCO logo for year 2010 in different languages.
They then held the torch together with Gabriel who is fluent in the first two of the six languages on the years logo.

We were also happy to learn about a special program for peace St. Norbert's was preparing for the following day. The Principal, Mrs. Myra S. DiNicola, spoke with quiet conviction concerning the importance of harmony and love. She noted the guiding spirit for the educational values of St Norbet's that embraces diversity.
The teachers and staff joined with the principal to hold the torch and receive a certificate of appreciation from the runners.
All the students had a chance to hold the torch shared with the USA Team Captain.
Message from UNESCO
* At events that day if was pointed out that in the same morning the World Harmony Run had received a message from Katérina Stenou, Director, Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue, UNESCO in Paris. She said "The main objective of 2010: International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures is not only to foster respect for each other's culture and break down the barriers between different cultures, but also to promote ideals of peace, fraternity and wellbeing". The World Harmony Run "corresponds perfectly to the objectives of the Year and covers multiple aspects and opportunities to promote dialogue through cultural interactions and the promotion of dialogue amongst people."
Rising Sun, Maryland.
click for a full report of 2010 apr 21
Just the name of this town evokes enthusiasm and newness, no matter what the outside weather is like.
We were greeted by Mayor Judith Cox at the Rising Sun Elementary School along with the teachers, staff , Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education members. It was a real thrill to follow Mayor Cox into the auditorium of about 400 children and over 20 teachers and staff singing our World Harmony Run Theme song.
Most of the time, we sing this song to the children at the end of our program with the hope of having them sing along with us.
But this time they surprised us as they were so beautifully led by the music teacher, who enthusiastically played along on the piano.
During our presentation there were about 20 children standing behind us on the stage, each holding a flag of a different country that they themselves made.
Some of the children on this day were also dressed in traditional costumes of their respective country for the program.
This diversity of flags and attire fit very nicely well with the Logo for the UN and UNESCO Year 2010 which is on the run banner this year. The Harmony Run supports the goals of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures: reaching out to others, sharing and appreciating our cultural diversity is very important.
Mayor Cox read out a wonderful proclamation to "recognize the World Harmony Run 2010 and to proclaim this day as the day that each and every individual may begin their Individual Quest for Peace."
The children showed much eagerness to participate in the days
program.After our presentation and song, we
had a wonderfully inspiring speech by Henry Shaffer, Cecil County
Superintendent of Schools.
He told everyone that he has two prayers that he says every night before going to bed:
- That he makes proper decisions for the good of the children every day and
- That there be peace on Earth.

It was quite a sight to see so many different flags being displayed at the school. This fit perfecty with the theme of the Harmony run, appreciation of cultural diversity and the year 2010 mentioned above.
Before the children filed out of the auditorium, they each had a chance to touch or hold the Torch and offer a moment of silence or a nice thought that we could pass on to the next community. Seeing Countries for Classes
We then had the privilege of getting to see some classrooms.
Which were happy to show us the country they
had been studying (Iceland).
A tour of the hallways gave a good indication of how the children decorated their classroom doors in various ways with a theme of a country (Spain).
Not only was it an educational experience for them and for visitors (Romania).
But it was also quite a creative (Costa Rica).
And educational as well as aesthetic project (Puerto Rico).
Visit our gallery to see more! (Hungary)
Washington DC
click for a full report of 2010 apr 22
Oneness Family School and Peace Academy
One of the major highlights of the World Harmony Run in the USA, especially at the very beginning, is being hosted by the Oneness-Family School and Peace Academy in Chevy Chase, Maryland, just north of Washington, D.C.
About 20 teachers and over 140 students welcomed us .
During the program, Atulya Berube, the Captain of the 2010 USA team spoke
After some brief introductions,
the children took over, offering us very creative and uplifting music for peace and harmony.
The concentration and poise held everyone's joyful attention
Music teacher Carrie Rose had the children playing a ‘concerto’
on the ‘boomtubes’ which took quite a bit of practice to coordinate. The diverse color instruments and sounds worked wonderfully together ...
The children's comments, participation and inquisitive smiles moved all those present ...

The UN and UNESCO theme for 2010 "International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures" and their efforts to demonstrate the beneficial effects of cultural diversity was explained to us. This includes highlighting the importance of coming together for borrowings, transfers and exchanges between cultures.
This was the first location where the staff and students were able to read out phrases in all of the 6 UN Official languages that appear on the Logo for the year. English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. In answer to a question later in the day, it was noted that the space on the bottom of the logo (just after the 6th language) could be used to insert other languages from a host or visiting country!
Those who joined during one of the language exercises had a chance to hold the torch together
E Pluribus Unum = "out of many, one"
One of the USA run coordinators also pointed out that the Latin Phrase "E Pluribus Unum" which means "out of many, one" would be very relevant for America's celebration of the year. In the USA this phrase appears on many coins. Can you find it on the back of some?
E Pluribus Unum is also seen in the USA House of Representatives and Senate and on the Seal of the USA in passports etc.
The banner which is displayed in our 2010 ceremonies includes the logo for UNESCO and the UN for this wonderful initiative. There are varying ways of implementing this universal and much needed theme.
Unique Colors - Make up the whole
Some saw a similarity to the different color and sounding boomtubes which the children earlier played. For instance, at the top of the logo for the year 2010 there are many different color strands which join together, yet each one keeps its unique quality to make the whole.
The runners and the children sang together the World Harmony Run Theme song.
Instructor June Lang who organized most of the program so beautifully as she has done in the past years, offered us some more songs with the children singing and teaching us at the same time.
Embassy of Bangladesh, Washington D.C
We were invited to visit the Bangladesh Embassy in Washington, DC.
We had a wonderful meeting with H.E. Akramul Qader, the Ambassador of Bangladesh to the USA.
We carried the Torch into their very colorful function room where a traditional village hut was set up as part of the Bangladeshi New Years just celebrated a few weeks ago.
Ambassador Qader was presented with the World Harmony Run "Torch Bearer" Award. It was noted that the Ambassador had stressed most persuasively on many occasions how important he believed culture was to peace. Some of the runners had also previously met with Ambassador Qader, when he made a special trip to NY to support the Celebration of International Mother Language Day in February sponsored by the Society of Foreign Consuls.
He spoke quite eloquently about Bangladesh’s contributions to peace and international cooperation. Also the cultural and literary contributions of Bangladesh to the world community were noted by him and his minister who very kindly introduced all the speakers.
At the end of the ceremony we sang our World Harmony Run song for them, but they surprised us and enthusiastically sang along with us. Then they treated us to some delicious refreshments including traditional samosas. We are very grateful to the Ambassador and his staff for spending so much time with us and treating us with real warmth and oneness.
Eisenhower Elementary, Clearwater Florida
(for full report and more photos of May 4th click here)
At Eisenhower Elementary, we were greeted by over 700 enthusiastic students and many teachers eagerly awaiting our arrival.
At one point after we all sang, a group of children came up to recite and read from a small book of poetry and sayings about harmony.
Much to the children's delight and excitement the teachers and staff take a lap around the court with the torch. This always a highlight for the kids and us.
A Thank You Harmony Heart's sweetest fragrance

All the children and teachers made a huge heart shaped formation to say "Thank You" formation.
It included everyone aswell as the Harmony Run Banner with the 2010 UN and UNESCO International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures Logo.
- When we ask where harmony and peace begin inside us most people usually say or point to their heart.
- “Harmony is the heart’s sweetest fragrance”, so says Sri Chinmoy
Pinellas Central Elementary School.
At the Pinellas Central Elementary School. We were greeted outdoors by over 600 students and teachers.
"Be A Buddy, Not A Bully".
After our program and singing of our theme song, the children, with the help of one of the enthusiastic teachers, sang for us a song they wrote for their special day called, ‘Be A Buddy, Not A Bully’.
The chorus of the song went like this “I don’t want to be a bully, no way, not me. I don’t want to be a bully, so a friend I’ll be.” We shared with the children the importance of harmony and friendship as represented by their special song and how we are also trying to share those qualities as we run.
The enthusiastic Principal, Faye Webber with some of the teachers then led the students around the field with the torch to the delight of everyone.
The children were quite well behaved even though there were so many hundreds of them as they took turns touching the torch and offering their kind thoughts for peace and harmony.
We try to offer everyone an opportunity to share in the expression of goodwill and harmony, offering whatever they can, in whatever way they are inspired. We carry those good thoughts, wishes and prayers to the next location.
Running with Banner
for a full report of 2010 May 6th day see:
Greece School Children enjoy running with the banner.
at Ekbedevtiria Panou Private School in Nafpaktos.
Then three different sports Clubs joined to escort the torch to the city
where they were met in the main square by a crowd of Spectators, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and a brass band as well as children who performed dances and acrobatics and happily held the torch.
Three schools join for a programme
For full report of 2010 May 07 see:
Three schools join together for Programe at Amfilochia Primary School in front of banner, with city as background
.thThe children had prepared nice drawings and gave them to our international runners for our next exhibition.
The torch lights up the cave
For full report of 2010 May 08 see:
First at a soccer field near Ioannina the torch and banenr began the day;

..where some members enjoyed the torch ...
then we took the toch to a cave in Perama.
...a group picture with our great guide...
…μια ομαδική φωτογραφία με το σπουδαίο οδηγό μας…
...we were glad to have the flaming Torch with us - it came in
extremely useful for the simple purpose of lighting the way...
…ήμασταν ευχαριστημένοι που είχαμε μια αναμμένη δάδα
μαζί μας. Χρησίμευσε σε έναν απλό σκοπό: να φωτίζει το δρόμο…
For full report of day 2010 May 09 see:
Representatives of five countries planting a peace tree
The extended international team on the streets of Zhalantun.
National and International Team Share the Torch.
International musicians on team perform for audience with 2010 IYRC on run Banner.
Team on an ancient ‘triadic’ bridge.
Khavirga Border Point (Хавирга боомт)
Report of day 2010 May 15 see: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/mongolia/news/2010/0515
Гүйлтийн багийнхан болон гаалийн ажилтнууд хамтдаа хил дээр эв найрамдлын 4 мод суулгалаа.
Four peace trees were planted by border staff and Harmony Run members.
- and share torch with 2010 banner
- at the starting point of 2,600 kilometer journey with Torch of Harmony and Peace in Mongolia.
The Following days events have incredible ceremonies, buildings and
pictures -- for example
Хөвсгөл аймгийн Мөрөн хот
for full report of 2010 May 31 see:
Аймгийн ИТХ-ын дарга Б.Пүрвээ, Мөрөн сумын засаг дарга Халтар нар галт бамбараас барьж байгаа нь
Гурван Аварга спортын дунд сургуулийн багш сурагчид
Hungary - Full Day event in Budapest
For full report of day 2010 May 14 see:
World Harmony Run
- There was so much enthusiasm and energy
- During the run, many went at their own speed.
And it was all part of culture, artistic, sporting, entertaining, sensational and educational activities in a public space where many participated....with a theme :
"We can have harmony if we have a deep reverence for Mother Nature."
The many thousands of children made drawings on the theme of harmony and the importance of love and the protection of our environment.
- The paper that they drew on was arranged in shape of a huge tree representing a live tree and the tree of life.

Now was alive with activity!
with color

- And greatly added to the festive occasion.
Ashrita Furman, who holds the World Record
for the most Guinness World Records, was also in Budapest for this event. With his friend, Bipin Larkin, they also set a new record.
This increased media coverage of the day's events.
- As well as longer interviews with Ashrita
The stage provided an ongoing focus at one end of the park for the day
- And the different language run banners provided a back drop for the upcoming day's events.
In this great performing space for the bands and other
Performers included singers, dancers, gymnastics, acrobatics and
much more...
With great jumping that inspired the younger ones to see what they could eventually do
- And some impressive rope skipping.
The run banner and logo for the 2010 "International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures".,
- which had been observed all day at different events
- The translations of the 6 official UN languages appearing on the banner, were identified.
- The symbolism for the logo's graphic in many different color strands, was also appreciated.
- The message from Davidson Hepburn, President of the General Conference of UNESCO, to all the participants of the World Harmony Run in 2010 was mentioned at the Budapest ceremony (http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/davidson_hepburn_unesco_message)
- Other messages were also mentioned that further described the significance of 2010 and the run (link http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_messages)
- Budapest provided a platform to learn, especially significant because so many children were present who represent our future.
After the magician finished some of the children eagerly climbed on stage
- To have their picture with the Tulasi the magician and the banner with the 2010 logo
World Heritage sites
Next to the plaza is Heroes Square, at the end of Andrássy Avenue which is part of World Heritage related to Budapest(link: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/400. So it was very appropriate that toward the end of a very full day
- Some children joined for pictures holding the torch and banner with the very impressive warriors on horses watching in the background.

- Another group of children had other significant Historical figures in the square watching them.
Finally that evening some of the local participants and international runners took the banner to two other sites in Budapest mentioned in World Heritage Preservation list
- Including the Banks of the Danube
- The Buda Castle Quarter
The painter, vészabó_noémi, who served as honorary adjudicator pointed
out that it was a record for Hungary to have so many children
participates in painting together for such a good cause.
She also sent a beautiful letter, partially excerpted here:
"The spectacle was amazing and unforgettable - and it still exists in our hearts. ...The children know the secret, they dare to believe - and here on this square the many thousands of children have created ....the message of Love to make the world a better place...""What kind of world do we live in? In a wonderful world! Because we have faith in the goodwill and willingness.====================================================
This was an amazing day for the World Harmony Run in Hungary.
For a brief summary of the day (in Hungarian Language) with some initial beautiful photos and a links to seven public media reports with their photos see: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/hungary/budapest_guinness
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