Canada 16 May: Kingston
Before the World Harmony Run even began, the team celebrated the event with a pot luck lunch and prepared various skits showing the difference between harmony and disharmony. Despite a prodigious meal, the runners still had enough energy for the 5 1/2 kilometre run through Kingston.
Early in the afternoon, the World Harmony Run team set out down Division Street in Kingston, with Karnayati Morrison holding the torch and coordinating the road team.
The team made a brief stop at Concession and Division to share the World Harmony Run song with the local shoppers. Afterwards, in the front row of this photo we can see Jacquie Johnson (from Kingston) on the left, with Karnayati (from Ottawa) and Vidura (from Montreal) continuing down Division street toward Princess St.
The team passed through the Market Square during the main afternoon rush and shared the message of harmony with many shoppers and their families. Finally we sang the World Harmony Run song in front of City Hall. Our voices were in full swing at this point, as we caught the attention of virtually everybody who was enjoying the afternoon sun in Confederation Park. Diego can be seen avidly waving and watching the Canadian flag.

After completing the tour of the park, we paused in front of the historical train.

Along the route, it was in fact the bicyclers who recognized the serious importance of the torch most evidently.

Having finally made it down to the waterfront, we see Claire and Rodika leading the team. The productive windmill farm of Wolfe Island is in the background.
UN and UNESCO are celebrating 2010 as the International Year for the
Rapprochement of Cultures . Davidson Hepburn,
President of the General Conference of UNESCO, has sent a message
to all participants of the World Harmony Run in which he points
out how the year "presents a wonderful opportunity to creatively
celebrate cultural diversity and its role in forging ties between
cultures and people. ... By carrying a torch to over 100 nations this
year, World Harmony Run reinforces the goals and objectives of 2010:
International Year, and provides a chance for all participants to
expand their awareness and living experiences of other cultures. It is
indeed an excellent opportunity to develop an appreciation of
diversity through art, culture and sports. This communal sharing of
our hopes and dreams is fundamental for building the foundations of
peace and harmony.
Distance: 5.5 km
Team Members:
Karnayati (Ottawa); Vidura (Montreal); Jacquie (Kingston); Rodika (Ottawa); Claire (Kingston); Gautami (Ottawa); and others
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
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Canada 21 May > |