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Week 7: Jun 8–14

Day 43

Sunday – 8 June
Port Augusta to Kimba 156km

Team A
Port Augusta to Whyalla turnoff – 26.2km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

8.30am Run from Port Augusta along A1 (Eyre Rd) stopping at the Whyalla turnoff 26.2km

10.20am Drive to Whyalla Maritime Museum (off highway, behind tourist info centre) Whyalla

11am Ceremony Mayor Jim Pollock to attend Reception.

6 Little Athletics chn and 3 adults to run in relay a few 100m from “One Steel” (down road from Museum) with us to arrive at ceremony.

11.40am Drive to Iron Knob and then head west to Kimba (can leapfrog with other teams)

5.30pm Kimba Lions Club Uniting Church Hall, High St, Kimba (main st in town)

Reception with speech, certificate; show slideshow, sing song. Community is invited with an Invite to All…

6.15 Dinner buffet in hall

Team B
Whyalla turnoff to Iron Knob

Coordinator: Kylie

8.30am Drive from Port Augusta to intersection of A1 and B100 (Whyalla trurnoff) 26.2km

9am Run along A1 to Iron Knob 42.1km, stop at turnoff into Iron Knob

11.30am Drive towards Kimba and leapfrog with Team C 5.30pm Kimba Lions Club Uniting Church Hall, High St, Kimba (main st in town)

Reception with speech, certificate; show slideshow, sing song. Community is invited with an Invite to All…

6.15 Dinner buffet in hall

Team C
Iron Knob to Kimba 87.4km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

8.30am Drive along A1 to Iron Knob stopping at turnoff to Iron Knob 68.3km

9.30am Run along A1 to High St Kimba 87.4km

5.30pm Kimba Lions Club Uniting Church Hall, High St, Kimba (main st in town). Reception with speech, certificate; show slideshow, sing song. Community is invited with an Invite to All…

6.15 Dinner buffet in hall

Kimba Caravan Park Motel
Free camping for entire team and one powered site for the motor home


Day 44

Monday – 9 June
Kimba to Streaky Bay 236km

Team A
Kimba to Kyancutta – 89km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

8am Media: Contact council for free ad on radio to get runners to join us.

8.30am Run from Uniting Church Hall, High St, Kimba along A1 (Eyre Hwy) stopping at the intersection of A1 and B90 (road to Cummins and Port Lincoln) 89km

2.30pm Drive to Accom in Streaky Bay (147kkm)

Team B
Kyancutta to Poochera – 84.6km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

8.30am Drive from Kimba west along A1 to cnr of A1 and B90 (89km)

9.30am Run from intersection along A1 to Poochera stopping at cnr of A1 and Streaky Bay Hwy 84.6km

3.30am Drive to accom in Streaky Bay

Team C
Poochera to Streaky Bay – 62.5km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

Runners: Van +RV

8.30am Drive along A1 to Poochera stopping at cnr of A1 and Streaky Bay Hwy (173.6km)

10.30am Run along Streaky Bay Hwy to 82 Wells St, Streaky Bay, 62.5km

3pm Set up campsite

Streaky Bay Hotel Motel 33 Alfred Terrace, Streaky Bay, Daryl has very kindly provided: 5 rooms; one with 1 x double bed (db) & 2 x single bed (sb), three with 2 x sg, one with 1 x dbl, 11 runners
Streaky Bay Foreshore Caravan Park, 82 Wells St, Streaky Bay
Streaky Bay Council has organised for camping for the all the remaining team members – there is a camp kitchen and also one powered site for the RV

Day 45

Tuesday – 10 June
Streaky Bay to Ceduna 111km

Team A
Streaky Bay to Haslam – 39km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

8.30am Run from cnr Uniting Church Hall, High St, Kimba along B100 (Flinders Hay) to the turnoff to Haslam 41.5km

11.30am Drive to Ceduna Council Chambers 44 O’Loughlin Tce Ceduna

12.30 Ceremony Council Chambers Lunch Reception inside chambers or Picnic Lunch on foreshore lawns with Mayor Allan Suter and 9 Councillors and 7 Senior staff

1.45pm Run to Ceduna Area School (return to Cnr McKenzie and East Tce)

2pm Ceremony School Chn to run in relay into school with Team. Reception to grade 5.

3pm Ceduna Child care centre 1 Merghiny Drive,Ceduna (just back from main st) Kindy & Preschool class visit (3-5yrs) Sing song, pass torch (always hold with child)

3.30pm Accom

Team B
Haslam to Smoky Bay – 28km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

9am Drive from Streaky Bay along B100 to turnoff to Haslam (41.5km)

9.30am Run from intersection along B100 to Smoky bay turnoff 28km

11.30am Drive to Ceduna Council Chambers 44 O’Loughlin Tce Ceduna (41.3km)

12.30 Ceremony Council Chambers Lunch Reception inside chambers or Picnic Lunch on foreshore lawns with Mayor Allan Suter and 9 Councillors and 7 Senior staff

1.45pm Run to Ceduna Area School (return to Cnr McKenzie and East Tce)

2pm Ceremony School Chn to run in relay into school with Team. Reception to grade 5.

Team C
Smoky Bay to Ceduna – 41.3km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

9am Ceremony Streaky Bay Area School

10.00am Drive to Smoky Bay Community Club Oval – follow sign to turn off highway to Smoky Bay, on main road

11.30am Ceremony, Miltaburra Area School will bring 60 R-7 children on excursion to Smoky Bay to meet Team for a ceremony in a park/oval, followed by picnic lunch. Mob doesn’t work

12.40pm Run from Turnoff to Smoky Bay along B100 to Ceduna finishing at 44 O’Loughlin Tce (follow B100 onto Eyre Hwy (A1) into Ceduna McKenzie St, turn right onto O’Loughlin Tce) 41.3km

4pm Drive to Accom

Highway One Motel 35 Eyre Hwy, Ceduna SA 5690, 2 family rooms with a configuration of 1 double and 3 singles in each room- they sell fuel here and were hopeful that we would fill up our vehicles here as a way of reciprocating, 10 Runners
Ceduna Shelly Beach Caravan Park, Lot 178 Decres Bay Rd, Ceduna SA 5690, free camping with ammenities and one powered site for RV, 8 Runners

Day 46

Wednesday – 11 June
Ceduna to Fowlers Bay turnoff –146.5km

Team A & B
Ceduna to Penong – 72.5km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

8.30am Run from Ceduna Council Chambers north along O’Loughlin Tce , right on Merghiny Dr, left on Eyre Hwy(A1) continue to Penong the school is at far end off town ( 2 team leapfrogging leaving markers if phones do not work)

11.20am Ceremony Penong Primary School

12.00 Drive on to Team C and assist with leapfrogging to Fowler’s Bay turnoff

3pm Drive to Accom at Fowlers Bay

Team C
Penong to turnoff to Fowlers Bay – 74km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

9am Drive from Ceduna along Eyre Hw (A1) to Penong School (72.5km)

10am Run along A1 to Fowlers Bay turnoff 74km assisted by Team A, B

3pm Drive to Fowlers Bay Caravan Park

Fowlers Bay Caravan Park, free for entire team and one powered site for the motor home.

Have early night – 350km tomorrow!

Day 47

Thursday – 12 June
Fowlers Bay turnoff to Eucla – 351km

Team A
Fowlers Bay to Yalatta +60km further on with Team C, 117km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

Van and RV (after 6am) to help triple leap frog and have more at ceremony

5.30am Drive to A1 from Fowlers Bay (24.5km)

6am Run from Fowlers Bay turnoff along A1 to Yalata Anangu School, Yalata Aboriginal Community Off highway (leave marker for Team B where you leave Hwy) 57.5km

9.30am School Ceremony, Whole school of 40-50 children Primary and high school aged.

10.15am Drive to start of Nullarbor Conservation Reserve (sign or border) 89.8km and then drive on to Team C 12 Run to SA/WA border leapfrogging with Team C

4.30pm Drive to Accom at Eucla

Team B
Yalatta to Nullarbor Nature Reserve & SA/WA border to Eucla 107.6km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

6am Drive to Yalatta turnoff (81km)

7am Run along A1 to Nullarbor Nature Reserve 89.8km

1.30pm Drive along A1 to SA/WA border (185km)

3.40pm Run to Eucla Motor Hotel 17.8km

Team C
Nullarbor Nature Reserve to SA/WA border 185km (-60 from Team A)

Co-ordinator: Kylie

6am Drive along Eyre Hw (A1) to start of Nullarbor Nature Reserve (171km)

8am Run along A1 to SA/WA border 185km assisted by Team A after 12

4.30pm Drive to Eucla (18km)

Eucla Motor Hotel – Eyre Highway, Eucla
2 rooms which are comprised of a double and a single bed, and 2 rooms which have 3 single beds. The rooms consist of a made up bed only. Patrons are required to use the caravan park toilet and shower facilities. Rest of the team can camp here

Day 48

Friday – 13 June
Eucla to Mundrabilla Hotel – 77.4km

Team A
Eucla to 40km past Eucla – 40km

Co-ordinator: Kylie

9.30am Run from Eucla to 40km past Eucla

Team B
40km past Eucla to Eyre Highway, Mundrabilla

Co-ordinator: Kylie

9.30am Drive from Hotel 40km along A1

10am Run along A1 to Mundrabilla Roadhouse 37.4km

Mundrabilla Roadhouse, Eyre Highway, Mundrabilla free camping with access to amenities block and power for the RV

Day 49

Saturday – 14 June
Mundrabilla Hotel to Cocklebiddy – 202km

Team A & B
Mundrabilla to Madura – 111km

Co-ordinator: Grahak

8am Run from Roadhouse along A1 for 111km stopping at turnoff to Madura

12.30pm Drive to accom at Cocklebiddy

Team C
Madura to Cocklebiddy – 91.1km

Co-ordinator: Grahak

7.30am Drive from Mundrabilla Roadhouse 111km stopping at turnoff to Madura

9am Run along A1 to Cocklebiddy 91.1km

3.15pm Go to accom

Wedgetail Inn & Caravan Park, Cocklebiddy will provide free camping for the entire team (including one powered site for the motor home)