Slovakia 2 June: Bojnice - Povazska Bystrica
First morning meeting, with students at the school in Prievidza.
Prvý ranný deń sme sa stretli so študentami v škole v Prievidzi.
Representative of the City.
Predstaviteľ mesta Prievizda
We dream about harmony.
Predstavujeme si svet harmonie.
The students ran with us to the city centre...
Studenti bežia snami do centra mesta...
..where we met with the Mayor.
..kde sa stretávame s primátorom mesta.
After heavy rain the previous night, rivers were flooded.
Po včerajšom veľkom daždi sa rieky vylievajú a zaplavujú okolie.
We met with local marathon runners.
Stretli sme sa aj s maratónskymi bežcami.
We arrived at Nirianske Pravno, where we had a big program with kids.
Keď sme dobehli do Nitrianskeho Pravna, čakali nás deti, pre ktoré sme si pripravili program.
The Mayor, Jozef Balcirak held the torch with us.
Primátor mesta, Jozef Balcirak podržal pochodeň.
Mug from England.
Hrnček z Anglicka.
Zoltan completes his steepest climb of the day.
Zoltan vybehol najstrmší kopec dňa.
Beautiful performance from the children of Rajecka Lesna.
Nádherné vystúpenie detí z Rajeckej Lesnej.
We visited the local church, which had received more than 25,000 pilgrims last week.
Navštívili sme kostol, ktorý minulý týždeň navštívilo viac ako 25 000 pútnikov.
The Mayor kindly provided us with a great lunch.
Primátor nás pohostil skvelým obedom.
We arrived at Rajec, where we met with local marathon runners...
Dobehli sme do Rajca, kde sme sa stretli s maratonskymi bežcami...
...and did a program with the local children.
...a pripravili sme opet program pre deti.
We were glad to meet with a local runner, who guided us to the orphanage.
Do detskeho domova nás sprevádzal miestny bežec.
Meeting with the children at Domaniza orphanage.
V Domaniži sme sa stretli s detmi z detskeho domova.
Run and smile - you are in a movie!
Bež a usmievaj sa - filmujú ťa!
Rain is on its way back, but nobody wants to stop.
Napriek tomu, že opäť začína pršať, nikto nechce prestať behať.
And afterwards they look happier and fresher.
A nakoniec vsetci vyzerajú šťastnejší a čerstvejší.
At the theatre in Povazska Bystrica.
Prišli sme do kultúrneho domu v Považskej Bystrici.
Unforgettable performances.
Nezabudnuteľné vystúpenia.
Distance: 75 km
Team Members:
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Balavan Thomas (Great Britain), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Svetlana Gorshkova (Russia), Sergey Sydenko (Ukraine), Kastura Panenkova (Russia)
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
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