Slovakia 29 May: Rajka - Bratislava
This afternoon the European Team of the World Harmony Run entered Slovakia.
Dnes poobede európsky tím Svetového behu harmónie vstúpil na Slovensko.
At Rajka village on the Hungarian border they met their Slovakian friends, who are going to join the team for Slovakian part of the World Harmony Run.
Na maďarských hraniciach v obci Rajka sa stretli s ich slovenskými kamarátmi, ktorí sa k tímu pripoja na slovenskú časť Svetového behu harmónie
How are we going to explain to the police why our cameramen are sitting here?
Ako vysvetlíme tým policajtom že naši kameramani sedia v kufri?
On the way to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia and today´s final destination, we met with a group of cyclists from Germany. They were on their own tour through Europe and joined our team for a while.
Na ceste do Bratislavy, poslednej dnešnej zastávky sme sa stretli so skupinou nemeckých cyklistov. Boli na svojej ceste okolo Európy a na chvíľu sa k nám pridali.
A mirage?
Where is this runner from?
(I think he is our fastest runner :-)). and he is at home everywhere.
Odkiaľ bude asi tento bežec?
(Myslím, že je to náš najrýchlejší bežec :-)). a je doma všade.
When we arrived in Bratislava...
Keď sme prišli do Bratislavy...
...our team joined a special program for children at Aupark Shopping Centre near the river Danube, and then had another short joy-filled program for the kids and their parents in nearby Sad Janka Kráľa Park.
... sa náš tím pripojil k programu Dňa detí v shopping centre Aupark pri Dunaji a potom mal ďalší program pre deti a ich rodičov v parku- sade Janka Kráľa
We also sang the World Harmony Run song (composed by Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Run). We are pretty good singers there in the team :-) and the song is really beautiful, full of energy and joy.
Niekoľko krát sme tiež zaspievali pieseň Svetového behu harmónie (skomponovanú Sri Chinmoyom, zakladateľom tohto behu). Myslím, že sme tu celkom dobrí speváci :-) . Pieseň je skutočne nádherná, plná energie a radosti.
It was supposed to rain today, but the forecast was wrong. It was a very nice warm, sunny day.
Dnes malo pršať, ale predpoveď počasia nevyšla. Bol veľmi pekný, teplý, slnečný deň.
Which one is Vlado?
Ktorý z nich je Vlado?
When runners sleep...
Keď už bežci spia...
Distance: 26 km
Team Members:
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Svetlana Gorshkova (Russia), Balavan Thomas (Great Britain), Kastura Panenkova (Russia), Slovakian runners
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
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Slovakia 30 May > Hungary 30 May > |
Hungary 29 May |