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Slovakia 1 June: Topolcany - Bojnice

The first meeting of the day - Tribečská Primary School, in Topoľčany.

Prvé dnešné stretnutie- základná škola Tribečská v Topoľčanoch

World Harmony Run, It's a very big fun.

Let's go out of your class,

Come on and run with us.

Are you yellow, black or white?

It's all right.

It doesn't matter,

We can run all together.

Love and peace is very nice,

Friends are gold in our lives.

Friendly nations are our hope,

For next generations in the world.


- Written by children from Tribečská Primary School, Topoľčany.

- Báseň napísaná anglicky deťmi zo ZŠ Tribečská Topoľčany

Children are wonderful...

Deti sú úžasné...

... and wonderful teachers.

... a úžasní učitelia.

On the right, the Vice-Mayor of Topoľčany Mr. Ján Emila.

On the left, Ananda-Lahari Zuščin, 5-time-finisher of the 3,100 mile (5000km) race in New York - the longest certified foot race in the world.

Napravo, zástupca starostu mesta Topoľčany pán Paed Dr. Ján Emila.

Naľavo, Ananda-Lahari Zuščin, 5-násobný-účastník 3100 míľových (5000km) pretekov v New Yorku - najdlhších certifikovaných bežeckých pretekov na svete.

We are going to run outside with the torch! We don't care that it's raining!

Ideme von bežať s pochodňou! No a čo že prší!

Delight in the rain.

Blaženosť v daždi

Happy faces of the kids from a primary school in Bošany.

Šťastné tváre detí základnej školy v Bošanoch.

Mr. Ervín Hronkovič, Vice-Mayor of Bošany.

Pán Ervín Hronkovič, zástupca starostu v Bošanoch

... and more great kids, from the primary school in Veľké Bielice.

... a ďalšie úžasné deti, zo základnej školy vo Veľkých Bieliciach.

A beautiful poem written by children from Veľké Bielice Primary School.

Nádherná báseň napísaná deťmi zo ZŠ Veľké Bielice.


Approximate translation:

A friendship

When a tear fills our eye,

when our soul is crying,

we want to hear warm words.

friendship is a precious gift,

the smile-word will sing for us.

Even barefoot the friendship will follow us,

with happiness and light fulfilling us,

it will find a way where our soul nests.

Cheerful and enthusiastic principal, Mrs. Anna Béliková.

Plná nadšenia pani riaditeľka Anna Béliková

Mr. Ján Podmanický, Mayor of the city of Partizánske.

Pán Ing. Ján Podmanický, primátor mesta Partizánske.

... singing the World Harmony Run Song.

... spev piesne Svetového behu harmónie.

On the left: Mayor of Dolné Vestenice, Mr.Marián Krajčo.

On the right: Balavan Thomas from Great Britain, U.K. World Harmony Run coordinator.

Naľavo: starosta obce Dolné Vestenice, pán Ing. Marián Krajčo

Napravo: Balavan Thomas z Veľkej Británie, koordinátor britskej časti Svetového behu mieru.

The Vice-Mayor of Nováky, Mr. Vladimír Zaťko running with the children.

Zástupca primátora v Novákoch pán Vladimír Zaťko s deťmi v akcii


Very good musicians...

Veľmi dobrí hudobníci...

Our long-time friend, Mrs. Helena Dadíková.

Naša dlhoročná priateľka, Pani Helena Dadíková- riaditeľka Mestského kultúrneho strediska v Bojniciach.

The end of the running part of the day.

Koniec bežeckej časti dňa.

"I am going to show you Bojnice Castle".

"Ukážem vám Bojnický zámok"

"... and there on the wall you see an ancient television - or is it a mirror?"

"... a na stene vidíte stredovekú televíziu - alebo je to zrkadlo?"

Omnia cum tempore - Everything has it's own time.

Omnia cum tempore - Všetko má svoj čas.

A deer, or a man?

Jeleň, alebo človek?

"Do you have strong teeth? It's at least five hundred year-old cake!"

"Máš silné zuby? Je to najmenej 500 rokov starý zákusok!"

...under the castle.

...pod zámkom

Goodbye Bojnice!

Dovidenia Bojnice!

– Ananda-Lahari

Distance: 53 km

Team Members:
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Svetlana Gorshkova (Russia), Balavan Thomas (Great Britain), Kastura Panenkova (Russia), Slovakian runners

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovakia 31 May
< Hungary 31 May
< Austria 31 May
Slovakia 2 June >
Austria 2 June >

Austria 1 June