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Romania 10 July: border Galati - Braila

Goodbye Ukraine! We really enjoyed the hospitality and the friendliness of the people. Thanks for the great time!

La revedere Ucraina! Ne-am bucurat de ospitalitatea si prietenia oamenilor. Multumim pentru timpul placut petrecut aici!

...four border crossings in one hour! That's World Harmony Run record! First we left the Ukraine, then we entered Moldova (for two kilometres...), then we left Moldova just to enter Romania...

...patru granite trecute intr-o ora... Acesta este un nou record pentru Alergarea Mondiala pentru Armonie! Mai intai am parasit Ucraina, apoi am intrat in Moldova (pentru 2 kilometri), apoi am parasit Moldova pentru a intra in Romania...

...here we are...

...iata-ne ajunsi...

...that was a real friendly border crossing: the officers offered us even drinks!

...aceasta trecere a granitei a fost foarte prietenoasa: vamesii chiar ne-au oferit bauturi racoritoare!

...Welcome to Romania: a brief meeting with the sport representative of Galati and we went on to our first meeting on Romanian soil...

...Bun venit in Romania: o scurta ceremonie cu reprezentantul Directiei Judetene de Sport Galati, Daniela Antipov - dupa care am pornit spre prima intalnire pe sol romanesc...

...children welcomed us and joined us for a small meeting...

...copii ne-au intampinat si ni s-au alaturat pentru o scurta intalnire...

...the director of the local sports authority of Galati, Ms. Anamaria Vasiliu, received the torch...

...diirectoarea Directiei Judetene pentru Sport si Tineret Galati, dna Anamaria Vasiliu, a primit torta

Thank you Galati for the warm welcome and the nice gifts!

Multumim Galati pentru intampinarea calduroasa si pentru cadourile frumoase!

Law, Order and Harmony... the police did a great job in guiding us savely through the city....

Lege, Ordine si Armonie... Politia si Jandarmeria au facut o treaba grozava, ghidandu-ne prin oras...

...Galati is located at the entrance to the Danube Delta. We enjoyed the view over the longest river in Europe so shortly before it merges with the Black Sea...

Galati este situat in apropierea Deltei Dunarii. Ne-am bucurat de privelistea minunata asupra celui mai lung fluviu din Europa, cu putin inainte de a se varsa in Marea Neagra...

...the kids were quite enthusiastic runners...

...copiii s-au dovedit a fi atleti foarte entuziasti...

Good bye Galati!

La revedere Galati!

...and again along the Danube...

...si din nou alergand pe langa Dunare...

...as we reached Braila some local ultra distance runners and old friends of our run welcomed us and carried the torch into the city...

...cand ne-am apropiat de Braila, cativa ultra maratonisti si vechi prieteni ai alergarii noastre ne-au intampinat si au dus torta in oras...

...we met at the city sport centre and had a small presentation with the sports representative of Braila and children...

...Ne-am intalnit la Clubul Sportiv Municipal cu reprezentantii clubului si ai Directiei Judetene de Sport si cu multi copii...

We don't compete, but...

Nu ne intrecem, dar...

...more nice gifts and a busy, hot day came to an end....

...si mai multe cadouri frumoase, si ziua incinsa s-a incheiat...

– Dipavajan

Distance: 47 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Vladimir Ilyasov (Russian Federation), Barbora Tabackova (Slovakia), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Ildiko Kuremszki (Hungary), Valters Kinna (Latvia), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Gheorghe (Moldova), Ion Frunza (Moldova), Igor (Moldova), Romanian runners

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Romania 4 July
< Moldova 4 July
Romania 11 July >
Ukraine 11 July >

Ukraine 10 July