Messages from authorities - Mesaje de la autorităţi
Welcome in Giurgiu, city on the bank of the Danube River, neighbor of the Bulgarian city Ruse. We thank you for choosing to be our guests for some hours.
We wish you all the best, to have the strength to carry forward all the dreams and wishes of the children from entire world.
Ing. Elena TOADERU
Education and Culture Department
Giurgiu Local Council
Bine ati venit in orasul de malul Dunarii - orasul Giurgiu, oras vecin cu orasul Ruse, Bulgaria.Va multumim ca ati ales sa fiti oaspetii nostrii pentru cateva ore.
Va dorim tot binele din lume si sa aveti puterea sa duceti mai departe toate visele si dorintele copiilor din intreaga lume.
Ing. Elena TOADERU
Directia Invatamant Cultura
Consiliul Local al Municipiului Giurgiu
A warm welcome in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. It is another proof that sport is the best ambassador of peace and friendship in the world.
Good luck in all that you want to accomplish!
General secretary
Un calduros salut de bun venit in Bucuresti, capitala Romaniei.
Este inca o dovada a faptului ca sportul este cel mai bun ambassador al pacii si prieteniei in lume.
Mult success in tot ceea ce va propuneti!
Secretar general
The Bucharest Prefect's Office wishes you to be in the same good physical condition that brought you here in the capital of Romania.
Also we wish seeing you again as the promoters of these wonderful messages of peace, friendship and harmony, as often as possible.
Liviu V. POPA
Prefect's Personal Councilor
Institutia Prefectului Municipiului Bucuresti va doreste sa fiti in aceeasi forma maxima care v-a adus pana in capitala Romaniei.
In acelasi timp ne dorim sa va revedem ca promotori ai acestor minunate mesaje de pace, prietenie si armonie, cat mai des in tara noastra.
Liviu V. POPA
Consilier personal al Prefectului Mun.Bucuresti
Welcome in our city. May your action be in the benefit of all the people!
Constantin SAVA
Mayor of Urziceni
Bine ati venit in orasul nostru. Fie ca actiunea dumneavoastra sa fie benefica pentru toti oamenii din lume!
Constantin SAVA
Primar al Mun. Urziceni
The city of Buzau is honored by this special activity. From now on we wait for you with other activities to strengthen the friendship among the E.U. nations.
Vice-mayor of Buzau
Buzaul este onorat de aceasta activitate deosebita. Pe viitor va asteptam si cu alte activitati care sa intareasca prietenia dintre popoarele U.E.
Viceprimar Buzau
The city of Focsani welcomes the International Sport Team, as proof of our integration in the European and International Community. By this collaboration we intend to strengthen the friendship among nations.
Director of the Polyvalent Hall Focsani
Orasul Focsani primeste cu caldura Stafeta Sportului International, dovada a integrarii noastre in Comunitatea Europeana si Internationala. Urmarim prin aceasta colaborare intarirea prieteniei intre popoare.
Director Sala Polivalenta Focsani
Welcome in Iasi! Congratulations to the World Harmony Run international team for the message of oneness that you promote! Success from now on!
Vice-mayor Iasi
Un gand de bun venit la Iasi! Stafetei Internationale World Harmony Run, felicitari pentru mesajul de unitate pe care-l promovati! Succes in continuare!