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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

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    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

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Romania 30 June: Zalau - Satu Mare

A fresh start from the Zalau stadium

Am inceput pe stadionul din Zalau

Young athletes joined us

Tineri atleti ni s-au alaturat

The vice-mayor of Zalau was leading the group

Vice-primarul Zalaului a condus grupul

Paula Todoran ran with us until the exit from Zalau

Paula Todoran a alergat cu noi pana la iesirea din Zalau

The Mayor of Bocsa welcomed the international team

Primarul din Bocsa a primit echipa internationala

The first steps towards harmony were taken by the mayor and the small children

Primii pasi spre armonie au fost facuti de catre primar si de catre copii

Even the horse joined in the run

Chiar si calul s-a alaturat alergarii

We visited the school from Bobota, where we had the chance to train a bit on the new field.

Am vizitat scoala din Bobota, unde am avut sansa sa ne antrenam putin pe noul teren de sport

The Town Hall representant received the torch and welcomed our team

Reprezentantul Primariei a primit torta si a adresat mesajul de bun venit echipei

Cheaters in the "Guess the country" game have to do push-ups

Cei care au trisat la jocul "Ghiceste tara" au trebuit sa faca flotari

Can you feel the harmony?

Puteti simti armonia?

Even the runners get tired...

Chiar si alergatorii obosesc...

We got to the district border and the torch was passed to the next county. Thank you Salaj and Zalau for your hospitality!

Am ajuns la marginea judetului si torta a trecut mai departe. Multumim Zalaului si Salajului pentru ospitalitate!

A big thank you to the police

Multumim politiei

The new ambulance crew was with us untill we reached Satu Mare. Thank you for your help!

Noul echipaj de abulanta a fost cu noi pana la Satu Mare. Multumim pentru ajutor!

Farewell Salaj!

La revedere Salaj!

The director of the Supuru de Jos school received the torch for his community

Directorul scolii din Supuru de Jos a primit torta in numele comunitatii.

The two representants of the Local Sports Authority - they helped us a lot in our endeavour.

Cei doi reprezentanti ai Directiei Judetene de Sport - ne-au ajutat foarte mult la organizarea evenimentului

The children from Ardud were already waiting for us

Copiii din Ardud ne asteptau deja

A little bit of stretching on the World Harmony Run official song

Putin stretching pe ritmul imnului oficial al World Harmony Run

A friendly footbal match was played - can you guess the teams?

Am jucat si un meci amical de fotbal - puteti ghici echipele?

At the entrance of Satu Mare a new delegation of runners joined our team

La intrarea in Satu Mare o noua delegatie de alergatori ni s-a alaturat

Our boys decided to try out a new hobby

Alergatorii au decis sa incerce un nou hobby

The Vice-prefect and the Vice-mayor of Satu Mare welcomed us during a nice festivity

Vice prefectul si vice primarul Satu Mare ne-au intampinat in cadrul unei ceremonii

This is the proof: there are vampires in Romania...

Iata si dovada: chiar exista vampiti in Romania

The cheerleaders holding the torch, after they entertained everybody with their performance

Majoretele tinand torta, dupa ce ne-au delectat cu spectacolul lor

As you can see, it's blazing hot outside

Dupa cum vedeti, este extrem de cald

The Vice-mayor ran with us

Vice primarul a alergat cu noi

We enjoyed a demonstration of fencing, done by national and european champions

Ne-am bucurat de o demonstratie de scrima, realizata de campioni nationali si europeni

The Satu Mare fencing school trained more than 10 world-wide fencing champions

Scoala de scrima din Satu Mare a crescut mai mult de 10 campioni mondiali

And then offcourse our runners had to try it themselves

Si bineinteles ca apoi si alergatorii au trebuit sa incerce

The director of the Athletism Federation congratulated us for our endeavour

Directorul Federatiei de Atletism ne-a felicitat pentru efortul nostru

The final group photo of the day - thank you to all the fencing champions, who eagerly waited for us

Ultima poza de grup a zilei - multumim campionilor la scrima care ne-au asteptat cu entuziasm

– Bogdan

Distance: 91 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Vladimir Ilyasov (Russian Federation), Barbora Tabackova (Slovakia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Ildiko Kuremszki (Hungary), Lazlo Kovacs (Hungary), Christian Ichim (Romania), Szilveszter Szilard (Romania), Sandor Beres (Romania), Adrian Papuc (Romania), Supriya Pantiru (Romania), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Gigi Olah (Romania), Mihai Dragnea (Romania), Bogdan Copil (Romania), Karanika Savescu (Romania)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Romania 29 June
Romania 1 July >