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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Romania 3 July: Vatra Dornei - Suceava

We started or day with a meeting with the local skying team

Am inceput ziua cu o intalnire cu echipa locala de schi

The trainer received the torch and the certificate

Antrenorul echipei a primit torta si diploma de participare

And then the running started

Si am inceput alergarea

Stefan Dan owner of Autonet Rent a car joined the run

Stefan Dan, reprezentantul firmei Autonet, s-a alaturat alergatorilor

Thank you Autonet for supporting the run!

Multumim Autonet pentru sprijinul acordat alergarii!

Cooling off after a long, hot run

Racorirea dupa o alergare lunga, prin caldura

We are approaching Gura Humorului

Ne apropiem de Gura Humorului

Spontaneous meeting with a group of young and enthusiastic people

Am avut parte de o intalnire spontana cu un grup entutiasmat de tineri

We then visited the local sports club

Am vizitat Clubul Scolar Gura Humorului

The girls handball team

Echipa de handbal fete

The boys rugby team was also present

Echipa de rugby baieti a fost de asemenea prezenta

The kids were happy to run with us inside the gym

Copiii au fost bucurosi sa alerge cu noi in sala

The coach received the torch

Domnul antrenor a primit torta

Back on the road

Iarasi pe drum

We were approaching Suceava

Ne apropiam de Suceava

Everybody is running

Toata lumea alearga

We were warmly welcomed by local athletes

Am fost intampinati cu caldura de catre atletii locali

And we received beautiful certificates with the symbols of the county...

Am primit diplome de participare, cu simbolurile judetului...

...and hats to protect us from the Sun

...si sepcute pentru a ne proteje de soare

Group hat photo

Poza de grup cu noile sepcute

Off course we ran with the athletes on the field

Bineinteles ca am alergat cu atletii pe stadion

The young wrestler takes the torch

Tinarul luptator preia torta

Keeping the torch in the family

Pastram torta in familie

Fast walking national champion

Campion national la mars

Mr. Cezar Moscaliuc - thank you for your support!

Dl. Cezar Moscaliuc - multumim pentru sprijin!

– Bogdan

Distance: 109 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Vladimir Ilyasov (Russian Federation), Barbora Tabackova (Slovakia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Ildiko Kuremszki (Hungary), Lazlo Kovacs (Hungary), Christian Ichim (Romania), Szilveszter Szilard (Romania), Sandor Beres (Romania), Adrian Papuc (Romania), Supriya Pantiru (Romania), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Gigi Olah (Romania), Mihai Dragnea (Romania), Bogdan Copil (Romania), Karanika Savescu (Romania)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Romania 2 July
Romania 4 July >
Moldova 4 July >