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- USA 28 December: Honolulu
- USA 27 December: Honolulu
- USA 15 November: Sanford, FL
- USA 24 October: Lake Mary, FL
- USA 11 October: Altamonte Springs and Winter Park Florida
- USA 9 October: New York
- USA 25 August: New York City
- USA 14 August: Charlottesville, Virginia - Monticello
- USA 29 July: New York City
- USA 6 July: Mt. Rainier
- USA 4 July: Philadelphia
- USA 3 July: Hartford - World Youth Peace Summit
- USA 26 June: Hartford, CT - Scholar-Athlete Games
- USA 23 June: Minneapolis - Saint Paul
- USA 11 June: Lake Mary, FL
- USA 29 May: Austin, TX
- USA 16 May: Orlando
- USA 14 May: Newark
- USA 13 May: Tacoma, WA
- USA 7 May: Washington DC
- USA 29 April - 1 May: Philadelphia
- USA 20 April: NY City DH Plaza - Environment and Year of Forests
- USA 28 March: Clearwater
- USA 25 March: Tampa
- USA 24 March: Clearwater, FL
- USA 19 March: New York
- USA 11 Mar UNESCO Special Event at UN
- USA 21 Feb: NY Central Park
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- World-Harmony-Run Song
- Torch-Bearer Award
USA 7 May: Washington DC
In Washington DC, the nation's capital, we took a "Shortcut to Europe."
The delegation of the European Union to the United States along with the Embassies of the 27 EU Member States opened their doors to the Washington public during the EU Open House Day.
As the Harmony Run team literally ran over 15,000 miles through 49 European Countries in 2010 we thought it might be a nice idea to take the World Harmony Run torch to many of these embassies in DC. We began with the Delegation of the European Union to the United States - where we met with Ambassador João Vale de Almeida.
He even graciously took a few steps with us as we began our ambitious journey of visiting 18 embassies by 4.30 pm.
Thousands of Americans come out to take part in this international happening and many were very interested in our torch and what the ideals it represents.
Spain's Ambassador Hon Jorge Dezcallar graciously received the torch. Interestingly, our European team mates were actually running in Spain from Barcelono to Salamanca just a few weeks ago. (More on 26 April - 02 May 2011)
Fortunately the Embassies were within easy running distance.
In a remarkable confluence of events our US team and our European team were both in Portugese sovereign territory on May 7. (More newst and photos on Portugal WH run 02-06-may-2011)
We happened to run by Mahatma Ghandi who was walking in the other direction.
Many children who were out learning about the world took the opportunity to make a wish for world peace.
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Many others outside were also happy to chat about the run, hold the torch together, and make a wish for harmony and peace.
Ambassador Jean-Paul Senninger of Luxembourg very graciously complimented us on not only our running capacity but also our singing capacity as we performed the World Harmony Run song for him.
We were happy to be joined by some enthusiastic runners from the Embassy of Hungary who carried the torch with us for a bit.
This was a special surprise as the Hungarian National World Harmony Runs were begining in Hungary 16 -25 May 2011 . A big event in the capital, Budapest, on 20 may is with the President who, with other dignitaries, would join 10,000 Children surrounding the parliament in an expression of peace and harmony (more) . Previously, on 4 May 2010, seven thousand young people had participated in an all-day event to run and create art with a Peace and Harmony theme in a Budapest Plaza and park.

Outside the Irish Embassy we met with proponents of Irish dance and Gaelic Football.
We met so many happy people
Who shared the experience of being with the torch
And were very pleased to support Peace and Harmony..
Others first noticed the torch being passed as they were waiting to go into embassies (see background)
The Romanian Embassy.
Many of the Embassies had people wearing national dress - such as this fellow from the Latvian embassy.
We had heard from others that there would be many waiting to enter at the Greek Embassy. Our Harmony Run Executive Director (above), Salil Wilson is from Australia, so it felt a bit like home since there are many persons of Greek descent in his country.
This Greek dance troupe kept the long lines of people entertained as they waited patiently to partake in the famous Greek cuisine which was generously on offer inside.
Ms. Zoe Kosmidou, Expert Minster Counselor for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of Greece greeted the team and held the torch.
Estonian Ambassador Vaino Reinart took time out to hold the torch.
Inside the Estonian Embassy we enjoyed meeting with some Estonians proudly sporting their national dress.
Enjoying a nearby Park
Now it was time for lunch - and a well earned break.
Then we were onto Bulgaria where we met with Petar Kraytchev, Second Secretary, Congress and Culture.
Inside Anubha, from Australia, made sure she got her passport for the day stamped.
The Embassy of Cyprus had some delicious sweets they were offering to all the visitors.
Kalyanika, a native of DC, met one of her most devoted customers from Transcendence-Perfection-Bliss of the Beyond, a gift store where she works.
Jayashri Wyatt of Canada led us to our next engagement.
We had special sweet requests to slow down along the route
and to share the torch with some new friends
On the way we went past the Embassy of Zambia, which had been host to a Run in November late last year.(see youtube video)
Our route took us past an International Bazaar organized by the Muslim Women's Association.
These were some of the organizers of the International Bazaar.
People enjoying the torch and passing it on to others

is always fun to share..
These two from Slovenia demonstrated a traditional dance.
And shared their enthusiasm for the day with all who were visiting with beautiful welcoming smiles and spirit ...
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Netherlands Ambassador Renee Jones-Bos and her husband graciously received the Torch, spoke for a bit about the day and the run and offered their encouragement. There were many beautiful World Harmony Runs events in Netherlands from 25 - 29 June , 2010.
A couple of Danish nationals happened to be passing by as we made our way to the Italian Embassy.
Arpan DeAngelo is very proud of his Italian heritage and he was delighted to visit his surrogate homeland.
And just in time for the 150th Anniversary. The World Harmony Run is in Italy 17-26 May 2011
As we made our way to the British Embassy, who should we meet but Winston Churchill. He was very happy to see the children playing at his feet with the World Harmony Run Torch.
Philip Barton, Deputy Head of the British Mission, welcomed us to his homeland. In June the Run will be travelling the length of his country from John O'Groats to Lands End.
A navel officer was happy to chat a bit about the run in Great Britain and hold the torch. In 2010 the Harmony Run went from 01 to 24 March (in Scotland, Wales, England)
Homagni, from Australia, met with some British Troopers who looked very similar to the fellows you would see in Australia about 170 years ago.
Sisters from Vatican City met with our World Harmony Run sisters.
This young girl took a chance to hold the torch and take a break from the long line waiting for Belgian Waffles.
A representative from Belgium took a break from making the waffles to hold the Torch. The Harmony Run was in Belgium during June 2010.
Anubha picked up a hitchhiker along the way.
Finnish Ambassador Pekka Lintu met us proudly wearing his T-shirt from a famous Finnish design house, Marimekko. The Harmony Run was in Finland during September 2010
A poised, clear and bright smile with the Harmnoy Run torch.
Our last stop was Malta where we met the Ambassador's family who welcomed us most graciously, before the Ambassador joined us.
Malta's Ambassador Mark Miceli can be seen holding the torch.
A Happy and Grateful Crew after the Shortcut to Europe
The "Short Cut to Europe"day was full of Gift's to and from the Heart. We offer our gratitude to all the organizers and participants we met at the various embassies and along the way for making this experience possible..
What better way to finish the day than a quick bite to eat at the Byblos Deli where owner Mark joined us in holding the torch.
Just down the street we stopped by Suprabha Beckjord's wonderful gift shop - Transcendence-Perfection-Bliss of the Beyond.
Suprabha, an ultra marathon runner (3100 miles - solo) and a supporter of the World Harmony Run for many years, had made delicious sandwiches for the entire team's lunch stop.
Jefferson Memorial
Last on our list of things to do was a visit to the Jefferson Memorial.
This remarkable monument houses one of America's true heroes and embodies a literally breathtaking spirit of Liberty.
If anyone goes to Washington then you have to go to the Jefferson Memorial.
In front of the Jefferson Memorial you can look across the Tidal Basin and see the Washington Monument.
In Advance of 2012
We were also reminded of our day running through Washington in April of 2010 and visiting the Oneness-Family School and Peace Academy in Chevy Chase, Maryland, just north of Washington, D.C. That was part of the relay through all the USA states which takes place again in 2012...
The World Harmony Run proudly supports the International Year of Youth (IYY) and the International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.
See the recent Youtube video which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice" International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony
See also the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Centre support for IY of Forests. ... convention for conservation of forest biodiversity. (more)
Distance: 7 miles
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
< USA 29 April - 1 May |
USA 13 May > |