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- USA 14 August: Charlottesville, Virginia - Monticello
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- USA 26 June: Hartford, CT - Scholar-Athlete Games
- USA 23 June: Minneapolis - Saint Paul
- USA 11 June: Lake Mary, FL
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- USA 13 May: Tacoma, WA
- USA 7 May: Washington DC
- USA 29 April - 1 May: Philadelphia
- USA 20 April: NY City DH Plaza - Environment and Year of Forests
- USA 28 March: Clearwater
- USA 25 March: Tampa
- USA 24 March: Clearwater, FL
- USA 19 March: New York
- USA 11 Mar UNESCO Special Event at UN
- USA 21 Feb: NY Central Park
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- World-Harmony-Run Song
- Torch-Bearer Award
USA 25 March: Tampa
If you have a good night's sleep then the next days is always going to be a good one and today was no exception. Special thanks to the General Manager Margaret Borkowski and the La Quinta Inn Tampa Bay Clearwater Airport for providing our complimentary accommodation.
Safety Harbor Montessori Academy
On Friday we were honored to participate in Safety Harbor Montessori Academy’s Annual International Spring Festival. Each classroom was decorated in the theme of a different country that the students had been studying.
There was a poster describing Religion of Albania, miniature Parthenon from Greece, life-size llamas from Peru made of cotton balls,
and a replica of “The Phoenix”, the miners’ rescue capsule from Chile.
In the main hallway we were welcomed by the "Earth Anthem" which speaks of the "call of all nations" , the "forests of green" and the "hearts sing for harmony". This was perfect for both the "International Year of Forests" proclaimed by the UN General Assembly for 2011 is supported by the Harmnoy Run on their banner along with the Year of Youth logo.
It was quite amazing to see (a model) Mount Rushmore National Memorial sculpture in the surrounding (plants)
The excellent performances ranged from England with the Beatles and the Spice Girls to Africa and their colorful dress to the USA where all the children were wearing Abraham Lincoln top hats and beards.
At one point many of the classes performed together with coordinated waving flags from many nations
Salil introduced the World Harmony Run and encouraged the audience to stop by our booth to hold the Torch and make a wish for world harmony. Not only students but also parents and teachers came to find out more about the Run.
We are very grateful to Melinda Robinson, Head of School, for inviting us to join in this special day.
And also to all the staff, students and other individuals or families who shared a few minutes with us and expressed their own aspiration for peace and harmony.
Afternoon in the park with Frisby
After a delicious lunch at our favorite restaurant in Palm Harbor, Consciousness-Blossoms,
And before the afternoon event, the team took a break at a local Disc Golf park. Here our Executive Director showed his great form and introduced quite a few recruits to this new sport.
As part of his duties he volunteered to retrieve from some very still water the frisby other team members had managed to throw there.
He showed his great sense of humor - and attachment to his favorite discs when he entered not once but twice after taking off his shoes and socks. He obviously felt he had to accept his student's mistakes as his own - and it seemed to be the only way to get his frisby back :-) each time.
Boys and Girls Club in Pinellas Park
We were very happy to make a visit to the Boys and Girls Club in Pinellas Park.
Many thanks to Sarah Balkom for gathering the children in the gymnasium to watch the World Harmony Run video.
Afterwards everyone was eager to hold the torch.
Even before we went outside to run with the Torch around the yard.
They were full of energy and eagerness to participate.
We took turns running around with the banner and torch.
Some shared their special wish for harmony and peace with the team and wanted to come back many times to hold the torch again.
A few had participated in the World Harmony torch relay on previous a run in area at a local school and were happy to share that they remembered the experience well. Others just wanted to happily hold the torch as long as possible. The team members know that special feeling and are always inspired by the bright smiles...
Blue Spring State Park
The next day, in honor of the International Year of Forests we visited Blue Spring State Park - a beautiful spring fed body of water that is home to Manatees for much of the winter. This time of year we humans are able to swim here (which we did) in the early morning.
The World Harmnoy Run proudly supports the International Year of Youth (IYY) and the International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.
See also recent Youtube video which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice" International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6qehMiIWuYRun
Distance: 2 km
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
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< USA 24 March |
USA 28 March > |