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- USA 9 October: New York
- USA 25 August: New York City
- USA 14 August: Charlottesville, Virginia - Monticello
- USA 29 July: New York City
- USA 6 July: Mt. Rainier
- USA 4 July: Philadelphia
- USA 3 July: Hartford - World Youth Peace Summit
- USA 26 June: Hartford, CT - Scholar-Athlete Games
- USA 23 June: Minneapolis - Saint Paul
- USA 11 June: Lake Mary, FL
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- USA 16 May: Orlando
- USA 14 May: Newark
- USA 13 May: Tacoma, WA
- USA 7 May: Washington DC
- USA 29 April - 1 May: Philadelphia
- USA 20 April: NY City DH Plaza - Environment and Year of Forests
- USA 28 March: Clearwater
- USA 25 March: Tampa
- USA 24 March: Clearwater, FL
- USA 19 March: New York
- USA 11 Mar UNESCO Special Event at UN
- USA 21 Feb: NY Central Park
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- World-Harmony-Run Song
- Torch-Bearer Award
USA 29 April - 1 May: Philadelphia
Our adventure with the Philadelphia Broadstreet 10 mile run began on Thursday April 28.
We began by loading our display into their Expo and Registration at the Lincoln Financial Field - home of the Philadelphia Eagles.
The Broad Street Run is expertly organized by the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation.
Adhiratha helped to make sure everything was in its place as we got ready for the 30,000 registrants.
We displayed a panel of the USA version of the World Harmony Run Board Game and
The excerpt from "Message for 2011 and beyond" to participants from the President of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) General Conference. This included a link to Davidson Hepburn's full message and youtube video of excerpt
To keep the children amused Salil began making animal balloons for children who came by our display booth.
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This was a great addition to the handmade paper torches that we were already putting together. The paper torches we made under his guidance based ona design first used as part of a Seattle World Harmony Run event and perfected by a mutual friend at a follow up activity.
This was probably his best creation. A crown for a princess who is also holding a torch.
John Kagwe, 2-time New York City Marathon winner, was on hand today to offer running tips to all the racers as they made their last minute preparations for the Broad Street Run.
Some of the older visitors wanted to do interviews for school projects.
Of course many people held a real torch and made a wish for world peace and harmony in front of the run's 2011 banner which shows support for the International Year of Youth and International Year of Forests proclaimed by the UN General Assembly. The themes stressing youth and forests match well the important activities parks and recreation organizations are contributing to the local community in many locations.
Voting on Art
Our two volunteer World Harmony Run Philadelphia coordinators, Pragati and Bahula came and offered their support - they are seen here in front of children's artwork inspired by the Broadstreet Run.
All the people attending were encouraged to vote for their favorite paintings
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Above and below are some of these artistic creations.
Remembering World Harmony Run of 2010 Philadelphia Love Park
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One drawing especially reminded us of the Harmony Run
2010 from Christ Church past City Hall ...
And the Ceremony in Love Park for 2010. Link to more information on that 2010 april day which includes a morning run from Christ Church to Love Park across from City Hall, media coverage and visits to local schools and their participation.
During the course of the Expo we had an opportunity to visit with some of the other exhibitors and were delighted to meet a number of wonderful organizations
Alex's Lemonade Stand, here is an excerpt of their story taken from their website - "When Alex, who was diagnosed with childhood cancer just before her first birthday, was four, she told her parents she wanted to set up a front-yard lemonade stand. Her plan: to give the money to doctors to help them find a cure. Her first “Alex’s Lemonade Stand” raised an astonishing $2,000 in one day. While bravely fighting her own cancer, Alex continued to set up lemonade stands every year. As news spread of the remarkable girl so dedicated to helping other sick children, people everywhere were inspired to start their own lemonade stands—donating the proceeds to her cause."www.alexslemonade.org
Students Run Philly Style - Next on our tour of the Broad Street Run Expo we bumped into Students Run Philly Style. This is an innovative organization that offers marathon training to help young people succeed in life. They do this by connecting students with adult mentors who help them imagine and accomplish goals beyond their dreams, including the completion of a marathon. www.studentsrunphilly.org
Back on My Feet Finally we came across Back on My Feet - "a nonprofit organization that promotes the self-sufficiency of homeless populations by engaging them in running as a means to build confidence, strength and self-esteem. Back on My Feet (BoMF) does not provide food nor does it provide shelter, but instead provides a community that embraces equality, respect, discipline, teamwork and leadership. All members - regardless of race, education or socioeconomic status - join together to move their own lives forward as well as the lives of their teammates." www.backonmyfeet.org
We hope to connect again with these organizations before we run through Philadelphia next year.These type of local efforts and the work of parks and recreation in Philadelphia to foster mutual understanding and harmony through shared events across communities in the present are very important now. But also as the President of UNESCOs General Conference noted about the run, they are surely building the foundation for a culture of peace tomorrow. "
Face and arm painting
We also had the chance to appreciate the work of some of the other indidividuals giving joy to the children and their parents.
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The face and arm painters were in high demand
One of the young runners had been at our booth previously and charmed us with her conversation about the paper torches, balloons and much else. She later returned to show us her beautiful arm painting and to mention again her friend Shannon. The team was touched by many of the children's straightforward sweetness as well as the parents patient dedication to their happiness and wellbeing.
Race Day
As 30,000 runners were preparing to begin their race at the start 10 miles away - their children were taking part in a 1 mile race at the finish area.
Swoop with the Harmony Run Torch
Swoop - Philadelphia Eagles Mascot was eager to hold the torch and lead the charge of these young aspiring runners.
Every child's race number was number 1 - a nice touch.
A couple of successful race finishers.
Some race officials had a chance to hold the torch, with Swoop continuing to add to the smiles in the back ground. He liked the torch.
A family waiting for their runner.
These three were heading to meet Dad after his ten-mile sojourn.
Congratulations to all the Broad Street Run finishers and the organizers - well done.
See also recent Youtube video which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice" International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6qehMiIWuYRun
Distance: 1 miles
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
< USA 20 April |
USA 7 May > |