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Slovenia 28 May: Ptuj - Hodoš

We started our last Slovenian day in Ptuj.

Naš zadnji dan v Sloveniji smo začeli na Ptuju.

A big "Thank You" to the Terme Ptuj, Grand Hotel Primus, which hosted the WHR for the second time! The spa was a highly welcome refreshment after a long running day!

Velik "Hvala!" Termam Ptuj, Grand Hotelu Primus, ki je gostil Tek svetovne harmonije že drugič! Njihov Spa je bil izredno dobrodošla osvežitev po dolgem tekaškem dnevu!

Our first meeting brought us to Breg Primary School in Ptuj.

Naše prvo srečanje smo imeli v Osnovni šoli Breg na Ptuju.

The principal, also an old friend of the WHR, welcomed our team...

Ravnatelj, star prijatelj teka, nam je izrekel dobrodošlico...

..after a nice performance we introduced the WHR to the kids...

...po prikupnem nastopu smo Tek svetovne harmonije predstavili otrokom...

...and passed the torch to them.

...in jim podali plamenico.

We bid farewell with "high fives".

Poslovili smo se z "dajanjem petk".

Running through Ptuj.

Tek po Ptuju.

At Ptuj Stadium, kids from Ptuj Kindergartens and from Dr. Ljudevita Pivka and Mladika primary schools waited for us.

Na Stadionu Ptuj so nas pričakali otroci iz Vrtcev Ptuj, Osnovne šole Dr. Ljudevita Pivka in Osnovne šole Mladika.

There were also kids from other schools, there for an athletic competition to be held later on.

Tam so bili tudi učenci z drugih šol, ki so prišli na atletsko tekmovanje, ki se je odvijalo kasneje.

Passing the torch to children...

Podaja plamenice otrokom...

...and to the Mayor of Ptuj, Štefan Čelan.

...in županu Ptuja, Štefanu Čelanu.

We gave him a painting by  the founder of the Run, Sri Chinmoy.

Podarili smo mu sliko ustanovitelja teka Šri Činmoja.

Miroslav Cerar greeted us again and gave us a book about Slovene Olympians.

Miroslav Cerar nas je pozdravil in nam podaril knjigo o slovenskih olimpijcih.

We all ran one lap for harmony.

Vsi skupaj smo tekli en krog za harmonijo.

These children gave a very nice performance; we are sorry that it was interrupted before they had finished.

Ti otroci so pripravili prikupen nastop. Žal nam je, da je bil prekinjen, še predno so ga končali.

Children from a kindergarten in Kidričevo waved to us...

V Kidričevem so nam otroci z vrtca pomahali v pozdrav...

...and at Borisa Kidriča Kidričevo Primary School, the children presented an interesting program.

...v Osnovni šoli Borisa Kidriča Kidričevo pa so nam pripravili zanimiv program.

Moments of harmony.

Trenutki harmonije.

We receive a lot of inspiration from children every day.

Vsak dan dobimo od otrok veliko navdiha.

Flowers for runners.

Rože za tekače.


We had a great run to Markovci with local kids.

Prijetno je bilo teči do Markovcev z lokalnimi učenci.

Even Kurents, pardon - Korents, as they call them in Markovci (whence, we were told, they originate), came.

Prišli so celo kurenti, pardon, korenti, kakor jim pravijo v Markovcih,
od koder, kot so nam povedali, originalno izhajajo.

The Korent mask, which is mostly known by the name Kurent, is the most famous carnival mask from Slovenia. It is said that Korents scare the winter away. They almost scared us too...

Korent, ki ga večina pozna po imenu Kurent, je najbolj poznana pustna maska v Sloveniji. Pravijo, da korenti preženejo zimo. Skoraj so prestrašili tudi nas...

We enjoyed this school a lot. It has beautiful natural surroundings that give a feeling of peace.

Zelo nam je bilo všeč na tej šoli. Okoli je prelepa narava, ki ustavarja občutek miru.

They invited us for a nice lunch. Thank you!

Povabili so nas na okusno kosilo. Hvala!

The road was calling us again...

In spet nas je klicala cesta...

Running to Hodoš, from where we head to Hungary tomorrow. We had a great time in beautiful Slovenia!

Tek do Hodoša, kjer smo naslednji dan odšli na Madžarsko. Zares smo se imeli lepo v prelepi Sloveniji!

– Prakashita

Distance: 119 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Sarah Newton (Canada), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Balavan Thomas (UK), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation), Anusobhini Rabensova (Czech Republic), Chanakhya Jakovic (UK), Janusz Wiewior (Poland)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 27 May
Hungary 29 May >
Slovakia 29 May >