Iceland 12 May: Reykjavík
We were very excited today to take part in the Multi-cultural parade of Reykjavík.
Í dag tók Friðarhlaupið þátt í Fjölmenningargöngu Reykjavíkur.
The parade brings together citizens of Reykjavík from all different ethnic groups, as well as organisations that foster harmony and cooperation between people of all backgrounds.
Reykvíkingar af ólíku bergi brotni taka þátt í göngunni, svo og samtök eins og Friðarhlaupið, sem stuðla að samvinnu og samlyndi milli fólks af öllu þjóðerni.
The popular Mayor of Reykjavík, Jón Gnarr, who was formerly known as the most popular comedian in Iceland, came out to send the Parade off with some inspiring words. He was happy to hold the Harmony Torch.
Hinn vinsæli borgarstjóri Reykjavíkur, Jón Gnarr, flutti góða ræðu og ræsti gönguna. Hann lét ekki gott tækifæri sleppa að halda á Friðarkyndlinum.
Of course, Jón was not the only one who wanted to hold the Torch.
Það voru fleiri en Jón sem vildu fá að halda á kyndlinum.
In his speech, the Mayor quoted from Hávamál, the oldest sacred scriptures of Iceland.
Í ræðu sinni vitnaði Jón m.a. í Hávamál.
The parade started in front of Hallgrímskirkja, the cathedral in Reykjavík...
Gangan hófst við Hallgrímskirkju...
...and ended in the City Hall, where all the different groups had decorated booths, where they introduced themselves and their work. In our World Harmony Run booth, we gave several people the chance to hold the Torch and offer their aspirations for a more harmonious world.
...og henni lauk í Ráðhúsinu, en þar var hver hópur með bás til að kynna starfsemi sína. Við notuðum tækifærið til að leyfa fólki að halda á Friðarkyndlinum og tjá sína drauma og óskir um frið í heiminum í þögulli íhugun.
Danival even found someone with a flag representing his father's home region in Italy.
Danival var glaður að koma auga á fána héraðs föður síns í Ítalíu.
Distance: 1 km
Team Members:
Icelandic runners
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