- Region Summary News
- 25th Anniversary
- 2011-2013 and Beyond...
- Participate
- testing
- Photos: World Oneness Aspiration Themes
- Torch-Bearer Award
- Videos
- Friends
- UN Initiatives
- Information on UN Years, Days, Weeks
- Year of Youth
- Year of Forests
- World Interfaith Harmony Week
- International Mother Language Day
- Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures
- President of UNESCO General Conference Messages to Harmony Run participants 2010, 2011 and beyond with video excerpt.
- Conclusion of 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures IYRC - 11 March 2011
- A. Programme for marking Conclusion IYRC and First Decade for a Culture of Peace - with bios
- B. Some short statements from informal notes of the meeting and cell photos from conference room.
- C. Legacies of Peace of Dr. Robert G. Muller (1923 - 2010); former UN Assistant S-G, Chancellor University for Peace
- D. Special World Harmony Run Events, Messages, Videos and Examples during IYRC
- Examples of IYRC at events, IYRC Logo 6 languages explained, sample handout, Talking points and FAQ Links,
- UN Secretary-General and UNESCO Director General IYRC Statements
- Year of the Child
- Media
- Year - Rapprochement of Cultures
- Schools And Kids
- Song
- About
- Asia Pacific
D. Special World Harmony Run Events, Messages, Videos and Examples during IYRC
A. See Examples of events during IYRC from regions and many countires at:
And with explaniation of Logo for year and FAQ's:
B. Special mesages - utube videos (to be added)
video excerpt of Davidson Hepburn's message for 2011 and beyond on youtube:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Opening in April NY
Final European and Asian run come together in Moscow
Suthern Africa - excerpts form 5 countries
C. Examples of a few Special All day events (to be added)
Hungry - in May
USA - Chicago , Philadelphia, St . Lewis
Canada - Ottawa
Adventure in Zambia

New York , 20 Summer Camps and Flushing Meadow Park Final event.
The World Harmnoy Run proudly supports the International Year of Youth (IYY) and the International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.