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- President of UNESCO General Conference Messages to Harmony Run participants 2010, 2011 and beyond with video excerpt.
- Conclusion of 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures IYRC - 11 March 2011
- A. Programme for marking Conclusion IYRC and First Decade for a Culture of Peace - with bios
- B. Some short statements from informal notes of the meeting and cell photos from conference room.
- C. Legacies of Peace of Dr. Robert G. Muller (1923 - 2010); former UN Assistant S-G, Chancellor University for Peace
- D. Special World Harmony Run Events, Messages, Videos and Examples during IYRC
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C. Legacies of Peace of Dr. Robert G. Muller (1923 - 2010); former UN Assistant S-G, Chancellor University for Peace
On 11 March, 2011 at mid day, there was a programme "Legacies of Peace" in honour and Memory of Dr. Robert G. Muller (1923 - 2010);
former Assistant Secretary General; Founder - Chancellor of the University for Peace. A number of WHR members who had known and worked with Dr. Muller attended.
Contents - See Below:
1. Programme from event
2. Bio
3. Excerpts from Robert Muller writings.
4. Life sketch
5. Songs in honour of Dr Muller, composed by Sri Chinmony, founder of World Hrmnoy Run.
6. Links to other related infomration
7.Conversation Excerpts: Q.& A. Robert Muller and Sri Chinmoy discuss the world

1. Programme for event
2. Bio
3. Excerpts: "Most of All They Taught Me Happiness". Song "Let there be peace..Begin with me"
4. Life sketch
5. Songs in honour of Dr Muller, composed by Sri Chinmony, founder of World Harmnoy Run.
Introduction to songs performed at Memorial for Dr. Robert Muller, Church Centre for the United Nations, 11 March 2011: "Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations had the privilege of calling Robert Muller a friend and mentor for over three decades. We found in him a kindred soul, who shared an intense love of the United Nations and of its essential and deeply spiritual role in the transformation of the world. It is in this spirit that we wish to offer the following songs composed by Sri Chinmoy in honour of Dr. Muller".
- Words and Music Score of Songs performed 2011-mar-11
- Other songs
6. Links to other related infomation
7. Conversation Excerpts: Q.& A. Robert Muller and Sri Chinmoy discuss the world.
- This is link to eleven questions of Robert Muller in 1977 and Sri Chinmoy's answers. This reflects the early conversations about the role of the United Nations and related topics whch were republished in 1995. http://www.srichinmoylibrary.com/books/1094/2/1
- Their friendship and colaboration continued for more than thirty years.They believed it was important to value the United Nations as both a gigantic hope and as Sri Chinmoy called it "the Heart-Home of the World Body". One example was their participation together in the 20th Aniversary of the United Nations "Room of Quiet" meditation rooom. This helped many to become more familar with the history and spirit behind the room that former S-G Dag Hammarskold had redesigned in 1957.

Robert Muller, Sri Chinmoy and the Representative of the Holy See join in a silent meditation. The event in the Room of Quiet was followed by a programme in Conference Room 4 to mark the Occasion.
H.E. Dr. Carols P. Romulo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines and one of the original signers of the UN Charter was one of the speakers at the programme in CR 4.
See also programmes from Aug 10 1977 at wainright house to honour the Laymen's Movement which was instrumental in establishing the original meditation room..
C.6.1 Secretary-General Hails Late Assistant S-G Robert Muller's Devotion to Organization's Work - Message at Memorial

C.6.1 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's message, delivered by Kiyo Akasaka, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, to the memorial service for Robert Muller, in New York, 11 March: