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- President of UNESCO General Conference Messages to Harmony Run participants 2010, 2011 and beyond with video excerpt.
- Conclusion of 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures IYRC - 11 March 2011
- A. Programme for marking Conclusion IYRC and First Decade for a Culture of Peace - with bios
- B. Some short statements from informal notes of the meeting and cell photos from conference room.
- C. Legacies of Peace of Dr. Robert G. Muller (1923 - 2010); former UN Assistant S-G, Chancellor University for Peace
- D. Special World Harmony Run Events, Messages, Videos and Examples during IYRC
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- UN Secretary-General and UNESCO Director General IYRC Statements
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A. Programme for marking Conclusion IYRC and First Decade for a Culture of Peace - with bios
Excerpts and Links to
A. Printed program made available to participants attending event. It provides:
1. Programme 11 March 2011, 3.00 - 5.30 pm
2. Message form Director General of UNESCO
3. High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures:
4. Bios and images of Panel members
1. Programme 11 March 2011, 3.00 - 5.30 pm
United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room IV ,
IRINA BOKOVA, Director-General of UNESCO
Opening Remark
ASHA-ROSE MIGIRO, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations (S-G opened)
Presentation by FORESTWHITAKER,
Artist, Film Director and Producer
Discussion with the members of the UNESCO High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures
President of Asia Society
Discussion with the members of the High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures
Statement by Youth Representative
MEGHANN AUREA VILLANUEVA, Director of the Peace and Human Rights programme ofthe Fundaci6 Catalunya Voluntaria
Discussion with the members of the UNESCO High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures
Closing address:
IRINA BOKOVA, Director-General of UNESCO
The Forum moderated by FEMI OKE, television presenter and journalist
Forum will also allow to reflect on the impact and the activities undertaken during
the closing of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures and the Decade or a Culture of Peaceand Non-Violence for the Children of the World .
2. Message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
on the occasion of the meeting of the High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures New York, 11 March 2011:
3. High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures:
4. Bios and images of Panel