• World Harmony Run

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    1,000,000 Participants

  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

    100 countries
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  • Schools And Kids

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    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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    Lake Biwa

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  • The All Blacks, New Zealand

    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Slovenia 2 September: Karlovac (Croatia) - Ptuj (Slovenia)

We left Karlovac and the rain behind - a mystic morning with steaming forrests and lots of wildlife...

Zapustili smo Karlovac in dež za nami - mistično jutro z meglenimi gozdovi in veliko divjih živali...

The running becomes especially easy with such beautyful nature around...

Ob tako čudoviti naravi je zelo lahko teči...

The sun was back as we reached Samobor, our last meeting in Croatia.

Sonce je prišlo nazaj, ko smo prišli v Samobor pri našem zadnjem srečanju na Hrvaškem.

A group of girls lined up and greeted us with big smiles...

Skupina deklet se je postavila v vrsto in nas navdušujoče vzpodbujala...

The mayor received the torch with kind words...

Župan je sprejel Plamenico s prijaznimi besedami...

Thank you Samobor for the nice welcome!

A big hand to Croatia for hosting the World Harmony Run and all the nice events. We are looking forward to return as soon as possible!

Hvala Samobor za prijazen sprejem!

Velik aplavz za Hrvaško, ker si gostila Tek Svetovne Harmonije ter za vse prijetne sprejeme. Komaj čakamo, da se spet vrnemo nazaj!

...the last steps to the border....

...zadnji koraki do meje...

Good bye Croatia! - Hello Slovenia!

Nasvidenje Hrvaška! - pozdravljena Slovenija!

Slovenia is small in size but has a big heart - and a most beautiful nature, too!

Slovenija je majhna po velikosti, ima pa veliko srce - in prečudovito naravo!

...even wild animals...

...celo divje živali...

We approached Ptujska Gora - an old settlement dating back to the Templar Knights...

Približujemo se Ptujski Gori - stara utrdba, ki izvira še iz časov vitezev Templjarjev...

...the majestic church resides powerfully on the top of a hill...

...veličastna cerkev, ki mogočno domuje na vrhu hriba...

...a tough uphill...

...hud klanec...

Slovenians are very musical people!

Slovenci so dobri glasbeniki!

The representative for the mayor and for the tourist office received the torch!

Predstavnica župana in turističnega urada je sprejela Plamenico!

...and a most delicious buffet ended the meeting...

...in sledil je nadvse okusen poobedek po srečanju...

Thank you for the hospitality!

Hvala vam za gostoljubje!

A big "Thank You" to the Restaurant Ribič and the Grand Hotel Primus in Ptuj for hosting our Team!

Velik ''Hvala Lepa'' restavraciji Ribič in Grand Hotelu Primus v Ptuju za pogostitev naše ekipe!


– Dipavajan

Distance: 130 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Barbora Tabackova (Slovakia), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Daniel Rubin (New Zealand), Vanya Popinska (Bulgaria), Tomaz Pivec (Slovenia), Miran Dremelj (Slovenia), Croatian runners

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 27 April
< Czech republic 27 April
< Iceland 27 April
< Netherlands 27 April
< Germany 27 April
< Finland 27 April
< Moldova 27 April
Slovenia 3 September >
Iceland 3 September >