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Slovenia 7 September: Tržič - border Slovenia - Italy

Good morning Tržič! We went into the Primary school Tržič - good old friends of the Run...

Dobro jutro Tržič! Šli smo v Osnovno šolo v Tržiču - dobri stari prijatelji Teka...

...a New Zealand performance...

...nastop Nove Zelandije...



...and songs...

...in pesmi...

Thank you for the great meeting!

Hvala za odličen sprejem!

..and we went on...

...in šli smo naprej...

...and reached the Primary school Križe...

...ter prišli v Osnovno šolo Križe...

..the kids awaited us on the sport field...

...otroci so nas pričakali na športnem igrišču...

...on your marks...

...na mesto...

Thanks for all the smiles!

Hvala za vse nasmehe!

Soon we reached Radovljica and went straight into the Primary school A. L. Linharta.

Kmalu smo prispeli v Radovljico in odšli naravnost v Osnovno šolo A.L.Linharta.

The mayor welcomed us...

Župan nas je sprejel...

...a big success for the World Harmony Run Song...

...velik uspeh za pesem Teka Svetovne Harmonije...

...kids entertainment...

...otroška zabava...

...and a lap for Peace!

...in krog za mir!

Thank you Radovljica for the great meeting!

Hvala Radovljici za ta prelep sprejem!

Barbora's new friend...

Barbora ima novega prijatelja...

...runners from Športna Zveza Radovljica joined us for some distance direction Bled...

...tekači Športne Zveze Radovljica so se nam pridružili proti Bledu...

...and we reached Zgornje Gorje: The mayor and children of the Primary school Gorje greeted us...

...in prispeli smo v Zgornje Gorje: Župan ter otroci iz Osnovne šole Gorje so nas pričakali...

..one of the best gifts ever: fresh, homemade bread by the mayor!

..eno izmed najboljših daril: sveže pečen domač kruh, ki ga je spekel sam župan! 

...the runners from ŠD Gorje did a great job...

...tekači iz ŠD Gorje so odlično opravili svoj posel...

...simply the best...

...enostavno najboljše...

...a dynamic ending for the meeting...

...dinamičen zaključek srečanja...

...the mayor and a few runners joined us on a scenic run towards Jesenice...

...župan in nekaj tekačev se nam je pridružilo na panoramskem teku proti Jesenicam...

In Jesenice greeted us the mayor and runners from ŠD Jesenice...

V Jesenicah nas je sprejel župan ter tekači iz ŠD Jesenice...

...the runners joined us for over 10 km - passing Slovenia's highest mountain: Triglav!

...tekači so skupaj z nami tekli več kot 10 km - mimo najvišje gore Slovenije:Triglava!

...an impressive architecture: Planica - ski jumping and - flying!

...občudovanja vredna zgradba: Planica - skakanje in -letenje!

The hill record: 239m!!!

Rekord letalnice: 239m!!!

Our last Slovenian runners! We reached the border to Italy...

Naši zadnji tekači iz Slovenije! Dosegli smo mejo z Italijo...

...and met Italian runners, too!

...ter se srečali s tekači iz Italije!

The mayor from Tarvisio, Italy and the deputy mayor from Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, met on the border.

Župan Trevisa ter podžupan Kranjske Gore se srečata na meji.

...hand shakes...

...in se rokujeta...

..a group picture and we left Slovenia!

..gasilska slika in že smo zapustili Slovenijo!

Thank you Slovenia for the absolute perfect experience! We carry your smiles out through the world!

Hvala Slovenija za zares čudovito izkušnjo! Tvoje nasmehe bomo ponesli po vsem svetu!

– Dipavajan

Distance: 74 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Barbora Tabackova (Slovakia), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Daniel Rubin (New Zealand), Vanya Popinska (Bulgaria), Miran Dremelj (Slovenia), Balavan Thomas (UK), Sergey Sidenko (Ukraine), Slovenian runners

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 6 September
< Faroe Islands 6 September
Italy 8 September >
Faroe Islands 8 September >

Faroe Islands 7 September