Hrvatska ruta 20 May: Biograd - Pag
After a great night's sleep in seaside bungalows, we were looking forward to meeting the kids of Biograd.
Nakon mirne noci provedene u bungalovima bili smo uzbudjeni susresti djecu u Biogradu.
A harmonious moment of silence.
Harmonični moment tišine.
..smiling faces...
..nasmijana lica...
Wait for me!
Čekaj te mene!
The principal welcomed us to his school for the second time...
Ravnatelj nas je primio u ovoj školi po drugi put...
Special thanks to the police, they got us to our next ceremony safe and sound.
Posebna zahvala policiji, oni su nas sigurno sproveli do sljedeceg prijema.
The Deputy Mayor of Zadar receives the torch.
Dogradončelnik Zadra primio je baklju.
The Croatian national anthem...
Hrvatska himna...
Spectacular performances; the breakdancing was amazing.
Spektakularna predstava, breakdance je bio savršen.
..Bright-eyed and enthusiastic dancers...
..Entuzijastične mlade plesačice...
Spinning on one hand is not so easy...
Okretanje na jednoj ruci nije baš tako lako...
Thanks for the refreshments...
Hvala na osvježenjima...
..and the good memories...
..i lijepim uspomenam...
We took a nice tour around and then out of the city.
Trčanje kroz stari dio Zadra.
The Principal of P. Preradović school was a great host. Here he's sending his school's wishes for peace and harmony with us to the next school.
Ravnatelj OŠ P.Preradović je bio izniman domačin. On je poslao svoje dobre želje za mir i harmoniju sa nama do sljedeće škole.
Who's faster?
Tko je brži?
The island of Pag was a breathtaking sight...
Krajolik na Pagu je zaista fascinantan....
The clouds took over the sky and formed many interesting shapes
Oblaci su kreirali zanimljive oblike.
Some local kids ran with us along the harbour, and told us tales of life in Croatia.
Lokalna djeca trčala su s nama po rivi i rekla nam neke priče iz života u Hrvatskoj.
The whole family came to greet the World Harmony Run...
Čitava obitelj došla je pozdraviti WHR..
The Deputy Mayor of Pag received the torch and we enjoyed some refreshments with him.
Dogradonačelnik Paga i predsjednik turističke zajednice primaju baklju. Slijedilo je ugodno druženje i okrijepa trkača.
Thanks for running with us!
Hvala za trčanje sa nama!
Thank you for everything Pag, we can't wait to come back!
Hvala na svemu Pagu, jedva cekamo da se opet vidimo!
Distance: 95 km
Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Manjula Lecordier (France), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Sarah Newton (Canada), Aleksey Egorov (Russian Federation), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Marlen Bernhard (Germany), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Nisanga Mehikic (Bosnia i Herzegovina), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation)
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
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Hrvatska ruta 21 May > |