- Live From The Road
- Прабег
- Медыя
- Навіны
- 2005
- 2006
- Чацвер, 8 чэрвеня: 10 км па Беларусі, мяжа з Польшчай - Бярэсце
- Пятніца, 9 чэрвеня: 147 км, Бярэсце - Івацэвічы
- Субота, 10 чэрвеня: 134 км, Івацэвічы - Стоўбцы
- Нядзеля, 11 чэрвеня: 80 км, Стоўбцы - Менск
- Панядзелак, 12 чэрвеня: 117 км, Менск - Смаргонь
- Аўторак, 13 чэрвеня: 54 км, Смаргонь - мяжа з Літвой
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2012
- Заснавальнік
- Удзел
- Школы і дзеці
- Гімн Прабегу
- Сябры
Аўторак, 13 чэрвеня: 54 км, Смаргонь - мяжа з Літвой
13 чэрвеня, развітаўшыся са Смаргонню, эстафета
накіравалася да мяжы з Літвой.
Паслать бегунам пасланне праз почту Гармоніі
Члены міжнароднай каманды:
Rasimavicius (Літва), Ядранка Грбіц (Сербія і Чарнагорыя), Ярак Вернэр
(Польшча), Марк Колінсан (Англія), Андрэй Вясёлы (Чэшская Рэспубліка),
Павел Шыманскі (Польшча), Валянцін Бебік (Украіна).
The day started with one of the best breakfasts we’ve had in a
long time, and everyone was in good spirits. We returned to Smorgon
town square where representatives of the town’s sport committee, who
had so kindly looked after us, wished us a safe journey. The children
from the local running club who ran with us yesterday eagerly returned
to run with us again out of town.
It was a perfect summer’s morning, and there was that feeling right from the word go that this was going to be a memorable day.
brilliant reactions we got from people as we left Smorgon equalled the
reactions when we arrived – just pure enthusiasm and joy.
a drop falling into a pond causing waves to spread outwards, the joy
and enthusiasm created by the people of Smorgon seemed to spread to
other people we met throughout the day.
was such a joy as we covered the 40 km distance to Oshmyany. Five
kilometres outside the town children ran with us for a short while, and
then they hurriedly piled into a bus to drive ahead to a small village
where they waited for us again, to join with other children.
representative from Oshmyany came to warmly greet us and she officially
invited us to speak at a ceremony to be held at the war memorial.
reception the runners got as we entered Oshmyany was amazing and truly
one of the best welcomes we’ve experienced in Belarus. On both sides of
the street young children were spaced every 5 metres for 1.5 km with
flags and balloons and waving with such brilliant smiles that they
melted our hearts.
was if the whole town had turned out to greet and applaud us. The
approach to the war memorial was crammed with adults and children,
where the town’s representatives greeted us. It was very emotional to
hear a World War Two veteran (he had been awarded the Red Star) speak
of his experiences and the importance of harmony and peace in the
world. These stirring veteran words, and the reaction ofthe people and
the whole town inspired Mark to give a very moving speech. In that
single moment we all felt a true sense of oneness and that world
harmony was simply not a dream, but a reality. Every runner felt how
this community appreciated the goals of our run and the belief of world
harmony. It was a special and memorable moment.
As we ran off
children joined us and people cheered and applauded. We sent Yura, our
Belarus runner to continue running, as we were invited to a restaurant
for lunch. As we got into the Harmony Run bus, an elderly lady had been
moved to tears and crying she wished that God would keep us safe and
protect us.
was difficult for us to keep back our own tears. The hearts of the
people of Oshmyany and our hearts had been so touched. Children piled
balloons into our bus and waved us goodbye.
We had a great lunch
at a restaurant. Later, the town representative and children who we had
met earlier were to follow us to the Belarus – Lithuanian border.
At the border it was a series of thanks and goodbyes. Our time in Belarus was very special.
thanks to Anton, country co-ordinator, who was continually aided on the
road by Yuri. Running-wise, the hero of the day every day was Yura, and
we wish him a safe journey to China where he will be running as part of
the International Team in the China leg of the World Harmony Run.
Special thank you to our numerous translators, especially the girls,
who more often than not used to be out of breath running to the
ceremonies, and were still patient translators!
crossings can sometimes be frustrating – so much unnecessary
bureaucracy and extra payments required sometimes. Valentine couldn’t
get a visa again so we sadly had to say goodbye to him at the Belarus
border whilst he would travel back to Minsk and rejoin us later. We
briefly had to leave Jadranka at the border whilst she got a visa at
the border.
Пераклад будзе пазней. Выбачайце за затрымку.
< Беларусь 12 чэрвеня Літва 13 чэрвеня>