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- USA 26 July: Chicago Lincoln Park Zoo, Millennium Cloud Gate, Grant Park, Harmony Paintings Exhibit
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- USA 24 July: Richland Center, WI - Cambridge, WI
- USA 23 July: Winona, MN - Richland Center, WI
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- World-Harmony-Run Song
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USA 26 July: Chicago Lincoln Park Zoo, Millennium Cloud Gate, Grant Park, Harmony Paintings Exhibit
A full Harmony Day in Chicago
In Celebration of World Harmony and the United Nations, UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizations) declared: "2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures (IYRC)". The day's activities included:
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- Early morning running; events at Landmarks and Parks;
- Music with amazing Marching Drum and Bugle Corps and Singing;
- Participation by Olympians, other dignitaries and 500 Children;
- Games, sharing and holding the torch by all;
- A beautiful World Harmony painting exhibit; and,
- "Torch Bearer" awardees and special guests at a local Gallery.
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One of the goals of the 2010 special IYRC is to:
"Demonstrate the benefits of cultural diversity by acknowledging
- the importance of the transfers and exchanges between cultures and
- the ties forged between them since the dawn of humanity”
The 20 year World Harmony Run:
- Has visited more than 140 countries;
- Is inspiring millions of individuals and diverse communities;
- Passes a torch from hand to hand and heart to heart;
- Is a sign of international understanding; and,
- Reminds us that Harmony begins with each one of us.
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The day was full of wonderful activities and touching moments. The below narrative and photos capture some. For more:
- Photos, see “gallery”at: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/gallery/usa/2010/week14/0726e
- A short video from day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsPdYOxXRLQ
- Initial shorter "live from the road" web report of day: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/usa/news/2010/week14/0726
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Order of Event Activities:
A. Teams planning for Chicago event and sites;
B. Early Morning Start at Lincoln Park Zoo;
C. 8:00 am Millennium Park "Cloud Gate" Ceremony with Olympians;
D. Grant Park - 500 local children, Olympians, Drum and Bugle corps, Torch passing, Games;
E. 6:00 pm Reception and Opening of "Paintings for World Harmony" exhibit;
F. Introduction of "Torch Bearer" awards and special guests;
G. Thank you to Victory Banner and other supporters;
H. Links to related pages.
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A. Preparing for the event
Many people helped to plan for this special day and tried to anticipate the unexpected.
The final preparations were reviewed by visiting friends and organizers the afternon before the big event.
The next morning would be a very early start at Lincoln Park Zoo. So in advance, some visitors helped plan the placement of the banner with the logo indicating support for the UN and UNESCO declared special year 2010 celebrating cultural diversity.
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Across from the Zoo our enthusiastic visiting guest musician, (Premik Russell Tubbs http://www.premik.com) met up with a tall friend who borrowed his hat and then gladly joined in practicing the World Harmony Run theme song which was to have several renditions the next day. This seemed to be a good omen because it was already spreading joy to all of us as well as passersby.
Next we went to the Millennium Park "Cloud Gate" Sculpture, "The Bean".
This would be the runners' (including Olympians, local media and other personalities) first destination and ceremonial event after the start at Lincoln Park.
A little explanation for those who have not been to the park: A big attraction is a 110-ton elliptical sculpture "forged of highly polished stainless steel plates, which reflect the city's famous skyline and the clouds above. A 12-foot-high arch provides a 'gate' to the concave chamber beneath the sculpture." Visitors can touch its mirror-like surface and see their image reflected back from a variety of perspectives. "Inspired by liquid mercury, the sculpture is among the largest of its kind in the world". For more information and a description of the artist's intent, see: http://www.millenniumpark.org/artandarchitecture/cloud_gate.html
The next stop on our planning mini-tour was the Grove at Grant Park. The distance was quite near; however, this would be the biggest event with 500 children from all across Chicago coming before the 10:30 am opening.
The local organizers: Mary Landi, Prakhara Harter and Brenda Arksey had discussed the different options for the children's activities the next day. They pointed out the adjustments already made to account for the damp sections of the field due to the recent rains.
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Visiting runner Jayashri Wyatt illustrates some hand movements which can easily be conveyed to large groups and used to illustrate the Harmony run theme song.
Meanwhile, another local organizer, Sukantika Donavan (left - multitasking with cell) discussed the placement of the main staging area and musical entertainment. The Exodus Drum and Bugle Corps made up of very talented youth musicans would be performing along with Premik. His tall practice partner seen earlier was committed (some would say attached) to the Lincoln Park spot and unable to join Premik next day. However, he did give Premik back the hat!
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Sukantika joins the other planners and visiting Executive Director of the Harmony Run, Australian Salil Wilson (left) . Salil contiues to enjoy observing this collaborative local planning process. All now seems reasonably ready... (well there is one un-anticipated challenge the next day - more on that later - but it all turns out ok.)
B. Early Morning Start at Lincoln Park
Olympians Brian Hansen, 2010 Silver Medalist, Team Pursuit, Speed Skating and Diane Simpson-Bundy, 1988 Olympian and Pan Am Games Gold Medalist in Rhythmic Gymnastics and Midwest Olympians President, met us at Lincoln Park Zoo to run into downtown Chicago to finish at the Millennium Park - Cloud Gate Sculpture often referred to as the "Bean."
Charlie Rose, General Counsel for U.S. Department of Education, also joined us for the three mile run.
We posed together as Chicago World Harmony Run Coordinator, Mary Landi, gave us a nice introduction to the course...
and then personally made sure we knew exactly where we were going (Mary is holding the torch above).
The Chicago Cityscape provided an exciting backdrop.
The morning commuters saw a rather unique sight on their way to work.
We saw some unexpected "city" sights too - near where at least one runner took a break.
Tall buildings were a dramatic change to the corn fields that the core Harmony Run team had been running through for the past weeks.
We were honored to have Megan Mawicke, CBS - WBBM Sports Anchor (holding torch beside Olympian Diane Simpson-Bundy),
and Tom Schnecke, CBS - WBBM Vice President, Director of Broadcast & Engineering, taking turns leading with the torch.
Both from the CBS -WBB team accompanied us on our three mile run into downtown Chicago. Above is with Charlie Rose leading.
As we got closer to the Millennium Park the pace picked up a bit.
Olympian, Brian Hansen carried the torch and maintained the skating pace as we neared those waiting for us at the "Bean".
C. 8:00 am ceremony at Millennium Park Cloud Sculpture "The Bean"
Before the runners reached the park, (on left) renowned 3-time Grammy nominated
singer and song writer, Joan Armatrading
had come in advance to cheer and greet the arriving runners.
At the ceremony, Joan commented how this run was an excellent example
of the yearning for peace and harmony that most people share in their hearts.
Prakhara Harter read what Sri Chinmoy had expressed about how important the Olympics are. (insert quote or link to the statement)
Sri Chinmoy's words were an excellent introduction to our special guests.
Olympic great Jessie Owens' daughter, Gloria Owens Hemphill,
greeted us and offered her sincere appreciation, commenting on the deep friendship her father enjoyed with World Harmony Run founder, Sri Chinmoy. Gloria established the Jesse Owens Foundation with her sisters and close family friends. She serves as Scholarship chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board of the Foundation which seeks to instill Owens' spirit in youth and provides scholarship assistance to students from around the country.
World Harmony Run and spirit of Olympics during this special year
It was an honor to have Olympians and family members present at various locations in Chicago, for this World Harmony Run event. Harmony Run Spokesperson, Adhiratha Keefe, former UN Children's Fund staff member for 30 years, introduced the UN and UNESCO designated
"2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures (IYRC)".
He pointed out the 2010 logo which the runners carry on the banner this year. The stated IYRC goals of bringing people together, supporting diversity, cultural sharing and understanding, fit very well with the activities of the World Harmony Run. The run, begun over 20 years ago whole-heartedly supports the spirit behind this year.
The Olympics
have a long history of bringing people together through sport and cultural exchanges. UNESCO has long seen sport as a vehicle for sharing between groups of people.
Individual Olympians
have demonstrated their long term commitment to a better world by using sport and related activities. They celebrate what brings humanity together and appreciate others' accomplishments. For many Olympians their sports achievement was an opening to serve by inspiring others in their community. Their pursuit of excellence in sport has been expanded to working for the progress of humanity.
Olympian Tom Pukstys, 1992, 1996 Javelin,
American Record Holder and 6-time US Champion joined us for this event.
He expressed the importance of initiatives such these in promoting international harmony and understanding.
His sons shared in the experience by holding the torch together.
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(above: Diane Simpson-Bundy)
Other Olympians also shared their thoughts and inspiration at the event.
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(above Brian Hansen)
Appreciation for musicians, politicians and others
We also appreciated the artists, musicians, politicians, diplomats, media professionals and others who lend their stature to support these kinds of events. Like the Olympians, usually something in their early life or career touched their hearts and inspired them. Maybe it was serving in the Peace Core or a special experience traveling or at a University that confirmed their individual aspirations. No matter what their life path, they have found ways to go the extra distance to support positive efforts.
Alderman Scott Waguespack, representing Ward 32 of Chicago,
officially welcomed the World Harmony Run team to Chicago. Having served in the Peace Corps, Scott expressed his heartfelt support for the Runs' initiative.
As noted above, Megan Mawicke
and Tom Schnecke of CBS - WBBM both accompanied us on our run into downtown Chicago. As the UNESCO representative at the run's International Launch in NY start said about the harmony run participants, these two media professionals didn't just "talk the talk". They "ran the talk" to show their support and we are grateful. (See the full remarks from April at http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_messages)
Premik Russell Tubbs
entertained with his Alto-Sax at a number of events this day.
There was time for some more photos with the runners and some honored guests before...
the team had an action shot leaving the park.
Some of the guests, runners and organizers shared a breakfast snack in the park before we proceeded to the 10:30 program with 500 children at Grant Park.
E. The Grove in Grant Park
We then headed over to the Grove in Grant Park to meet with children from the Chinese American League, Chicago Area Projects and Chicago Park District Day Camps.
The buses were arriving
and so were the children.
The different colored t-shirts helped to identify each camp's members.
As noted above, days before organizers had discussed options. Measurements had to be re-considered due to the field's dampness from recent rains.
Each Camp was assigned a spot in front of the stage representing the various regions of the world.
Large posters, created by children, were strategically placed to identify each region.
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However, at the appointed times this day, we needed to again change the planned stage location to accommodate the mid-morning blazing sun.
With a little recalculating and cooperation, all was arranged. The new location out of the sun made it a little more difficult for some to see under the trees. But we had a very good sound system so most could still hear quite well.
The Exodus Drum and Bugle Corps
made sure the city knew something big was happening.
The band didn't need any amplification as it moved, marching and playing across the field...
to the center of the new set-up staging area where they performed.
It was a wonderful way to shift the focus and get everyone’s attention as we began the more structured program.
The Harmony Run Executive Director, Salil Wilson from Australia, gave some brief background about the mornings events. He highlighted that the run has been in 140 countries since it began 20 years ago and mentioned some of the important people who have held the torch. He stated how far the USA team has gone this year. They left NY in April, traveled down the east USA coast, around the Southern US, up the west coast and is now on its return journey in order to touch all 48 continental states.
Then the international team with local runners and Olympians,
carrrying the lit torch,
arrived to a very warm welcome.
High-fives are offered and received to the excitement of all.
When the runners were in place a little more was shared about the run and the founder, Sri Chinmoy, whose picture is on the banner.
Later, the "2010 International Year for the Rapprochements of Cultures" which is celebrating cultural diversity is mentioned. Salil shares with the children how the World Harmony Run is happy to support this UN and UNESCO initative promoting culture sharing and understanding. He pointed out the logo for year.
Chicago Area Projects CEO, Ricky Williams, spoke about the run and Chicago.
He encouraged the children to make the right choices in their lives in order to realize their fullest potential.
Then it was time for some fun games.
The children had to guess:
- The native countries of the international Harmony team runners (who provided hints like capital or language), or- The special athletic events of each Olympian (who demonstrated a pose in their sport).
Olympian Diana Williams Muhammad (Track 1980 and 1984)
Diana, was one of the Olympians to speak with the children during the guessing games.
She shared her considerable enthusiasm
with the children.
Before she demonstrated her event in the Olympics, Dianne gave the children a hint that it was in Track and Field.
But they had to guess the event: sprinting.
Brian Hansen, 2010 Silver Medalist, was the youngest Olympian present.
He showed his form which helped him excel in Team Pursuit, Speed Skating.
These three international runners gave a hint to which country they were from. They sang in their native language a song that President Gorbachev was very fond of: "Moscow Nights".
Diane Simpson-Bundy, 1988 Olympian and Pan Am Games Gold Medalist
Diane surprised people, including many who had been running and carrying the torch with her earlier in the day.
Diane spoke very calmly with the children.
Suddenly she used one move to stun, shock and amaze everyone. After gasps, silence and then squeals of delight some correctly guessed that her event was Rhythmic Gymnastics.
Olympian Tom Pukstys, 1992, 1996,
American Record Holder and 6-time US Champion spoke with us before he demonstrated his event.
Tom made everyone laugh when he admitted it was a similar form that he used to sometimes throw snowballs at school buses. However, the children eventually guessed his event in the Olympics was the javelin.
And then some singing
The Exodus Drum and Bugle Corps with Premik and others
joined together to help the children learn the World Harmony Run Theme song.
Jayashri, a visiting runner and vetern teacher from California and Canada, enthusiastically lead the accompanying movements to the song (see the video clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsPdYOxXRLQ).
With some encouragement the children appropriately respond.
They grow more confident!
and animated!
Feeling Harmony
We all had a chance to feel
harmony in our hearts.
Joining for a moment with all the others around the world who have held the torch and offered their good wishes, prayers and thoughts for peace and harmony.
Heading for the regions around the World (in the grove)
Those holding signs for the different regions spread out on the open field. Then the fun began as the individual groups of children sought out their regional markers.
Children going to their regions and planning for a trip around the world.
Meanwhile. . .
The Great and Good "Exodus Drum and Bugle Corps"
Moved gracefully...
and rhythmically to the center of the field.
They continued to entertain.
The torch is passed between regions
The torch began at the front.
and was carried to the next region by the previous group receiving the torch.
Children ran around the Grove . . .
symbolizing running from one continent to the next. Until they had circled the entire globe.
Everyone seem to enjoy moving around.
Many signs from the various regions came together again at the end.
Finally, there was a chance for some of the Drum and Bugle Corp members to also hold the torch.
The members of the various camps also showed enthusiasm for the experience.
It was quite evident from the different colored shirts surrounding the torch bearer, that all wanted to have a chance.
There were many different small groups. Younger campers,
older friends.
To share the torch.
The bigger groups posed with the torch.
and the World Harmony Run banner.
Some were also joined with signs from the regions. The groups seemed to grow in size as more wanted to be included in a photo to capture this special time together.
Sometimes a few photos
were necessary to show
the whole group.
Posing for pictures
with their camp mambers and runners.
Photos with Olympians was very popular.
Chicago Event Coordinator, Prakhara Harter, was delighted to have all the special guests and children throughout the day join in the spirit of the World Harmony Run.
E. Evening Exhibit displaying World Harmony Paintings
To complete the day's activities we had a reception at a gallery displaying Harmony Run founder, Sri Chinmoy's paintings, for World Harmony.
The flags were out in front of the location to welcome our international visitors and call attention to the World Harmony Exhibit inside.
Introduction by Executive Director of the World Harmony Run
Salil Willson, Executive Director, welcomed everyone to the exhibit and introduced the ideals behind the Run. He gave a beautiful and succinct introduction for the events to follow by saying in part, "Each person who participates in the run brings something special to it, brings something unique, brings their own yearning for a more harmonious world. - A more 'Oneness-World', for a better community. So in this way we not only get to observe and appreciate the beauty of the run 'painting' but we actually get to participate in it. To bring our own beauty and add to that beautiful piece of art."
Salil then introduced the video that he believed could much better than words, share the spirit of the run. He requested us to lend him "6 minutes" to watch it together.
In the few minutes that elapsed, we were all taken on an inspiring trip around the world with many runners, children and personalities sharing the torch and other significant moments
Video "2010 World Harmony Run: Inspirations Reel in HD" can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/v/XHVce7Yp8DY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1
(other recent WHR Videos highlighted at end)
Salil ended with a quote from the founder, Sri Chinmoy: "World Peace, World Harmony, these are not mere dictionary words, these are realities, Divine Realities, Supreme Realities."
Art and 2010 International Year IYRC introduction
Adhiratha Keefe spoke about Sri Chinmoy’s World Harmony Paintings and 2010 designated as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
Exhibit at the UN and Newsweek coverage: 2008
An article by Newsweek from August 30, 2008 was mentioned that described the Exhibits' first Display at the United Nations: "Out Of The Chaos Of Difference, Harmony" excerpt: "At first glance, the paintings are anything but harmonious: the tiny canvases are crowded with thick paint, clashing colors and messy dots and slashes. But if one thinks of world harmony not as flat sameness but as a respect for difference, then Chinmoy's paintings take on a richer dimension. One even looks like the visual representation of multipolarity, with stiff flagpoles of red sharing space—though not touching—on an orange plain." Full article at : http://www.newsweek.com/2008/08/29/out-of-the-chaos-of-difference-harmony.html
Reaching out and Bringing Different Pieces together
Comments were mentioned by the President of UNESCO General Conference, Davidson Hepburn, on the World Harmony Paintings. During President Hepburn's remarks at the Governor Generals Residence where they were displayed earlier this year in his native Bahamas, he said:
“The World Harmony paintings in this collection were exhibited at the United Nations, which is really the place where they should be. In the UN and here, we are talking about peace, we are talking about harmony, and we are talking about bringing people together.
“The paintings in this exhibit represent harmony. I think you may initially see clashes (of color and form). But they are not really clashes. It represents bringing together different kinds of people, different forces, different views, different religions, different beliefs and this is what harmony is all about."
(see also)
- President Hepburn's message to all the Harmony Run Participants here: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/davidson_hepburn_unesco_message
- youtube video of bahamas harmony run http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ArmUmXfu-E (minute 2:27 for Paintings)

It is interesting to note that the IYRC 2010 year symbol, like the World Harmony Paintings on display, also has many colors coming together in different strands. Even though the strands come together at one end and join in forming a specific shape, they keep their unique color as they intermingle.
Banner support for IYRC and symbol of year
The many different languages on the banner used to express the concept of the year of Rapprochement of Cultures were noted. These six languages are a way to communicate more widely.
Similarly, some paintings of this collection have titles of different qualities such as Peace, Tolerance, etc. Below some of the paintings, the word expressing the quality is translated into 5 or 6 additional different languages. This suggests two things:
1. Sri Chinmoy reaching out and finding another way to communicate to various peoples and cultures as he has with the harmony run or his music and other expressions; and
2. Although those of us from different countries might call a quality or aspect of our aspiration different names in various languages or regions, we share the same values in our heart. The words may sound different even in neighboring states, and yet these simple concepts are found throughout human experience. These paintings help remind us of our common aspirations and longing.
Appreciation for Curators and Gallery Directors
The organizers were grateful to be able to have this event at the Victory Banner Book Store and Gallery Exhibit space.
Considering the harmony theme being displayed, and since year 2010 celebrates "reaching out" across cultures, it seemed most appropriate to mention the roles curators and gallery directors have for a very long time played in this area. For example they have:
- protected the history of works of art and culture; and,
- made accessible expressions of various cultures for continued appreciation and learning.
They have at the same time reached out and established mutual supportive relationships between communities to make possible the sharing and exchanges between cultures especially celebrated this year.
As part of the evening's activities to capture the joyful spirit at the earlier locations with the children:
Some of the international runners were invited up. We again played the game with the new people present guessing participant's native countries.
Then we all joined in singing the World Harmony Run Theme Song.
F. Torch Bearer Awards
Introduction to Torch Bearer Awards
As we have carried the torch around the world, invariably we have come into contact with some remarkable people.
The Torch-Bearer Award was created to recognize and honor those people who have inspired their nations, their cities, and their communities through their own lives and deeds.
We were honored to present our Torch-Bearer Award to
Revati Natesan - Founder and President of Think Global Arts Foundation
a philanthropic non-profit organization that aims to promote peace and understanding via global arts.
She is active in her community of Naperville, IL promoting affirmative action and diversity programs as well as an accomplished artist, vocalist and musician who strives to inspire peace through artistic expression.
Our second Torch-Bearer Award recipient was:
Mary Peery, Co-founder of the Austin Green Team,
whose motto is "Propagating Beauty in Austin, Lot by Lot". The organization has brought pride to struggling inner city neighborhoods by providing beautiful gardens and gathering places for residents, including children and young people.
Mary and her team share the torch as they do the tasks of beautifying Chicago - Lot by Lot!!
Diplomatic Presence:
We were honored to have the presence of representatives
from the consulates of Austria, Croatia, Indonesia, Poland and Serbia attending the reception as well as the Acting Director and Curator of the Permanent Collection of Loyola University Museum of Art, Jonathan Canning.
Everyone had a chance to hold the torch and offer their own hopes and dreams for a more harmonious world.
There were delicious items for all those attending.
Refreshments were available before and after the event.
Sukantika Donavan (right) made sure her siblings all held the Torch.
Closing for the evening event
A long time ago the Olympics was born and now every four years this spirit comes forward. For periods of time, it has not always been possible to regularly have the games.
The Harmony Run was began 20 years ago. This spirit is reaching more people more often in many local communities around the globe. This has grown way beyond what many of us imagined would be possible at its inception.
Now for 2010, the UN and UNESCO have both declared the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures to celebrate cultural diversity, bringing people together and sharing between communities. The goals and activities of this year give us renewed hope that more of humanity is beng exposed to these important concepts.
It seems that the wider world is catching up to the profound aspirations of the human community that have been expressed over the centuries.
G. Thank you to Victory Banner and other supporters
Special thanks to Pradhan Balter, owner of Victory's Banner
and all the others assisting there
who have been joyful and long-time supporters of the Run.
Some over the years, have also carried the torch for many miles in other locations. These friends and others not pictured made sure we were very well fed and 'hydrated' during our stay in Chicago.
Those assisting at the Victory Banner Bookstore
where the exhibit was located
as well as the Local Gratitude-Heart-Garden flower shop (http://gratitudeheartgarden.com/) are also great supporters of the Harmony Run and related events.
Thank you to all the organizers and participants
Special thanks to the entire team in Chicago for your support and a fantastic event. The World Harmony Run from Lincoln Park Zoo to the Millennium Cloud Gate “Bean” sculpture; the Olympians carrying this spirit forward with very enthusiastic children; this beautiful Gallery dedicated to World Harmony. And most importantly the presence of many different people and groups throughout the day who shared with us their aspiration for a more peaceful, harmonious and progressive world. This spirit is what makes possible the World Harmony Run.
H. links to related sites for Chicago World Harmony Run events:
- International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures (IYRC) http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year
- World Harmony Run Theme Song - and various renditions http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/song
- IYRC logo and languages http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_logo
- Examples other IYRC and WHR events: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_examples
- Harmony and Respect Mother Nature Day in Hungary - Including 5,000 Children painting together. Amazing - guaranteed to make you smile: http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_examples/day_event_example_hungary
- 2010 NY City Parks - Summer Camps http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/lih_camp/nyc_rc
- Living in Harmony - Summer Camp Curriculum http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/lih_camp
- 3 time Grammy nominated British singer songwriter Joan Armatrading, first female UK artist to have debuted at number 1 in the Billboards Blues charts. More on Joan at http://www.joanarmatrading.com/
Special guest Musician for events on 26 August Premik Russell Tubbs http://www.premik.com/
ThinkGlobal Arts Foundation: http://www.thinkglobalarts.org/index.html
The Austin Green Team and Paradise Garden: http://neighbor-space.org/pg_paradise_garden.htm
Distance: 3 miles between
Team Members:
Atulya Berube (San Diego), Jagadhata Amrhien (Chicago), Drsalu Gruenstaeudel (Austria), Vladimir Salnacov (Moldova), Mark Collinson (England), Kokila Chamberlain (England), Surya Smolennikova (Russia), Kshetragna Ulanova (Russia), Dima Grygorievski (Ukraine), Sukhada Korshunova (Russia), Prakhara Harter (Washington DC), Mary Landi (Chicago), Haribala (Czech Republic), Salil Wilson (Australia) + Olympians, other visitors or observers of the day. Especially the hundreds of children (and young at heart) who, sang, encouraged, ran and carried the torch with us today.
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
< USA 25 July |
USA 27 July > |
USA 26 July |