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E. Photos of tree planting
Example Photos from Tree Plantings:

- Austria 2011, June
- Italy 2011, May ;
- Czech Republic, 2011, May
- China, Russia, Mongolian team 2010;
- Indonesia 2011 Feb;
- Mexico-2009;
- Bulgaria 2007,
- Hungry, May 2010 ,
- Washington DC, 1979
4 June: Hernstein - Bad Vöslau
After the meeting we planted a Peace Tree together, in the park behind the city hall, especially to honour the efforts of the city for harmony and peace. The International Year of Forests proclaimed by the UN General Assembly and supported by UNESCO gave us the perfect motivation...
Nach dem Meeting pflanzten wir gemeinsam einen Friedensbaum im Kurpark der Stadt. Das UNESCO Programm "Jahr der Jugend" und "Jahr des Waldes" boten einen willkommenen Anlass...
Thank you Bad Vöslau for the inspiring day!
Vielen Dank an Bad Vöslau für den inspirierenden Tag!

- 2011-May-21

- 2011-May-18
Run with a National Park Director in Forest
The museum staff planted a tree in honour of harmony, and to celebrate the Year of The Forests.
Czech Republic, 2011, May
Hurray! Here it is! The first Harmony Tree planted :)! This year the World Harmony Run proudly supports the initiative of UN General Assembly which proclaimed 2011 as the International Year of Forests. Every tree that is being planted symbolizes the idea of harmony, coexistence between a man and nature and the protection of forests.
Hurá! Je to tady! První stromek harmonie zasazen :)! Světový běh harmonie letos podporuje iniciativu UN, které vyhlásilo rok 2011 Mezinárodním rokem lesů. S každým zasazeným stromem podporujeme myšlenku harmonie, souznění člověka a přírody a ochranu lesů.
The Headmaster of the school in Brumov-Bylnice is holding the plaque that is going to be fixed near the tree to remind people why it was planted.
Paní ředitelka ZŠ Brumov-Bylnice drží v rukou čestnou plaketu, jež bude následně připevněna na stromek a bude tak připomínat myšlenku, se kterou byl zasazen.
Volleyball players with their blue training suits perfectly match our team. Can someone recognize who is who?
Že nepoznáte, kdo je kdo? Volejbalistky, které s námi proběhly celou obcí Brumov-Bylnice, do našeho týmu se svými dresy skvěle zapadly.
China ,Russia, Mongolian team 2010
Together plant 4 trees for peace and Harmony
and share torch with 2010 banner.
link to big photo

Hungry, May 2010 - Paper tree covering a plaza to be filled with children coloring.
"We can have harmony if we have a deep reverence for Mother Nature."
The children made drawings on the theme of harmony and the importance of love and the protection of our environment. The paper that they drew on was arranged in shape of a huge tree representing a live tree and the tree of life.
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- made drawings on the theme of harmony and "reverence for Mother Nature."
- Paper in shape of a huge tree was alive
- with activity and color.

Planting a trees in indonesia 2011 Feb -02
Indonesia 2011-Feb-07
Children in Indonesia getting ready to carry the trees on the run to plant at 7 schools along the route 2011-Feb-07

Mexico child ready to plant tree with sign (2009-Nov-27)
Mexico - planting Trees for peace in the world -27 Nov 2009
tree Instituo Municipal Deporte Recreation
Mexico - 2009-sep -30?
Mexico - 2009-Nov-24

Bulgaria- 2007-May-21
Mr. Loren Hart, aged 6, shakes hands with National Park Service Deputy Director Mr. Ira Hutchison, after un veiling the commemorative plaque for the dedication of the "Children 's Tree. "
On 23 May,1979 the Meditation Group was invited to join with the U.S. National Park Service to honour the International Year of the Child in a reception and tree planting ceremony held at the National Visitor Center in Washington. The programme coincided with the opening of a two-month exhibit in the Visitor Center of Sri Chinmoy's paintings, dedicated to IYC and sponsored by the Park Service.
The reception included remarks by representatives of the Park Service and the IYC Secretariat, and by Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, as well as a short meditation by Sri Chinmoy. Under-Secretary of the Interior James A. Joseph unveiled a tree dedicated to the International Year of the Child. Attached was a plaque with a quote by the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Cecil D. Andrus, as well as Sri Chinmoy's IYC song. (more )