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- A. Excerpts from UN GA resolutions and other documents (e.g. UNESCO, UNICEF) request NGO and public involvement in IYC.
- B. UNICEF Bazaar in UN Secretariat - Opened by ASG for IYC - Oct 1977
- C. Presentation of painting dedicated to IYC and world tour to raise awareness
- D. Programme for IYC at the USA National Visitor Center in Washington DC.
- E. Dedication of IYC in Washington DC Park and Garden in California
- F. Reception for UN Ambassadors at Gallery in Manhattan in support of IYC
- G. Chidrens' Choir Contests - Thousands Sing for IYC
- H. UN Day, Proclamations, Athletic and other events around the world for IYC
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- Year - Rapprochement of Cultures
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G. Chidrens' Choir Contests - Thousands Sing for IYC
Thousands of children across the globe sang in celebration of their Year, in children's choir contests conducted in conjunction with October U.N. Day activities.
"This Is My Year" by Sri Chinmoy was chosen by the organizers of the competition, who invited choirs to enter their cassette tape recordings of the piece.
First place winners in the contests were
- the Fifth Grade Choir at Canton Street School in Wharton, Texas, U. S.A. and
- the Junction Park Primary School Choir in Brisbane, Australia.
National Champions: The Fifth. Grade Choir at Canton Street School, Wharton, Texas.
Following are a few selected quotes from teachers whose choirs participated, as well as the music.for "This Is My Year."
"Concerning- the music of This Is My Year. I thought the words were very relevant to today's children . I felt that the song was a good learning and a very renewing experience for the children .. . I felt like the song had a good spirit to it. The children enjoyed it very much.
"We thank you for letting us have the chance in
this competition. We feel that if we do not win , at
least we have tried and we have expanded with the
children's knowledge that this is their year and that
we are try ing to do something new and enriching
and special for them."
- Bonita S. Reed, James R. Allen School,
Brandenburg, Kentucky
"Thank you so much for the use of this music. It is a pleasure to be involved in something as global and worthwhile as this project. With regard to the text - well, all I can say is that it was written by someone with the greatest insight and understanding
- Kay Bollom, Canton Street Elementary School,Wharton , Texas
"My congratulations to Mr. Chinmoy for creating
an excellent song . This has been a n educational
experience for all of us. We have enjoyed learning and performing this special song for a special year. The text and the music complement each other
very well . . . Expressive and always interesting."
- Nancy B. Wenger, Northside Elementary School
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
"The work is commendable beyond my ability to express.
George I. Howdyshell
Lancaster , Ohio