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C. Presentation of painting dedicated to IYC and world tour to raise awareness

C. Presentation of of painting dedicated to IYC by Representative of  Government of India and world tour to raise awareness of IYC


On 27 March 1979, as an expression of the Government of India 's oneness with the cause of the International Year of th e Child, H.E. Dr. Rikhi Jaipal, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, presented to Assistant Secretary-General Dr. Estefania Aldaba-Lim, Special Representative for IYC, a painting selected from the works of Sri Chinmoy.

H. E. Dr. Rikhi Jaipal, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations, greets Assistant Secretary-General Dr. Estefania Aldaba-Lim, Special Representative for IYC,before the programme.

Also featured at the reception-luncheon held at the United Nations in honour of the occasion, was the premiere of a song dedicated to IYC by Sri Chinmoy. (Words and music ae at end of report.) This song was used as a sound-track for a fine arts film produced especially for IYC that was shown at the luncheon.

 H.E. Dr. Rikhi Jaipal) Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations:

Sri Chinmoy, Dr. Lim , Ladies and Gentlemen, I was wondering what I should say on this occasion, but it seems to me that the only appropriate thing to say here is that the re ca n be no higher rel igion than our common allegiance to humanity, which is inherent in the Charter of th e United Nations, and which indeed, if I may say so, is the message that is implicit in the teachings of Sri Chinmoy.

The Charter says that we are all equal to one another, but among human beings there is one particular class which is more equal than the rest of us, and that is the privileged class of children. As you know, Dr. Lim is in charge of the International Year of the Child, which has been sspecially designated to draw attention to children and their problems, and our own responsibilities towards them. I consider it a great honour to be asked to present to Dr. Lim this beautiful painting by Sri Chinmoy, which seems to have a childlike quality about it, and is therefore a most appropriate gift.

Assistant Secretary-General Dr. Estefania Aldaba-Lim. Special Representative for the International Year of the Child:

Mr. Master of Ceremonies, Sri Chinmoy, your Excellency Ambassador Jaipal, friends of the International Year of the Child, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of all my colleagues in the International Year of the Child Secretariat - who are all present here today - and myself, allow me to extend our deepest and warmest apprecia tion for this gift in commemoration of the International Year of the Child. Our very special thanks to his Excellency, who has presented this painting on behalf of the Government of India , and to Sri Chinmoy, our Guru and artist who was inspired to do this for the Year.

While the United Nations tries to focus during the In ternational Year of the Child on the immense and unmet needs of children all over the world, especially in the developing world -Asia, Latin America and Africa - very often we forget one very impor tant thing. We seem to be concerned about the sufferings , the poverty, the infant mortality, the lack of water , the denial of basic rights to children in the Third World. We seem to forget one very important dimension: the beauty, truth and joy of childhood. I believe this important occasion under the sponsorship of the Meditation Group, to which we are deeply grateful, is a reminder for all of us, and we feel very privileged to be here. For in the very objectives of your Group you bring to the hearts of all of us who serve the cause of the United Nations, that particular dimension of spirituality: the caring, the commitment to spread love and understanding.

We hope the Year of the Child will be instrumental in this. And we hope we will remember it as this gift to the International Year of the Child Secretariat, which I represent, travels around inspiring people to think of the beauty and joy of childhood. As this painting travels, it will bring about the greater consciousness which we in the Secretariat are clearly committed to.

Finally, in thanking you again, we wish you continued success in your "magnificent obsession" to spread love, caring and commitment, to spread an important peace which we all desire in the United Nations. Thank you very, very much.

Ambassador Jaipal, Dr. Lim and Sri Chinmoy speak after the programme.

Sri Chinmoy: We are deeply grateful and honoured that you have come.

Dr. Lim: The honour belongs to us. We are so thrilled that you are having this function. We didn't h ave to ask you. You responded be cause you cared.

Sri Chinmoy: I am so grateful to you. I wish to offer you my soulful grat itude .

Ambassador Jaipal: You are doing so much for America; this is the least I can do for you .

Sri Chinmoy: What I have done is so insignificant. . . .  I pray to the soul of Mother India to grant you her choice blessing and supreme joy.