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Spain 28 March: San Sebastian - Biarritz

...we started the Run in San Sebastian and immediately we had to go uphill again. The perfect task for our French girls....

...Comenzamos la Carrera en San Sebastian y justo luego del comienzo tuvimos que ir montaña arriba. La tarea perfecta para las chicas de Francia....

...once more the Spanish coastline enchanted us with its magic beauty...

...una vez más la línea costera Española nos cautivó con su mágica belleza...

...everybody got out of the cars for a morning run....
...todos salimos de los automóviles para nuestra carrera matutina...

...we could already see France...
...y ya pudimos ver Francia...

...a quick lunch before the next meeting...
...un almuerzo rápido antes de nuestra próxima reunión...

...Goodbye Spain! Thanks for all the hospitality!

...¡Adiós España¡ ¡Gracias por toda su hospitalidad¡

...Viva la France! Our French runners joined in and together we went into the first meeting into Hendaye...

...Viva la France! ...Nos coureurs Français ont rejoint l'équipe pour le 1er rendez vous à Hendaye...

...a typical Basque festival was in full flow as we arrived...

...Nous avons pu assisté à la clôture de La Fête mensuelle Basque lorsque nous sommes arrivés...

We presented the WHR, and a city representative received the torch!

Nous avons présenté la WHR le représentant de la culture de la mairie et recu la torche!

...our friends from the Theatre Guignol, a local circus....

...Nos amis du Cirque Guignol...

...and we kept running along the coast...

...et nous continons la route le long de la côte...

...torch service, every 1000 km...
...Tous les 1000km nous passons au "relais torche express"...

...French sweets...
...Pâtisseries Françaises...

...show your goodies....
....Voyons vos mêts...

...we reached Rocher de la Vierge in Biarritz, a cape with sharp rocks and steep cliffs...

...Nous avons atteint le Rocher de La Vierge, dangereuses falaises et rocs...

...and lots of surfers....
...et beaucoup de surfeurs...

...don't let go!...
...Ne t'en va pas!...


...a perfect sunset on the Atlantic Ocean....
...Soleil couchant Atlantique...

...and a full moon...
...et la pleine lune...

....can you see Orion?...
....pouvez vous voir Orion?...

– Dipavajan

Distance: 64 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Iwona Buczkowska (Poland), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Manjula Lecordier (France), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Sonia Bruzzone (France), Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Albena Margaritova (Germany), Aleksey Egorov (Russian Federation), Elke Wiesenberger (Austria), Unnatishil Bravo (France), Adelino Carvalho (Portugal), Daniel Bailles (France)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Spain 27 March
Spain 2 April >
France 29 March >

France 28 March