Americas & Europe 16 May - 14 June 2010
Summary Report 16 May - 14 June 2010
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Canada - 4 days: Parliament, Interfaith and Unesco Heritage sites
- Ottawa Parliament Hill: Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament, Diplomatic Community and other organizations.
Torch-Bearer recipients. Rideau Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bytown Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec - Toronto - Interfaith events: Catholic High School; Award to Honorable Jean Augustin. Youth and adults of the Sikh faith and other faiths. Then on to Buddhist Meditation Centre and Temple
- Kingston - Murney Tower, now converted to peaceful purposes is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
- Göstling,: alpine ski champion;
- Reichraming, A child leads - Peace-bridge, built by young people from Austria, Israel and Palestine, symbolising hope for living together harmoniously.
- Vienna - Emperor's Castle, Schönbrunn, spectacular Emperors' Balcony! and murals.
- Frankenfels, Rain and Runners from Lauftreff Pielachtal
- Sunrise - Valley of the Gods. Nature overwhelms, wild flowers.
- Forrest Gump turn around. Monument Valley - Children;
- Navaho reservation- Rural Utah Head Start; runner teach Russian. "thank you" in languages, harmony song.
- Interesting flags, night views, Mexican Hat.
Nova Scotia, Canada
- Dartmouth - High School's Diversity Club carried the torch and a message to the run participants that they took turns reading out at two local junior high schools.
- Halifax - Year logo color strands, song drums, Virtues related to year, drawings with banner, languages, certificate, schools pass torch, hand drawn harmony signs, link arms, language representatives, first nations people; Mi’kmaq gathering song, harmony moments, serenity nature, Peggy's cove and lighthouse.
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