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Montenegro 14 May: Lovćen - Herceg Novi

We woke up at the foot of Mount Lovćen, the heart of Montenegro. Right at our accommodation place we met school children from Podgorica, from the Pavle Rovinski school...

Probudili smo se u podnožju Lovćena, srca Crne Gore. Baš na mjestu gdje smo odsjeli sreli smo djecu iz Podgorice, iz OŠ Pavle Rovinski...

..we presented the Wordl Harmony Run, then took the kids out on the field...

...predstavili smo Trku harmonije svijeta i izveli djecu na livadu...

..let's run!...

..hajde da trčimo!...

..after the school meeting we went up to the Mausoleum of Njegoš, Montenegro's national hero. The mausoleum is located at the top of Mount Lovćen, and you can really feel the power of this sanctuary, far above sea level...

...nakon susreta sa školskom djecom popeli smo se na Lovćen, kod Njegoševog mauzoleja, crnogorskog nacionalnog heroja. Mogla se osetiti moć ovog svetog mjesta koje se nalazi visoko iznad nivoa mora...

...a tunnel all the way to the top, 461 steps - above 1600m altitude...

...tunel sve do vrha, 461 stepenica - iznad 1600m nadomorske visine...

...the entrance....

...the statue weights 28 tons and it demanded incredible logistics to bring it up all the way. The ceiling is covered with gold-plated mosaic....

...statua teška 28 tona za koju je bila potrebna nevjerovatna vještina da bi se iznijela na vrh. Strop je prekriven pozlaćenim mozaikom...

..the tomb of Njegoš...

...Njegošev grob...

...an easy run all the way down...

...lagano trčanje sve do dolje...

...with an incredible view....

...predivan pogled...

...we reached Kotor...

...stigli smo do Kotora...

Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor

Note: The limits of the World Heritage site coincide approximately with the crests of the natural sinkhole formation. At both ends, the site is bordered by the national parks of Orten and Lovcen, making a vast protected natural area.

UNESCO World Heritage Site list: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/125


...a joyful run in the small streets of the ancient city....

...radosno trčanje kroz uske ulice starog grada...

...we visited the music school of Kotor: the school choir was waiting for us and received us with an incredible performance of the WHR song!

...posjetili smo muzičku školu u Kotoru: školski hor nas je čekao i izveo na nevjerovatnu verziju pjesme Trke harmonije svijeta!

...more performances followed...
...bilo je još izvedbi...

...the city representative and the music school director welcomed the WHR!...

...predstavnik opštine i direktorica muzičke škole su poželjele dobrodošlicu Trci harmonije svijeta!...

...after the meeting we went up to the fortress of St. John, which thrones high above the city...

...nakon tog susreta smo se uspeli na trvđav Svetog Ivana, koja se uzdiže visoko iznad grada...

...the winged lion, symbol of the former empire of Venice...

... krilati lav, simbol Venecijanske republike...

...a long way up....
..dugo penjanje do vrha...

We were rewarded with a great view over Kotor and over the whole bay....

Nagrađeni smo predivnim pogledom nad Kotorom i bokom...

...after Kotor we went on, all the time along the sea shore...

...nakon Kotora smo išli duž obale...

..we took a ferry boat and got ready for the next meeting...

...popeli smo se na trajekt i spemili se za naredni susret....

...the orphanage Mladost in Bijela...

...dječiji dom Mladost u Bijeloj...

..we had lot's of fun with the kids...

...bilo nam je predivno sa djecom...

...nice poems...
...lijepa pjesmica...

...to feel joy put you right hand on the heart....the right one!

...osjetite radost tako što ćete staviti desnu ruku na srce...ne lijevu!

....NO, on the heart and not on the head...

...NE, na srce ne na glavu...

...many thanks to the school...

...znak naše zahvalnosti školi...

...a final run...

...završno trčanje...

...and we reached Herceg Novi, our today's final destination....

...i tako smo stigli do Herceg Novog, kraj našeg današnjeg trčanja...

the mayor welcomed us and after a group picture we enjoyed the beautiful old city....

predsjednik opštine nam je poželio dobrodošlicu i nakon zajedničkog slikanja uživali smo u predivnom starom gradu...

– Dipavajan

Distance: 89 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Manjula Lecordier (France), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Sarah Newton (Canada), Aleksey Egorov (Russian Federation), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Marlen Bernhard (Germany), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Amur Basic (Bosnia i Herzegovina), Nisanga Mehikic (Bosnia i Herzegovina), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation), Bojan Cubrilo (Bosnia i Herzegovina)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Montenegro 13 May
< Albania 13 May
Hrvatska ruta 16 May >
Bosnia i Herzegovina 16 May >

Hungary 14 May - Budapest