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Montenegro 13 May: Border, Montenegro / Albania - Lovcen

Welcome to Montenegro! First steps into this beautiful country! We arrived here this morning after a final meeting in Shkoder, Albania and then a run all the way to the border...

Dobrodošli u Crnu Goru! Prvi koraci u ovu predivnu zemlju! Jutros smo krenuli iz Albanije. Imali smo prvi susret u Skadru a potom smo trčali sve do granice...

..we reached Tuzi at around noon. Students welcomed us at the school entrance and carried the torch into Mahmut Lekić school.

...oko podne smo stigli u Tuze. Učenici su nam poželjeli dobrodošlicu na ulazu u školsko dvorište i nosili su baklju do škole Mahmut Lekić.

..nice smiles as a welcome...

..lijep osmjeh za dobrodošlicu...

..the youngest took the torch right away...
...najmlađi su odmah uzeli baklju...

..the director greeted us...

...direktor nas je pozdravio...

...after the meeting we all ran around the school. The director took the lead...

...nakon susreta smo svi trčali oko škole. Direktor je vodio...

..an enthusiastic runner on our way to Podgorica. Hard for our runners to catch up...

...entuziastični trkač na puta ka Podgorici. Našim trkačima je bilo teško da ga stignemo...


..it was school-time in Montenegro...
...u Crnoj Gori je bila školska godina u toku...

..first we visited the Sutjeska school...

...prvo smo posjetili OŠ Sutjeska...

..the kids wrote very nice poems. Some examples:

..djeca su napisala jako lijepe pjesme. Neke od njih:

..children's souls are fountains of harmony...

..I am not small, because I have many friends...

..friendship is the cup with the sweetest nectar...

..take off your hats - bow to Peace...

..Dječije duše su izvori sloge...

..Nisam mali čovjek, jer imam velike prijatelje...

..Prijateljstvo je pehar iz koga se toči najslađe piće...

..Skinite šešire s glave, poklonite se miru!...

..can you feel happiness?...

..možete li osjetiti radost?...

..offering a wish for harmony!...
..želja za slogu!...

...after saying goodbye to the kids, we went on to the next school:

...nakon što smo se pozdravili od djece otišli smo u sledeću školu:

..the "Andre Navarra" - school for the musically talented...

.."Andre Navarra" - škola za muzičke talente...

...the children performed the WHR song for us! We wished we too could sing it so well...

...djeca su izvela pjesmu Trke harmonije svijeta za nas! Voljeli bismo kad bismo i mi mogli tako dobro da je pjevamo...

..after the presentation we all ran a few steps for Peace!...

..nakon prezentaciju smo svi istrčali nekoliko koraka za Mir!...

..our final school in Podgorica: the Milorad Musa Burzan school...

..poslednja škola koju smo posjetili u Podgorici: OŠ Milorad Musa Burzan...

...the school was very weill-prepared for the meeting: so many great performances!

...škola se jako dobro pripremila za susret: toliko mnogo divnih izvedbi!

..an excellent singer...
..odličan pjevač...


..a great audience...
..divna publika...


..and even a good play with great costumes!...
..čak i lijepa predstava sa predivnim kostimima!...

..plus, some traditional dancing!...
..čak i narodni ples!...

..joy is in our hearts...
..radost u srcima...

..we left Podgorica behind and started a tough climb into the mountains...

...ostavili smo Podgoricu za sobom i započeli teški uspon kroz planine...

...we ran towards Cetinje and enjoyed the beautiful view from high above!...

...trčali smo prema Cetinju i uživali u predivnom pogledu odozgo!...

..in Cetinje, kids greeted us at the entrance of the city and joined us all the way to Njegos school...

...na Cetinju su nas dočekala djeca na ulazu u grad i pridružila nam se na putu ka OŠ Njegoš...

..the major welcomed us and received the torch...

..prdsjednik opštine nas je pozdravio i primio baklju...

...a great choir performed for us!
...divni hor nam je pjevao!


...a stunning play with a dragon, a prince and a tree (and a princess, of course...)!
...zapanjujuća predstava sa zmajem, princem i drvetom (i princezom, naravno...)!

...finally, we all ran around the school and even through the school!

...na kraju smo svi trčaki oko škole i čak i kroz školu!

..the kids were not tired, so we did another torch relay!...

..djeca nisu bila umorna, pa smo napravili štafetu sa bakljom!...

..many thanks to the Njegos school for the great meeting!...

..hvala puno školi Njegoš na predivnom dočeku!...

– Dipavajan

Distance: 82 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Manjula Lecordier (France), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Sarah Newton (Canada), Aleksey Egorov (Russian Federation), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Marlen Bernhard (Germany), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Amur Basic (Bosnia i Herzegovina), Nisanga Mehikic (Bosnia i Herzegovina), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation), Bojan Cubrilo (Bosnia i Herzegovina)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Albania 12 May
Montenegro 14 May >
Hungary 14 May - Budapest >

Albania 13 May