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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

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    Sri Chinmoy

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    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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    New Zealand

Montenegro 12 August: Tara River

Today is a day for muscle-relaxation, illegal immigration (well, technically...) and, since we are up in a spectacular national park, what better reason is needed than this to head out white-water rafting along the Montenegro / Bosnia border? Now, if only we didn't have to drive these winding roads 200kms to get there...

Our eyes were barely open when we had our first roadside stretch, and peered out across the expanse - a chance to become Harmonious with the majestic.

Our tour guides provided a home-made breakfast of blackberry juice, fig jam and pastries; their high standards are most welcome.

The team is very satisfied with its pastoral picnic.

Funny torch - always comes up with ways to sneak into the shots. Though we are enjoying a day off, we had to bring the torch to find those impromtu Montenegro wishes.

All geared up and ready to go. Look at the beautiful green of the river behind us, 18kms of rapids await us and we could not be more excited.

Team 1, led by Vladimir and Dalibor, had a freestyle flavour when it came to the paddling - they kept afloat but got stuck a few times in the rapids, truth be told :).

Team 2, led by Dipavajan and Amur, mastered harmonious rhythmn - we'll just call us the Ultra Dynamos. No competition going on here, eh? A few river races and some downright splashing fights made the day interesting.

Thank you so much Natalie, thank you Bosnia and Montenegro, thank you Explorer Tour Company. That was way spectacular! If you could have only seen Amur floating in that icy blueness like a starfish. Such beauty; the river exuded a deep, clear quiet.

Cast iron, open-fire culinary delights await us after our thrilling ride.

We are so blessed. Now, back in the car for some white-knuckled tight holding on. This day will hold an unforgettable place in our hearts.

– Sarah Newton

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandra Aurenhammer (Austria), Sarah Newton (Canada), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Emese Gerö (Hungary), Ildiko Kuremski (Hungary), Gabi Belzova (Czech Republic), Andrea Fidrmuc (Slovakia), Godavari Hajkova (Czech Republic), Dalibor Tasevski (Macedonia), Elena Dimitrijevik (Macedonia), Aleksandra Manevska (Macedonia), Sanja Kitanoska (Macedonia), Amur Basic (Czech Republic)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Montenegro 11 August
Serbia 13 August >