• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
    World Harmony Run

  • 1,000,000 Participants

    Across 6 Continents
    1,000,000 Participants

  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

    100 countries
    Dreaming of Harmony

  • Schools And Kids

    Make a Wish for Peace
    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

  • New York, USA

    New York

  • London, Great Britain

    Great Britain

  • Shakhovskaya, Russia


  • Around Australia

    15,000 kms, 100 days
    Around Australia

  • Around Ireland

    14 Days, 1500km
    Around Ireland

  • Wanaka, New Zealand

    New Zealand

  • Arjang, Norway


  • Rekjavik, Iceland


  • Beijing, China


  • Prague, Czech Republic

    Czech Republic

  • Belgrade, Serbia


  • Lake Biwa, Japan

    Lake Biwa

  • Kapsait, Ethiopia


  • Pangkor Island, Malaysia

    Pangkor Island

  • Bali, Indonesia


  • The All Blacks, New Zealand

    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

USA 1 July: Spokane, WA - Hope, ID

Today we had an unfortunate accident.

Call the tow truck.

What do you see? We need a new radiator.

Trying to make some change to pay for the damages.

We ran into Coeur D'Alene with some locals. It was fun and joyful to have the company today. We ran with Jenni Hughes, Branigan Hughes, Landen Hughes, Michelle and Gracie Dusbabek, and Sarah McLain along the centennial trail.

Almost there!

After a mile and a half we arrived at the Human Rights Education Institute where we were met by Rachel Dolezal their fantastic Curator and Director of Education.

Christie Wood Sergeant of Police also welcomed us.

The mayor Sandi Bloem (below) came to welcome us as well as Marilyn Muehlbach (in gray jacket) from the board of directors.

Torch-Bearer awards were offered to Rachel and to Vern Harvey(above). Rachel is an advisor to The Black Student Association and Director of NIC Cardinal Directions. She is also the art curator at the Human Rights Education Institute and was opening the "Pause 4 Peace" exhibit on this day.

Rachel Dolezal receives a Torch-Bearer award.

Heading north on the 95 today we met Freddy. He stopped to say hi after seeing our runner further down the road, then waited for her to reach us so that he could also hold the torch.

Arriving into City Beach Park in Sandpoint we were surprised and delighted to be greeted by a group of bagpipers in full ceremonial dress. They regaled us with "Scotland the brave", then piped us over to our final meeting point where we had another nice surprise - the sound of our own World Harmony Run song. What a welcome to Idaho!

We introduced our international team, and everyone passed the torch around and very sincerely added their wishes for harmony and peace. Most of the gathering are now old friends, having hosted the Run 2 years ago. They had prepared a really nice presentation of Scottish dancing and bagpiping which we watched against the beautiful backdrop of the lake whilst our burgers were grilling on the barbeque.

Our hosts were Kym Woodruff of Sandpoint Parks and Recreation department, partnered with the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force. Kym has been involved with the World Harmony Run since 1999, although at that time it was called the Peace Run. Kym had a really good heart.

Jackie Henrion sang folk songs and her own compositions for us with her guitar (also she played in 08'). When she heard that Jagadhata also plays guitar she persuaded him to come up and play a couple of songs along with Moni. This sparked off a string of other performances - the Russian girls,

Vladimir sings a Russian children's song, although not pictured.

Cute onlookers.

Leon Atkinson sang a couple of numbers that went down particularly well. We found out he'd just returned from a trip to New York where he played at Carnegie Hall. Leon had style, class, charisma and unique charm.

Jagadhata and Moni also had a chance to sing.

Sukhada also sings "We are the World".



Thanks for being here with us.

Christine Holbert of the Lost Horse Press presented us with a collection of contemporary poems in defence of human rights - "I Go To The Ruined Place" which she has published herself, and in return we gave her a copy of Sri Chinmoy's "Heart Garden" - a collection of aphorisms for joy and inspiration, and a certificate of appreciation signed by all the runners.

The Statue of Liberty in Sandpoint.

Thank you Howard Johnson Inn!

Thank you Holiday Inn Express!

The delightful view of our destination in Sandpoint.

All is well that ends well.

– Jagadhata and Kokila

Distance: 104 miles

Team Members:
Atulya Berube (San Diego), Jagadhata Amrhien (Chicago), Drsalu Gruenstaeudel (Austria), Vladimir Salnacov (Moldova), Mark Collinson (England), Kokila Chamberlain (England), Surya Smolennikova (Russia), Kshetragna Ulanova (Russia), Dima Grygorievski (Ukraine), Sukhada Korshunova (Russia), Michaela Pokorna (Czech Republic), Moni Neradilek (Seattle), Rupasi Young (Seattle), Jwalanta Voelckner (Germany)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< USA 30 June
USA 2 July >