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E. Languages Used by UN for interpretation, translation and logos
See below:
- 6 official languages of the UN.
- Example of 6 languages and symbol used for a recent year celebrated by UN, UNESCO and others 2010 IYRC logo. http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_logo.

- Other languages noted at appropriate events throughout the year.
- How International Mother Language Day might be mentioned.
6 official languages of the UN.
- Languages used for interpretation and translation of information materials.
An international organization must have effective ways to overcome language barriers to avoid becoming a Tower of Babel. Since almost every country in the world is represented at the United Nations, it is not an exaggeration to say that the United Nation is a microcosm of the world. The Organization uses six official languages in its intergovernmental meetings and documents, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish; the Secretariat uses two working languages, English and French.
Statements made in an official language at a formal meeting are interpreted simultaneously into the other official languages of the body concerned by United Nations interpreters. If a delegation wishes to speak in a language that is not an official language, it must supply an interpreter to interpret the statement or translate it into one of the official languages. It is then rendered into the other languages by a relay system.
Documents are produced in the six official languages and are issued simultaneously when all the language versions are available.
exstract from: http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/faq.html
see also :
- Rules of Procdeure of the General Assembly VII. Languages (official and working) rule 51 - 57: http://www.un.org/ga/ropga_lang.shtml
- Introduction to Rules of Procedure ( introduction paras. 5 {1948-Spanish working L. added}, 27 {1968 Russian working L. added}, 28 , 34 {Chinese working L. added, Arabic official and working L. added} and 40) http://www.un.org/ga/ropga_intro.shtml
Example of 6 languages and symbol
for a recent year celebrated by UN, UNESCO and others
6 languages , muticolor strands and symbol / Logo of year 2010. 2010 IYRC logo. http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/unesco_year/iyrc_logo.
At some events the Languages are identified and individuals have come forward...
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- to point out or read a phrase from the language.

- And then to hold the World Harmony Torch together. In this event seven children who participated in the language identification exercise held the torch together with a team member fluent in the first two of the six languages.
Other Languages noted at appropiate events:
It has been noted at some programmes where more than one language appears on a banner for the year, there can be additional languages. An additional language could represent the language of a host or visiting country or group. Also arrangements could be made to display more languages or dialects beside the banner if a local county or other group felt it may be useful.
At some programmes participants are invited to announce another language and provide the word for "peace" or "harmnoy" in that language.
Introducing the Logo for the year in various languages also provides an opportunity to mention special local or regional languages:For example:
While the harmony Run was in Nova Scotia, we were delighted to have some students who knew the regional Mi'kmaq language come forward with their flag to hold the torch together.
Opportunities to mention International Mother Language Day
Noting the languages on a banner and the many other languages in the world also provides an opportunity to mention International Mother Language Day. A simple statement that : The day is celebrated each February and dedicated to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. It was proclaimed by UNESCO's General Conference in November of 1999.
For information and related resources:
- UN site : http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/language/.
- UNESCO site: http://www.unesco.org/en/languages-in-education/
Year 2010 Color Strands and Symbol
Unique Colors - Make up the whole
At the top of the logo for the year 2010 there are many different color strands which join together at one end to form a symbol, yet each strand keeps its unique color to make the whole.
This symbolism was especially appreciated in multiethnic and multiracial communities.