Malaysia 19 January: Kijal - Cukai

The sun had not come up yet from the South China Sea behind the Awana Hotel in Kijal, Malaysia as 80 runners gathered on the front steps with Mr. Rudin Salim, the General Manager of the Awana Kijal Hotel. After a torch lighting ceremony brightened up the dark and warm Malaysian morning, most of the runners started on the 25 Km run to the city of Cukai. About 10 staff members from the Awana Hotel joined us as we relayed the torch along a busy highway protected by the Cukai police on motorcycles and in squad cars.
There was plenty of enthusiasm and energy even at this early hour before sunrise as the second World Harmony Run event of the New Year, both in Malaysia so far, was underway. I was personally quite excited as I knew how many people had helped us organize this event and how much they were looking forward to participating in the event and adding so much inspiration and energy to it.

Only 8 Km away, about 5 miles, was our first stop at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Kijal, or the Kijal Elementary School. Approaching the school, we were about 80 strong as the students and faculty, more than 500 people altogether, greeted us with incredible enthusiasm and excitement. Some of our group had taught the children the official World Harmony Run song which was composed by Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Run. They were all assembled outdoors as we entered the schoolyard, greeting them with our international team of runners carrying the flaming Torch of harmony and friendship.

During our ceremony a van pulled up and out walked Sri Chinmoy himself to greet the runners, children and staff of the school. It surprised almost everyone there as it had not been planned. As the Torch was held by Sri Chinmoy and Principal Tuan Haji Che Wan Ahmad, the children led us in singing the World Harmony Run in Malaysian and in English. Some of them also very sweetly accompanied us on instruments as Sri Chinmoy smiled and smiled at the sea of soulful and sweet Malaysian children and adults alike. Sri Chinmoy had to leave after the performance and all the children affectionately waved goodbye as the van disappeared down the road.

After a blessing prayer from the Principal, our running team was off again towards the city of Cukai. Some of the children joined us for a few blocks as they were quite eager to carry the torch and join in the running as well. A school bus was allotted to carry some of them to Cukai where they were to perform for us again at the final ceremony.

On the way to Cukai we met more runners from a local technical college called Institute of Technology of Perwaja. The college students, along with their headmaster Mr. Ramly Abdullah, added much more energy to our team which was getting tired and overheated. They chanted a special Malaysian chant in rhythm to our pace and we all joined in as Mr. Ramly would chant a line and we would all answer.

We finally made our way to the school complex near the center of the city of Cukai, stopping at the SMK Sultan Ismail I and II schools. Hundreds of children were there to greet us and some of them ran around the playground with us, led by Abdul Aziz, the sports and fitness instructor who help us enormously in arranging this event with the schools. Along with the headmaster and many teachers who joined us for the ceremony, Mr Mutalib, from the Sports Education department was present to share in the international event so warmly and respectfully.

Everyone was excited as the children sang the World Harmony Run song for us, followed by everyone joining in with much enthusiasm. Our international runners introduced themselves along with their country, followed by some of the local Malaysian runners introducing themselves as well. It was a tremendously energized group as we left the auditorium for another lap around the field before heading out for some more schools on the way to the local park. We passed about 5 more schools on the way with about 1,000 more children lining the street along the way.

We had lots of time to get to our final destination so we walked with the torch, stopping at each school to allow the children to touch the torch and offer their goodwill. We sang the official World Harmony Run song as we went along this long stretch of excited school children and their instructors. Mr. Aziz played a very valuable role in translating into Malaysian some of the things we wanted to tell the children. Although many of them are studying English it was easier for them to understand the event in their own language. Consequently, we learned some very valuable and meaningful Malay words as well.

When we finally reached our destination of the Padang Astaka Park near the center of town, we had many notable people waiting for us along with the young children who we met at the first school in Kijal, locals who had heard about the event, members of our own marathon team from the Awana Hotel who were not able to run there but came to join in the festivities, local supporters of the run who brought refreshments, performers of martial arts traditional dances, and local and national media as well.

The final ceremony started at noon as the sun became quite hot. The local organizers kindly set up canopies to protect the audience from the sun. They supplied banners, water, shirts for the children and seemed to think of everything necessary to make this event a success. We have many people to thank for making this happen and I will list here as many as I can although I know there are many more people behind the scenes who were also involved in making this event truly successful and meaningful.

I would like to start with the participants in the final ceremony who offered speeches and goodwill, supporting the principles of the World Harmony Run as they contributed so much with their presence there. Yang Barhurmat Dato Mohamad, State Assemblyman and Chairman of Tourism and Industrial Development for the State of Terrenganu was the main Speaker who accepted the Torch on behalf of all the people of Cukai and his state. He gave a wonderful speech in English and Malaysian, stressing the importance of this international event and offering his support. Because of his generosity and support many of the events of the day were able to happen.
We also owe a big debt of gratitude to many others not yet mentioned who were involved in the organization or in the participation of the event, including: Mr. Rudin Salim, General Manager and Vice President of the Awana Kijal Hotel and Beach Resort; Mr. Fadzly, Awana Hotel Public Relations; Mr. Harun, Chief Assistant Officer for State Tourism; Hajhi Mohtar, District Education Supervisor; Mr. Mutalib, Sports Education Minister; Mr. Mustafa A. Rahaman, Kemaman District Council; Mr. Zulbahari, Youth and Sports Officer; Mr. Ruslan, Assistant Officer of Tourism; Mr. Halim, Assistant Officer of Tourism; Mr. Akhtar Alib, District Health Officer; Sgt. Hamdan, Cukai Police Department; Mustafa, Martial Arts School; and all the staff and Principals of all the schools we were so welcomed at; and last but not least the children, without whom this would not have been nearly as uplifting, meaningful or fruitful an event.
Of course, it goes without saying that the idea, the inspiration, the vision and the encouragement of Sri Chinmoy, the founder of this wonderful event around the world, is the source and the sustenance making all of this possible and successful on such a large scale.
The International World Harmony Runners in Malaysia

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