Malaysia 1 January Kuantan - Pekan
It was cool and still quite dark when I woke up and remembered that it was January 1st, and a new and exciting year lay before me. I had spent much of the last few days planning our second World Harmony Run event in Malaysia with some new found friends from an organization called Kembara Rakan Masyarakat.

By about 6.45am the hotel lobby was buzzing with runners loading onto buses to take them to the State Mosque in Kuantan where we were set to begin our run. To make things even more significant the founder of the World Harmony Run, Sri Chinmoy , was also going to attend.
The sky was now a light blue speckled with high thin cloud patterns ensuring a warm day would accompany us as we ran through Malaysia’s country side.

The opening ceremony was very heartfelt, highlighted by Sri Chinmoy receiving the State of Pahang’s highest award for his numerous initiatives in creating a more harmonious world.

Escorted by the police, the local motorcycle association, three large buses and other sundry vehicles we began our journey to Pekan 50 km (30 miles) to the north.

Our first stop was a small village by the ocean that had very kindly prepared much needed coconuts to quench our thirst. We gratefully stopped and enjoyed a well earned break. The sun was really warming up and some of us were retreating into the relative comfort of the air-conditioned support buses.

Reluctantly we started again, a little slower now as each runner had at least half a liter of fresh coconut water sloshing around in their stomachs. The thing with coconuts is you have to drink it all as there is no screw top you can put on and come back to it later.

Another village about 10 km down the road had prepared a delicious snack for us which was kind of a sweet lentil soup most delicious and very nutritious. The Village Chief was very enthusiastic and ran with us for a few steps.
We were now on the last few km into Pekan and I think the runners were very happy to be nearing the finish. It was a hot day and getting hotter. We arrived at the town council hall and were greeted by a local drumming band who serenaded us as we took our last few steps. We were then treated to a most delicious Indian meal which was devoured by the runners.
The meal was followed by a brief closing ceremony were we expressed our sincere thanks to our new found friends who were so instrumental in organizing the first World Harmony Run of 2006
Malaysia 19 January > |