Ireland 16 September: Belfast - Drogheda
What better way to spend a Sunday in Ireland than to run from Belfast to Drogheda. We took the back roads for the first half of our journey today, and got a feel for the countryside of Ireland.

With friendly sheep, cows and donkeys greeting us along our way.

As we made it into Newry we were welcomed by the Deputy Lord Mayor Charlie Casey, who on this fresh Sunday morning took time out to meet us at the Town Hall. He formally welcomed us to his city and wished us well on our journey through Ireland.

From Newry we headed down to Dundalk where the curator of the County Museum Dundalk had kindly arranged for the Museum to be opened for us.

Christina and Stephen were there to welcome us with gratefully received refreshments. Christina then took us on a tour of this multi award winning Museum.

Taking us through the history of County Louth from the Stone Age to present day. With such an international team it was the perfect introduction into Ireland’s History.

We could have all spent hours there, but knowing there were many more kilometers to cover we set off again.

To finish our history run today we ran another 35 kilometers and arrived at Newgrange. We received complimentary passes thanks to Claire Mullen. The cheerful team members at the visitor center gathered round for a photo and made wishes for harmony while holding the torch.

This is the oldest intact structure that has been discovered. It predates the Pyramids by 500 years!

And yes we got to go inside. Now to be inside a stone and earth structure that has been standing for about 5,000 years knowing there is 500+ tons of earth and rock above you is, admittedly, a bit scary.

Then all the lights went out and our guide demonstrated what happens on the shortest day of the year. At 8.58am on this day, every year, the sun that has been hidden from the chamber for 364 days starts to appear.

First as just a small ray of light but over the next 17 minutes it engulfs the entire chamber with light before plunging it back into darkness.

To rests our heads tonight we are staying at The Green Door, in Drogheda, where we have been kindly offered a discounted rate for the runners. Thanks a million!

Distance: 108km
Team Members:
Ondrej Vesely, Rosta Vagner, Katka Prusova and Mila Pisanova (Czech Republic), Mathias Eckerle (Germany), Maria Horvath (Hungary) Ieva Kurzemniece and Anette Klavina (Latvia), Stacey Marsh (New Zealand), Martin Leitner (Austria), Colm Magee (Ireland),
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
< Ireland 15 September |
Ireland 17 September > Ausztria/Szlovénia 18 November > |