Indonesia 2 February: Sanur - Denpasar
Bali, "Pulau Dewata", menyambut dengan hangat para pelari Keharmonisan Dunia untuk perjalanan kali ini di daerah Sanur dan Denpasar. Pulau ini sudah memiliki begitu banyak kedamaian dan keharmonisan, kita semua disini untuk belajar dan menerima, begitu pula untuk mempersembahkan sesuatu...
Bali, “the Island of the Gods,” warmly welcomed World Harmony Runners for this day’s adventure in Sanur and Denpasar areas. The Island already emanates so much peace and harmony, we are all here to learn and receive, as well as to offer…
Jam 7:30 pagi, kita semua berkumpul di depan pos Polisi Sanur untuk selanjutnya dikawal oleh 10 orang anggota kepolisian termasuk dua orang atasannya di sepanjang jalan-jalan yang sibuk. Sebagai tambahan dari penyelenggara local di Bali, para pelari untuk acara ini datang dari lebih dari 25 negara termasuk Austria, Brazil, Republik Ceko, Jerman, Inggris, Guatemala, India, Jepang, Rusia, Polandia, dan Amerika.
At 7:30am, we gathered in front of Sanur Police to be escorted by 10 patrol officers including two chiefs along their busy roads. In addition to the local Balinese organizers, runners for this event flew in from over 25 countries including Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Guatemala, India, Japan, Russia, Poland, and USA.
Anda akan melihat arus lalu lintas yang tak ada hentinya dari kendaraan mobil dan motordi jalan-jalan di Bali. Cara mereka mengemudi tampaknya alami. Di persimpangan, tampaknya mereka bisa memutuskan siapa yang berhak meggunakan jalan seperti ikan di air, dan bagaimanapun itu berhasil.
You see unending flows of cars and motorcycles on public roads in Bali. Their way of driving seems organic. At intersections, they seem to decide who has the right of way like fish in the water, and it somehow works.
Tim WHR sangat berterima kasih kepada polisi yang memastikan kita aman di sepanjang jalan.
The WHR team was grateful to the police who made sure we were safe in this environment.
Kami sangat beruntung dengan kehadiran Keluarga Kerajaan dari Keraton Jawa Solo untuk ikut serta dengan kita pada hari itu.
We were fortunate to have the Royal Family from Solo, Java, to join us for the day.
Pemberhentian kita yang pertama adalah di sekolah lokal, SDN 2 Sanur.
Our first stop was a local elementary school, SDN 2 Sanur.
Setelah sebuah tarian sambutan dari perwakilan anak-anak perempuan di sekolah.
After a welcome dance by representative girls of the school,
Tiba saatnya waktu untuk sembahyang khusus di pagi hari, yang mana para pelari dengan senang hati diundang untuk ikut serta.
it was time for a special morning prayer, to which the runners were kindly invited to take part.
Kami duduk di lantai menghadap ke arah tempat suci (Pura) sekolah.
We sat on the ground facing the school shrine.
Sebuah ‘canang sari' (nama dari perlengkapan sembahyang dengan wadah dari janur dan taburan bunga di atasnya) dan sebuah dupa diberikan kepada setiap orang untuk persembahan.
A container of fresh flowers and an incense were handed to each of us to make an offering.
Pengganti korek api!
A handy lighter!
Persembahan diletakkan di depan tempat suci, dimana pemimpin persembahyangan terus mengumandangkan doa-doa.
The offerings were put in front of the shrine, where the school priest kept chanting prayers.
Tempat suci yang dijaga oleh dua dewa Hindu: Dewa Ganesha yang melambangkan kebijaksanaan dan memberikan kesejahteraan kepada umat manusia, dan Saraswati, Dewi Ilmu Pengetahuan.
The shrine is protected by two Hindu gods: Lord Ganesha, the god who symbolizes wisdom and brings prosperity to humanity, and Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and the arts. In some communities in different locations, Ganesha is also know as the Remover of Obstacles and is often invoked at the start of any ceremony.
The runners, who come from many different countires and religious traditions were moved by the obvious and sincere respect for the sacred in our lives.
Some were also reminded that this year the United Nations General Assembly had recently proclaimed, for the first time 1- 7 February, Inter Faith Harmony Week (
Kami selanjutnya melantunkan mantra khusus yakni gayatri mantra dan ‘panca kramaning sembah' ( sembahyang dengan menggunakan bunga sebanyak lima kali).
We then chanted a special mantra (a word or several words chanted in prayer fashion): Balinese gayatri mantra with 5-time flower offerings called "Panca kramaning sembah."
Setelah itu, air suci dan ‘bija' (beras yang sudah direndam air) diberikan kepada kami. Kami meletakkan sedikit beras itu di dahi.
Afterwards, holy water and soaked rice were given to each of us. We put rice pieces on our foreheads.
Sekarang tiba saatnya untuk belajar lagu Lari Keharmonisan.
Now it’s time to learn the Harmony Run theme song -
Dan gerakannya!
and with some action movements:
"We are the oneness and fullness...
of Tomorrows Sun".
Great fun to do this together, especially for the young and young at heart!
On the other side from the music there is mention that the Harmnoy Run supports the International Year of Youth which the UN and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) are celebrating from August 2010 to August 2011. The President of UNESCO General Conference has sent a special message to the run participants in which he says "By encouraging young people to express their aspirations for harmony
today, the World Harmony Run is surely building the foundation for a
culture of peace tomorrow. Full message is at:
Merasakan keharmonisan di dalam hati
Feeling harmony in the heart…
Memegang api obor untuk kedamaian dan keharmonisan dunia!
Holding the torch for world harmony and peace!
Sebuah lukisan dengan tema ‘Keharmonisan Dunia' oleh penggagas WHR diserahkan kepada kepala sekolah.
A painting entitled ‘World Harmony’ by the founder Sri Chinmoy was presented to the school principal.
Sebuah pohon untuk keharmonisan dunia ditanam dengan plakat khusus.
A tree for world harmony was planted with a special plaque. It is especially significant this year since the UN General Assembly which represents over 190 countries has proclaimed 2011 as the International Year of Forests.
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There was a bit of time for some of the runners to observe the spontaneous joy of the children improvising wiith a bottle cap an enthusiastic school yard game . When the goal was made we also jumped with the scorer in appreciation!
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Comparing various shoe styles and sizes also was cause for much shared laughter
Kami berlari menuju sekolah yang kedua kira-kira berjarak dua mile jauhnya dari sekolah yang pertama...Di tengah-tengah adalah Kanyaka, koordinator lokal dan Harashita dari Jepang. Kami baru saja bertemu tiga hari sebelumnya dan akhirnya jadi sahabat!
We ran to the second school for a couple of miles…In the centre is the local coordinator Kanyaka and Harashita from Japan. We had met only three days earlier and made instant friends!
Dan dengan hangat disambut oleh Kepala Sekolah dan beberapa muridnya di sekolah yang kedua, SDN 11 Sumerta, Denpasar.
And warmly greeted by the principal and several students at the second elementary school, SDN 11 Sumerta, Denpasar.
Sebuah tarian sambutan yang mengesankan.
An impressive welcome dance.
Mereka juga menghibur kami dengan pementasan karate
They entertained us with karate performances
as well as some other inspiring presentations by the children…
Para atlet di sekolah itu menunggu berlari dengan kami setelah acara...
Athletes of the school, waiting to run with us after the ceremony…
Kepala Sekolah dengan api obor bersama dengan pembawa acara kami Atulya dari San Diego, Amerika...
The school principal with the torch with our emcee Atulya from San Diego, USA…
"Kedamian Adalah Arus Cinta-Kasih Dalam Keluarga-Dunia"
"Peace is a flood of love in the World-Family"
Sebuah pohon untuk kedamaian dunia juga ditanam disini.
A tree for world harmony was planted here as well.
Kami mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada semuanya,
We say good-bye to everyone,
Dan akhirnya kita berangkat!...menuju tempat tujuan terakhir hari itu: Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali Bajra Sandi (Museum Sejarah Bali)
And off we go! … to our final destination of the day: Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali Bajra Sandi (Bali Museum of History).
Di taman museum, para pelari disambut dengan antusias oleh anak-anak yang telah menunggu dari dua sekolah: sebuah sekolah taman kanak-kanak bernama TK Dharma Sejahtera, dan sebuah sekolah dasar bernama SD No.1 Renon.
At the museum garden, the runners were greeted by eagerly waiting children from two schools: a kindergarten TK Dharma Sejahtera, and an elementary school SD No.1 Renon.
Para pelari menerima rangkaian bunga yang indah yang dinamakan dengan 'kwangen' dari anak-anak TK Dharma Sejahtera.
The runners received lovely flower arrangements from the children of TK Dharma Sejahtera.
Anak-anak dari TK Dharma Sejahtera. Ini adalah sekolah dimana koordinator lokal bersekolah lebih dari 25 tahun yang lalu! Dia sangat gembira bertemu lagi dengan kepala sekolah TK-nya, Ibu Ani Sugandi (mengenakan kerudung merah muda)...
Children from TK Dharma Sejahtera. This is the preschool our local coordinator Kanyaka attended more than a couple of decades ago! She was very happy to meet the principal (in pink scarf) again…
Permainan dengan menebak Negara asal para pelari...
Country guessing game (children tried to guess the name of the Country where each runner was from.)
Vladimir adalah pemain pantomin yang berbakat, dan menghibur anak-anak dan para pelari...
Vladimir was a talented pantomime performer, and entertained the children and the runners alike…
Dua orang karateka anak-anak
Two karate kids
Lukisan oleh Sri Chinmoy diberikan kepada perwakilan dari kedua sekolah, dan juga perwakilan dari museum Bajra Sandi
Paintings by Sri Chinmoy were given to the representatives of the two schools, as well as to the representative of the museum Bajra Sandi.
Kebanyakan dari kami berasal dari Negara bermusim dingin dan bersalju lalu datang berkunjung ke Bali yang beriklim tropis. Mentari yang bersinar di Bali dan senyuman ramah serta gembira dari anak-anak memberi kami energi baru untuk menyongsong Tahun Baru (walaupun benar-benar panas cuacanya sampai akhir!). Sebagaimana halnya sering terjadi, kami merasa kalau kami telah menerima begitu banyak dari Bali dan masyarakatnya daripada yang telah kami persembahkan.
Many of us had flown from the middle of snowy winter to tropical Bali. The sun-shining Bali and the bright smiles of the children gave us renewed energy for the New Year (though it got really hot toward the end!). As is often the case, we feel that we received so much more from Bali and her people than we offered.
Our wonderful local coordinator, Kanyaka, holds the torch with her sister Jaya Prabha (on her immediate left), her kindergarten teacher (next to Jaya Prabha) and our friend, Bapak Sudika. Thank you so much for an inspiring day in beautiful Bali!
The runners jogged together with some of the children in front of the monument, beautiful lawn and trees with torch and banner.
And also participated in symbolic tree plantings near the monument.
Terima kasih banyak untuk hari yang penuh kenangan ini!
Thank you so much for this memorable day!
Distance: 8 km
Team Members:
International - more than 25 countries
Gallery: See more images!
Indonesia 7 Feb > |