Ethiopia 24 November: Mt. Entoto - AIMS Children's Race
Today we ran at Mt. Entoto with many athletes. It is about 3000 meters high, but the Ethiopians made running it look like drinking water.

They have a very impressive program set by their coach who was with us. They all came in their green, yellow and red for the photos and were very nice. Their exercise and warm down routine of dance, steps, and exercise was magnificent in precision and great to look at.

Afterwards we proceeded to the AIMS Children's Race. This is the first year that it has happened and precedes the Great Ethiopian Run tomorrow.

The event was organized and sponsored by the same people, and once again, many of the top Olympians were there as well as the world press.

The atmosphere was fantastic, and there were lots of colors, traditional dances and sheer pageantry.

- Manatita
< Ethiopia 23 November |
Ethiopia 25 November > |