• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
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  • Schools And Kids

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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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Slovakia 30 May: Terchova - Liptovska Osada

In Terchova the sound of the morning rain was accompanied by the village loudspeaker system announcing the arrival of the World Harmony Run. Traditional Slovakian music gave the grey day the perfect color.

V Terchovej nás okrem ranného dažďa sprevádzala aj terchovská muzika z miestneho rozhlasu, ktorá dodala šede vyzerajúcemu dňu dokonalú farbu. Po nej nasledoval oznam o príchode Svetového behu Harmónie do obce.

The Vice Mayor not only held the torch, but also he ceremonially decorated it with a ribbon bearing the villages name.

Zástupca starostu nielenže podržal pochodeň, ale nám ju aj ozdobil stužkou na pamiatku

Our certificate of appreciation has also made a pilgrimage to Terchova.

A náš ďakovný list putuje aj do obce Terchová...

Swiftly we splash through puddles and pools of fresh rainwater making our way to the primary school in Terchova.

A už sa rýchlo ďalej ponáhľame cez kaluže, cez mláky na základnú školu v Terchovej

Also here children understand that a teenager should volunteer their seat on the bus to an elderly grandmother.

Aj tu deti vedia, že starú babku treba pustiť sadnúť v preplnenom autobuse...

The Vice Director of the primary school Mrs. Beresikova displays great imagination when spontaneously chosen by Vlado to participate in a "tennis game."

Zástupkyňa I. stupňa pani Beresíková bravúrne zvládla úlohu rozhodcu v "tenise", ktorou ju Vlado spontánne poveril

The children shouted our team motto "Harmony begins with me!" so loudly that it was likely heard in Australia. Currently our friends our participating in the Peace Run there and we hope they heard the childrens voices as well. On this occasion we also wish them well on their run.

Deti zakričali naše heslo: "Harmónia začína u mňa" tak mocne, že ich počuli hádam aj v Austrálii, kde tiež momentálne prebieha podobný beh, tak ich pri tejto príležitosti všetkých zdravíme!

Our teacher is our role model.

Naša pani učiteľka je náš vzor

The spark from the torch often jumps into the eyes of children.

Iskra z Pochodne preskočila aj do očí detí

Also Grandma decided to take a journey around the world, together with the children, however,along the way she was tired and jumped on this runner for a piggyback ride.

Aj babka sa vychystala na cestu okolo sveta spolu s deťmi, a keď už nevládala, tak takéhoto dobrého koníka si osedlala...

It´s raining, it´s pouring, and this cyclist with an umbrella is smirking..

Prší, prší len sa leje, cyklista s daždnikom sa na nás smeje...

From Terchova local athlete Matej helped the runners cover a 5km stretch which included an uphill section. We thank him for that.

Z Terchovej náš tím posilnil miestny junák Matej, ktorý s nami bežal 5 km, z toho nejakú časť do veľkého kopca...Vďaka Matej za pomoc!

A look likely to freeze you.

Pohľad, z ktorého behá mráz po chrbte.

After a beautiful downhill run into the village of Parnica...

No a po nádhernom behu dole kopcom vbiehame do obce Parnica...

We were delighted to meet the Mayor who at first declined our offer to run with us...

Tam nás nesmierne potešilo stretnutie so starostkou obce, ktorá spočiatku odmietla našu výzvu, aby si zabehla s nami ...

But was happily persuaded to join the team.

Ale nakoniec sa nechala prehovoriť a veľmi sa jej to páčilo.

Mayor Milada Analova was very creative to choose this unique museum as our meeting place in Parnica.

Pani starostka Milada Antalová mala veľmi dobrý nápad, keď namiesto na obecnom úrade nás prijala vo veľmi netradičnom múzeu ich obce.

Mayor Antalova explained to us how this museum is unique in the way that you are allowed and even encouraged to interact with the treasured items in this museum. Most of the collection dates back hundreds of years.

Ako nám pani starostka vysvetlila, výnimočnosť tohto múzea spočíva v tom, že sa nielenže môžete všetkých vecí dotknú, ale dokonca si ich aj vyskúšať a

tým preniknúť do atmosféry z čias sto rokov dozadu.

We could not resist the offer from the museum to try on some of the traditional clothing.

Samozrejme ani my sme neodolalí a niektoré z vecí sme si radi vyskúšali...

Our International team member from Germany embraces the torch still wearing the traditional clothing from the village. He feels especially at home in Slovakia because his maternal grandmother was born in the capital city of Bratislava.

Jeden z naších medzinárodných bežcov z Nemecka sa zjavne cítil v našom kroji ako doma, keďže jeho stará mama sa narodila v Bratislave...ponechal si ho na sebe, aj keď sa chopil pochodne na ceste z múzea.

Suddenly out of the rain appeared a magical gnome.. Did he escape from a nearby garden?

Zrazu sa uprostred dažďa objavil entuziastický záhradný trpaslík...Žeby ušiel z nejakej záhrady v okolí?

In Istebne we had a ceremony for the kindergarten and first graders.

V Istebnom sme mali ceremóniu na základnej škole, ktorej sa zúčastnilo niekoľko roztomilých detí z materskej škôlky a prvého stupňa.

A feminist take on World Harmony...

Feministický pohľad na Harmóniu vo svete...

The school children literally touched our hearts with this handmade gift of love.

Detičky nás doslova chytili za srdce svojím ručne vyrobeným darčekom z lásky.

The weather changed as did the elevation, as we covered the afternoon kilometers.

Počasie sa menilo spolu s nadmorskou výškou, ako sme dobiehali popoludňajšie kilometre.

The team jumping for joy as we arrive in the village of Valaska Dubova.

Náš tím skáče od radosti, keď pribieha do dediny Valašská Dubová.

Vlado must make a decision as we enter the city hall.

Vlado má dilemu..."Zhasnúť, či nezhasnúť?"

All was well when we were greeted by theVice Mayor of Valaska Dubova, she welcomed the team

and the WHR torch inside.

Všetko dobre dopadlo, keď nás pani zástupkyňa starostu obce prijala s horiacou pochodňou.

The sweet performance by the local children was very special.

Vystúpenie miestnych detí bolo veľmi roztomilé a zanechalo v nás silný dojem.

In this silent moment, one could feel even a heartbeat.

V tejto chvíľke ticha je možné cítiť aj niečo viac ako tlkot srdca.

The umbrela or the torch? The torch won...

Pochodeň alebo dáždnik? Pochodeň vyhrala...

This classical church is an important part of Valaska Dubova s cultural history.

Tento kostol patrí medzi dôležité kultúrne pamiatky Valašskej Dubovej.

Across the bridge local basketball players await us in the city of Ruzomberok.

Na konci mosta nás čakali mladé basketbalistky Ružomberka.

Ruzomberok is known for their famous basketball legacy. Specifically for womens basketball championships. These amazing girls were a great example of this.

Ružomberok má veľmi dobré výsledky v basketbale, hlavne ženy. Možno aj tieto dievčatá budú kráčať v ich šlapajách.

We arrived at Ruzomberok city hall, greeted by the Mayor and city officials.

V Ružomberku sme dorazili pred Radnicu, kde nás privítal primátor mesta PeadDr. Ján Pavlík.

The Mayor expressed his dearest gratitude to the WHR team for the efforts of Peacemaking and Harmony we brought to his city.

Pán primátor bol nesmierne vďačný za to, že WHR tím rozosieva semienka mieru a harmonie vo svete a že ich zasial aj do ich mesta.

Feeling confident knowing we had covered over half of the days 60 kilometers, the team prepares for a 6km run straight uphill through the woods that would take us to Vlkolinca.

Aj keď sme už boli za polovicou, mali sme pred sebou ťažkú úlohu- vybehnúť 6 km do kopca bez doprovodu áut až do Vlkolinca.

Bubbling, playing, and being childlike...

Bublifuk, hry a detska radosť....

Vlkolinec is a village preserved in the traditional way of the 17th century.

Skanzen Vlkolinec, ktorý tvorí celý rad domov zachovaný v tradičnom štýle, tak ako sa žilo kedysi dávno.

This small and beautiful place is visited by many tourtists during the year.

Toto malebné miesto navštevuje každoročne mnoho turistov...

We met a group of young people from St. Vincent de Paul High School and Primary school who had travelled from Bratislava.

...my sme tam tiež stretli jednu skupinu veľmi milých mladých ľudí z Bratislavy.

Boli to žiaci zo Spojenej školy sv. Vincenta de Paul.

This meeting was a nice moment for all of us.

Pre obe strany bolo toto stretnutie pekným zážitkom.

The childrens teacher shared with our team much history about this village.

Sestra učiteľka nás oboznámila so zaujímavosťami histórie tohoto skanzenu.

We also had the chance to enter into this historical church.

Mali sme možnosť nahliadnuť aj do tohto historického kostola.

The views from the village were marvelous.

Pohľad na krajinu zo skanzenu bol nádherný.

Our awesome Slovakian Coordinator Lukas takes a well deserved moment with the torch.

Náš slovenský koordinátor si zaslúžene sedí s pochodňou v ruke a naberá nové sily.

This statue of a legendary Slovakian bandit also held the torch.

Aj Jánošík mal tú česť si podržať pochodeň.

A rainy yet cheerful run into the gorgeous village of Liptovska Osada.

Daždivý ale veselý beh do ďalšej dediny Liptovská Osada.

Mayor Ing. Rober Kuzma welcomed the team.

Starosta Ing. Róbert Kuzma srdečne výta náš tím.

The runners were so grateful to be asked to sign the official chronicle of the city hall. We were also lucky to be treated to local cheeses and fresh bread still warm from the local bakery.

Veľmi radi sme sa podpísali do kroniky na obecnom úrade a mali sme aj možnosť ochutnať čerstvo upečený chlieb a domáce syry.

We offered Mayor Kuzma a certificate of appreciation from our team.

Odovzdali sme pánovi starostovi ďakovný list od našeho tímu.

Oops..where is my chair..

Ups....kde mám stoličku......

"To help a man on his rainy day is to buy his heart." Sri Chinmoy - Founder of the World Harmony Run

– Danica Černáková, Jennifer Cluck

Distance: 60 km

Team Members:
Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Jennifer Cluck (USA), Pranava Gigja (Iceland), Jadranka Grbic (Serbia), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Erdenebold Gankhuu (Mongolia), Irena Majerova (Czech Republic), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Danica Černáková (Slovakia), Livka Hlacova (Slovakia), Padyatra Komák (Slovakia), Marek Novotný (Slovakia), Kuladipa Babušík (Slovakia), Zdenko Michalec (Slovakia), Peter Hlac (Slovakia), Vladimir Kulisek (Slovakia), Lukas Michalec (Slovakia), Ananda-Lahari Zuscin (Slovakia), Vanshanatha Chernomorchenko (Ukraina), Sasha Kryvenko (Ukraina)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovakia 29 May
Slovakia 31 May >