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Slovakia 21 June: Liptovsky Mikulas - Brezno

Today our first stop was in the primary school at Demanovska cesta in Liptovsky Mikulas where we were suprised by children´s great enthusiasm and skills.

Našou prvou zasávkou dnešného rána bola Základná škola na Demänovskej ceste v Liptovskom Mikuláši, kde nás deti prekvapili svojim entuziazmom a šikovnosťou.

Something magical was hiding inside them.

Skrývalo sa v nich niečo čarovné.

And here inspired by children´s enthusiasm we continue our journey to Liptovsky Jan.

A tu už inšpirovaný detským entuziazmom pokračujeme ďalej do Liptovského Jána.

And this they draw for us.

A toto pre nás nakreslili.

The school gym was transformed into the garden full of beautiful flowers that were growing inside children´s hearts.

Školská telocvičňa sa premenila na záhradu plnú krásnych kvetiniek vyrastajúcich z detských sŕdc.

School principal Mrs. Pivkova touched our hearts with her speech.

Pani riaditeľka Pivková si získala naše srdcia svojím vrelým prejavom.

And at the end the oldest member of the school soulfully sang for us one of the biggest hits of the last millenium....

No a na záver nám najstarší člen školy precítene zaspieval jeden z hitov minulého tisícročia....

Neither this driver could stop looking at us.

Ani tento vodič z nás nemohol spustiť zrak.

Blossoming Liptovsky Hradok warmly welcomes us.

Víta nás rozkvítnutý Liptovský Hrádok.

I want to be free...!

Chcem byť voľný....!

Greeting with children from primary schools Hradna and J.D.Matejovie.

Zvítanie so žiakmi zo Základných škôl Hradná a J.D.Matejovie.

A city representative Mr. Jan Kazar joined the runners.

K bežcom sa pridal aj prednosta MsÚ pán Ing. Ján Kazár.

Greetings from above.

Pozdrav zhora.

And now we will find out from where the wind blows.

Tak, a teraz zistíme, odkiaľ vietor fúka...

A group photo of teachers from both schools with the city representative.

Spoločné foto pani učiteliek z obidvoch škôl s pánom prednostom.

Once children start running, it´s hard to stop them.

Keď sa raz deti rozbehnú, ťažko ich zastaviť.

From roots of childrens hands a tree Torch bloomed.

Z koreňov detských rúk vykvitol strom Pochodeň.

Friendship forever.

Priateľstvo naveky.

Yes...I made it...!

Super...dal som to...!

Oh....my back is itching me!!

Och...svrbí ma chrbát!!

Again we are moving on to the next village Kralova Lehota.

Znova sa presúvame do ďalšej obce - Kráľova Lehota.

Careful...careful....I´m gonna take off!

Pozor..pozor...idem vzlietnuť!

Little kids from kindergarden are the sweetest and the best audience.

Malí škôlkári sú najzlatší a najlepší poslucháči.

But also the elders were very receptive.

Ale aj tí starší boli veľmi vnímaví.

The mayor of the village Kralova Lehota Mr. Vladimir Kaprini.

Starosta obce Kráľova Lehota, pán Vladimír Kapríni.

We played also the elephants.

Zahrali sme sa aj na slonov.

The look that touches your heart.

Pohľad, ktorý chytí za srdce.

When we were leaving Kralova Lehota two football players Erik and Peter were inspired to run with us few metres and also centimetres.

Pri odchode z Kráľovej Lehoty si s nami zabehli pár metrov aj pár centimetrov dvaja futbalisti Erik a Peter.



Comfort, coolness, camping...

Pohoda, klídek, leháro....

Harmony Hip-Hop....

It´s so easy to move when I have five horses....gee-wo

To sa mi ale ide, keď mám päť koní.....hijeeeee

We are not going to sleep here, are we?

Tu nebudeme ubytovaní, však?

The local police security of the town Brezno helped us.

Miestna policajná ochrana mesta Brezna nam pomohla.

Thanks to deputy mayor of Brezno and the headmaster of primary art school we could introduce our team at their concert in synagogue.

Vďaka zástupcovi mesta Brezna a pani riaditeľke ZUŠ sa mohol náš tím predstaviť na ich koncerte v synagóge.

People have created here a beautiful atmosphere.

Vytvorila sa tu krásna atmosféra.

The town Brezno is lucky that it´s situated in one of the most beautiful parts of Slovakia.

Brezno má to šťastie, že leží v jednej z najkrajších častí Slovenska.

– Livka+Danica+Devatulya+Danka

Distance: 87 km

Team Members:
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Vladimir Ilyasov (Russian Federation), David Peschke (Germany), Sergey Sidenko (Ukraine), Kristina (Hungary), Samunnati Lehonkova (Ukraine), Tereza (Czech Republic), Karolina (Czech Republic), Padyatra Komak (Slovak Republic), Marek Novotny (Slovak Republic), Vlado Kulisek (Slovak Republic), Danica Cernakova (Slovak Republic), Livka Hlacova (Slovak Republic), Peter Hlac (Slovak Republic), Devatulya Sulekova (Slovak Republic), Muniya Haskova (Czech Republic), Slovak local runners

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovakia 20 June
Slovakia 22 June >