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New Zealand 20 0ctober 2005: West Auckland
Today's World Harmony Run team carried the torch to three schools in West Auckland.

At the first school...making a wish for world harmony.

Lots of horses joined the World Harmony Run today. As we ran out of the residential areas into farmland, we came across numerous fields where there were horses who would stop and stare, then charge over and run with us, continuing as far as possible until stopped by the fencelines of the neighbouring farms.

A group of kids from the next school met the World Harmony Run at the entrance of their school which was down a long driveway. They ran in with the runners. They had made flags which were displayed:

We ran on, and were greeted by another school which also showed great enthusiasm for world harmony. The students lined the pathway to the meeting hall and cheered as we ran in.

The school honoured the World Harmony Run by performing a powhiri (Maori Greeting). There were speeches, poems read out, and songs. The students sang "It's a small World After All", "We are the World" and the World Harmony Run song. One student from each class held the torch and made a wish for world harmony.
< New Zealand 19 October 2005 |
New Zealand 25 October 2005 > |