Ethiopia 27 November: The Great Ethiopian Run

The Great Ethiopian Run - the river of runners
On Sunday, Nov 27, the World Harmony Run team participated in the Great Ethiopian Run. This was a 10 km race attracting elite athletes from around the country and from Kenya as well as 26,000 people from around Ethiopia, making this the largest race in Africa. The atmosphere was unlike any race I have ever experienced. This is certainly because I have never raced in Africa before. The crowd of runners did not wait passively as is usually done in America; they pulsated, jumping up and down with hands in the air, chanting, and generally creating an electric environment. This was a fast field, with 10 people finishing under 29 minutes, but it was also an enthusiastic field. Even as the river of people snaked its way through the streets of Addis Ababa they chanted and danced.
So as a way to kick off the World Harmony Run, the Great Ethiopian Run was perfect because it drew us into the energy and spirit of the people where we could sweat and celebrate together the power of sport. We had great expectations for the Harmony Run here, but to blast off with such force was thrilling. The acceleration actually started a few days before, when many pieces of the vision began to come together.

Eliud Kipchoge (Kenya), on the right
The Harmony Run team was invited to visit a press conference held by the organizers of the Great Ethiopian Run, Richard Nerurkar and Haile Gebreselassie. There we also found ourselves in the company of elite Kenyan Runners such as Eliud Kipchoge and Francis Kiprop as well as legends and supporters of Athletics. All whom we encountered were appreciative and supportive of the goals and ideals of the World Harmony run and many gave their blessings and support by holding the Harmony torch. We honor them for their hard work in putting on events such as the Great Run and for inspiring the world with their speed and grace.

Haile Gebreselassie (on the left side), Abieselon Yehdgo (second from right side) and Eliud Kipchoge (on the right) holding the Torch Press Conference: Kenyan runners holding the World Harmony Torch

We also stopped by the Kabene Adventist Primary and Secondary School. Although our visit was unplanned, science teacher Tariku Firdissa was eager to introduce his students to the Harmony Run. Some of the students spent their recess period during a busy exam week to share a moment of discussion about friendship across borders and to offer their wishes for harmony while holding the World Harmony Torch.

School girls in Addis Ababa
We had also met many local club runners who trained regularly at Meskel Square in the Center of Addis Ababa. If you have seen the movie Endurance about the life of legendary Haile Gebreselassie, this is the place where he ran back and forth on the steps of the amphitheater. This site is frequently used for concerts and rallies, but because of the nature of the city, it is also one of the most practical places for these runners to gather to train. We found so many of them who understood the spirit of the World Harmony Run and who gave their support. One man in particular who opened many doors for us is Coach Negusu Adere of Team Ethiopianese. We thank him deeply.

Runners on Meskel Square holding the Torch - with Dipavajan and Mate in the back
Soon after the Great Run ended we met up with a team of local runners who were to accompany us to down the road toward the town of Modjo. The quickly made us understand that the day was not going to go as planned; it would in fact be much more energized and shorter than we had imagined. We actually ran beyond our goal and finished in the town of Nazaret, a full 100 K from our journey’s start. Their swifter-than-air running and natural buoyancy contributed tremendously to the day’s run. We honor them and thank them for their generous spirits.
So the World Harmony Run Africa was in full swing and promised some inspiring and fast days to come.
~Jeromy Cheatham
Well, it was a pleasant Sunday morning, a great day with all the signs of perfect weather for a perfect start to the Great Ethiopian 10 K Run. This year, as in the past 5 years, however, the race got off to another false start. It has been hoped that with the presence of Haile Gebreselassie the runners would start the race at the proper time. Nevertheless, probably inspired by the early start to the elite men’s race and what sounded like a starting horn, the main crowd took off with full gusto and speed a full 15 minutes early.

The World Harmony Run Team in Ethiopia
The race itself was quite inspiring. There were 26,000 runners and participating groups such as “Sports for all”, Care International and our own World Harmony Run team. Katoma Neguse won the race for the men in a time of 28:24 and Gennet Getone for the women in a time of 33:05. Consider that these times were achieved in Addis Ababa, which stands at 4400 meters or about 8000 feet in altitude.
For our part, thanks to the kindness of Richard Nerurkar and Haile Gebreselassie, we were able to take video shots and do camera work with some significant people and runners which allowed us to share the message of the Harmony Run with highly influential people. All in all we had a great time. We enjoyed ourselves, the runners enjoyed themselves, and many of them chanted in their native tongue along the course.

Meselech Melkamu (Ethiopia)
Finally let me add that for us, the World Harmony Run runners, the race did not stop there. We met many more runners and significant persons and recommenced our World Harmony Run at 2:00 pm and proceeded from Addis Ababa to Nazaret, a distance of 100 km which we completed by 5:45 pm! This was an incredible achievement accomplished by some members of the Ethiopian National Team, our own team of runners, and some well-timed leap-frogging of relay segments. Ayaluh Ahmed, who finished the Great Ethiopian Run in 9th place, also accompanied us. Impressed by this achievement, we consequently planned a strategy for the next day which would allow us to finish the entire run 2 days quicker.

Gabriela Szabo (Romania)
Tomorrow we carry on with the torch, spreading the message of harmony Heart to Heart, town to town, for another 6 days prior to heading back to our respective countries.
Distance: 10km
Ethiopia 28 November > |