Bangladesh 17 - 19 Jan 2009: Dhaka
The founder of the World Harmony Run, Sri Chinmoy, was born in the area that is now part of Bangladesh. A number of participants from various World Harmony Runs in other countries came to Bangladesh from 12 to 20 January 2009. During this period they were able to introduce the run and share some of their experiences in meetings with various groups in public presentations, at Universities and other locations. Visiting members were also able to participate in various other cultural events and discussions which greatly added to their understanding and appreciating of Bangladesh.
Below is a brief report and pictures from 17 to 19th Jan.
For events of 13 - 16 January 2009 see:
17th to 19th Jan 2009 - 3 Universities
A different University
- Was visited each day...
17th Jan - University of Dhaka, Department of World Religions.
The team was warmly greeted by Dr. Kazi Nurul Islam, Professor and Founding Chair, Dept of World Religions; Director, Centre for Inter-religious and Intercultural Dialogue and Director, Centre for Advanced Research in Humanities. He was very interested in all of Sri Chinmoy’s activities.
18th Jan - Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Today there were: philosophy discussion, singing and World Harmony Run activity including students and professors passing torch. This was followed by a shared lunch.
19th Jan (morning) - Jahangir Nagar University
Presentations on Philosophy and other contribution of Sri Chinmoy by Professor Bakar, and members of Sri Chinmoy international centres present. There was a also a presentation on the World Harmony Run , with students passing torch and professors holding torch together for a photo (including Dr. M. Abdul Muhit, Mr. Farid Ahmed (Chair), Dr.Manzoor Elahi, Mr. Anwarullah Bhuiya, Mrs. Arifa Sultana.)
Each of these days ...
began with interesting rides to different locations which presented more opportunities
To appreciate the various modes of transport
- including decorated wagons......
- and to note details of some daily schedules.

Observing the intensity of daily work carried out by some was quite surprising...
And beautiful nature scenes

were also incredible .
The students at the universities
Were very attentive to the introductions and various presentations
And posed some very interesting,
engaging and probing questions
which the Harmony Run team members very much appreciated receiving. This seemed to be a very rewarding part of programe for many...
There was much interest in the idealistic as well as the practical aspects of the run.
As the event progressed the torch was shared around the lecture halls to a very receptive audience
The Professors showed their support for the process and ideals of the run
And when some of the halls were overflowing the students who had been listening from the windows were eager to hold the torch together outside the room.
Bishwas then facilitated a spontaneous event as he responded to the many enthusiastic follow up questions being posed away from the door outside, as the main programme continued inside.
Bangladesh National Memorial in Savar Dhaka
19 Jan 2009 (afternoon)
The World Harmony Run Team Members then proceeded to Bangladesh National Memorial in Savar Dhaka Near Jahangir Nagar University
Monument in memory of 3 million Bangladesh people who died in war of liberation in 1971.
- Khurshed explained the WHR to those at memorial who wished to join for picture.
- World Harmony Run team members held the torch with local people visiting the memorial and
- The team sang WHR Theme song -We are the Oneness and Fullness of Tomorrows Sun".
Khurshed had been one of the freedom fighters in 1971 revolution. He trained outside the country and then served as a guerrilla commander. During revolution he had spoken to thousands of people at public events around Chittagong.
- Escorting the World harmony Run to the memorial was the first time he had his picture taken at the site.
The team is most grateful to Khurshed ul Islam and Mahatapa Palit who made all the arrangements for the visit to Bangladesh and to Professor Abu Bakar for the wonderful introductions and illumining presentations at the Universities visited.
The visit was greatly enhanced by the effots of many other individuals who shared their ideas, their time and concern, hospitality and most importantly their smiles, encourage ment and good will. The Harmony Run team is most appreciative and continue to carry these experiences with them.
Recent Related 2010 items:
Washington DC
Report of the World Harmony run 2010 visit to the Bangladesh Embassy in Washington DC is at:
Some links to Bangledesh Media coverage of the 2010 Washington DC event:
Concert in Bangladesh on YouTube
January 14, 2010
— Songs of the Soul - Heartfelt musical encounters: Gandharva Loka, Rezwana Choudhury Bannya and the students of Shurer Dhara. Both orchestras and choirs performed together as one in Bangla, in Bangladesh as an international celebration of the music of Sri Chinmoy and Rabindranath Tagore.
New York - 12 April: 2010 International Launch
- The Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN participated with the torch during the "Parade of Nations". And
- Ambassador Anwarul Karim Chowdhury, the former Under Secretary-Genreal of the UN was presented with the World Harmony Run Torch-Bearer Award for his pivotal efforts in facilitating the UN resolutions declaring the year 2000 as the ‘International Year for the Culture of Peace' as well as the ‘Special Decade for the Culture of Peace. and
for Recent Related -2011
USA 25 August: New York City - Renowned Bengali author receives Torch Bearer award and launched book about WHR founder, Sri Chinmoy...
On August 26th, 2011, we had the opportunity to honour the celebrated Bengali writer Mani Sankar Mukherjee, whose pen name is Sankar, in Jamaica, New York. Former Bangladesh Ambassador to the United Nations Anwarul Karim Chowdhury presented Mani Sankar with the World Harmony Run Torch-Bearer award. Ambassador Chowdhury, a long-time friend of Mani Sankar, is also Former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the UN and a 2010 recipient of the award.
Over a period of nearly sixty years, Sankar has written 87 books. In the 1970s, two of his books were made into acclaimed films by the renowned director Satyajit Ray. Sankar’s recent books contain insights into the lives of Bengal’s spiritual luminaries — Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and, most recently, Sri Chinmoy, founder of the World harmnoy Run..
Team Members:
Khurshed ul Islam (Bangladesh), Mahatapa Palit (India), Abu Bakar ( Bangladesh), Bishwas Polissar (USA), Sahana Gero (England), Adhiratha Keefe (USA), Shantishri Mc Grath (Scotland), Padmasini Guillet (France), Goharini Daoudi - 17,19 Jan (Moroco)
Gallery: See more images!
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